UNBOXING | The Division 2 Ultimate Edition Steelbook (Gamestop Exclusive)

IT’S HERE! The Division 2 is finally out and I must say, my excite-0-meter is so high it looks like it was glued to the red. I went back and forth on picking it up a few times. Mainly because I was trying to save money and Anthem JUST released. But with how close I am to finishing Anthem and how much its promise has fallen apart (review coming soon), there was no way I could let The Division 2 just float on by. I was a fan of The Division and was all over it when it first launched. I loved venturing through my old home of NYC and always saw it as a character in itself. But I was robbed of my enjoyment of it thanks to another game that I’m still mad at and won’t even mention because that’s how immature I am. So I never went back to The Division and regret it because I loved so much about it despite its bullet spongey flaws.

Fast forward to now and I’m beyond stoked for The Division 2. With so many things fixed that needed fixing, a seemingly positive community, and SO many details laid out in their plans for the future, it feels like Ubisoft and Massive have been at work getting all their ducks in a row for a long time. Anyway, back to the unboxing! I was going to go plain ol’ vanilla version and be fine. But thanks to getting hit by the hype train and hearing so many positive things about it, I had to go bigger. I felt a lot of promise with The Division 2 and as far as Ubisoft goes, I like to support them whenever I can, as they once showed a cousin of mine great kindness when they didn’t need to. So I cashed in some rewards from various places and went with the I-don’t-really-need-this-but-OH-MAN-I-really-need-this Ultimate Edition.

GameStop of course had a steelbook versionΒ  of the Ultimate Edition when everywhere else you can just get it digitally. Like I said, I was going to go with the regular version because I wasn’t really too keen on dropping $140, especially after I just bought Anthem. But going back and forth so much, I finally decided that if I’m really this undecided, if I don’t get the Ultimate Edition, I’ll feel like I missed out. So I went with it.

My local Gamestop pulled through and I was able to grab their last copy. And with it being the last store in my area that had a copy free, with all their stock pre-ordered and accounted for, my decision was instantly justified because I’m such a material girl.

And c’mon. Look at this thing! I was combing the tubes for early unboxing videos to see if I can get a glimpse of the steelbook. It really would’ve helped in my decision a lot earlier. But I went in blind, not knowing the design of it and was blown away when I slipped it out of the plastic.

Then I turned it around and saw The Gettysburg Address (or as I foolishly referred to it on the video – “Lincoln’s speech”) on the back and my goodness, what a powerful touch. Completely unexpected for the back cover of a game’s steelbook, but considering the game, it’s a perfect fit.

Opening it up, you’re greeted with another mention of the 16th President, with an image of his statue from the Lincoln Memorial.

Inside you’ll find the voucher for all the Ultimate Edition goodies which include the Year 1 Pass, the pre-order bonus of the Capitol Defender Pack which is included for everyone if they pre-ordered. Then the Ultimate Edition exclusive items which are the First Responder Pack, Battleworn Secret Service Pack, and the Elite Agent Pack.

It would’ve been amazing if I got my hands on the Ubisoft Store Exclusive Phoenix Shield Collector’s Edition or the Dark Zone Definitive Collector’s Edition, but they were both sold out by the time I discovered them. And besides that, they were too rich for my blood. But man, check out those goodies! I’m a complete sucker for game soundtracks. And art books… And mandolls… UGH, I need to stop.

Ok, you came here for the unboxing of the Ultimate Edition, which is still available as of this writing at Gamestop, not all this talky talky. Here’s to hoping you can get a hold of this if you’re interested in it! There’s the Gold Edition that also has a steelbook that is different than this one (thanks for messing with my OCD, Ubisoft!), so you may have a better chance finding that. If you’re looking for an Agent on Xbox to help you clean up the streets of D.C., let me know.

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