Top Reads of 2023: #5 – The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue

Number 5! I… wha-what do you mean I already had a number 5?? That’s preposterous! How DARE you accuse me of such an overlooked detail. Anyway, as I was saying. The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue is number 5 of my top 5 (and only 5) books I read in 2024. It was close between this and another one, but because I’m sticking to my guns and only picking 5 books and not deviating because I’m a professional, I won’t even mention the other one.

Addie LaRue has an intriguing and mysterious story, and characters that you can’t wait to see what they do/how they interact next.

The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue by V. E. Schwab is a fantasy novel that released back in October of 2020. Just a few months shy of when the earth stood still and life changed forever. I could only imagine what it would’ve been like having this story fresh in your head when all that was going on was happening. A girl among us with immortality, living through yet another dark time in human history. I wish I read it then.

But nope! The first time I attempted to read this gem was in August of 2022. How do I know? Because I remember posting about it.

I remember how excited I was to get into it after hearing so many things and loving the premise. The fire to read more had just sparked aflame, and I knew this was one of the ones I really wanted to get through. The post stood out because (SPOILER) I never wound up reading it lol. I was struggling to find time to get through actually reading stuff with my eyes, as weird as that sounds. I didn’t have desire to sit there for it and preferred (and still do) audiobooks. So I ditched it until I was able to get the audiobook.

Fast forward to 2023 and it was time! With a year dedicated to reading, I was even able to plan it out and pick this one as my October read. It deserved it as it has been sitting on my TBR list for so long. Yeah, I know, I know. Just one book for October?! Trust, I had like 4 lined up that I wanted to get through. But I knew me and I know how October is in this house. It’s usually the tip over the edge of the snowy cliff where I begin to flail uncontrollably down the mountain that is the last 3 months of the year. ANYWAY. I’m happy I made this my pick because it’s the perfect read for October. I know a lot of books are great for sitting on the couch with a blanket and a hot coffee, and a brisk cool breeze coming through the windows (it’s Florida, we had one or two cool breezes). But this one is PERFECT for it. It’s the mood you always wanted. 

The one thing I was afraid of was it not living up to the hype I had in my head for it. I knew it could’ve very easily not been this epic thing that I was expecting it to be (I’m looking at YOU, Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow. Geeze that’s a whole other post on its own. Woof.) But it wasn’t the case! Addie LaRue has an intriguing and mysterious story, and characters that you can’t wait to see what they do and how they interact next. 

“Because time is cruel to all, and crueler still to artists. Because visions weakens, and voices wither, and talent fades…. Because happiness is brief, and history is lasting, and in the end… everyone wants to be remembered”

Addie LaRue

There’s so much to talk about and so much to say but it’s hard to do so without spoiling anything. So keeping it simple, with only what you would read on the inside flap of the book: You’re following Addie through her long life, seeing her ups and downs and how she copes with being an immortal. That’s not all though.. Everyone she encounters or interacts with instantly forgets of her entire existence once they break line of sight with her. So it is not enough that she has to live forever, she has to do so alone. The story takes place in current day (2014), with a good portion of the book being flashbacks to her childhood (early 1700’s).

Here is more art by rosiethorns88. This was part of an art print used by Illumicrate in their October 2020 box. Click on the image for more info on it, along with more fan art for Addie LaRue!

I want to talk detail, but I won’t! Instead, I’ll just say I wasn’t ready for the level of investment I had with these characters. I was rooting, I was booing, I was all over the place. Not only that, but the pacing and structure was so good, it was incredibly easy to see it all playing out like a movie or show. I do that a lot, but sometimes a book isn’t worth going through a casting process in your head, let alone scene by scene. But no, here, I could think back and play it out as if I just watched it on tv last week. 

Also, go ahead and tell me you don’t have a casting process in your head when you’re reading a book. Say it. You and I both know you’d be lying.

I wasn’t planning on going this elaborate on these reviews. I’ve been much more self conscious when it comes to time reading and listening to things like videos and podcasts, so I try to aim for lengths I would appreciate. So whatever I create, I have been trying really hard to keep them very easy to consume. With that said, even though there’s more I want to say about this book, I’ll stop here. The longer I draw it out, the more difficult it is to stay spoiler free too, so it’s a good trade off. I will say though that in terms of page count, The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue was the thiccest book I read in 2023. Yet, I went through it like butter on a hot grate. It was such a great read that I’m so happy I was able to experience. Get it on your list and check it out if you haven’t already!

Buying info:
REMEMBER! Amazon links are affiliate links that will give me a small tiny kickback! If you are interested in signing up for an Audible membership or a Kindle Unlimited membership, please use these links as I will get an even larger tiny kickback! So thank you! 

  • Hardcover – Standard and Special Edition – The standard is, well, standard. But the special edition (which used to be exclusive to Target but is not anymore) has a few cool extras in the form of six bonus pieces of art, a letter from the author, and a ribbon bookmark! Always love those. The art would be worth it, I say. Because art is actually a substantial focus of the story. So I would go for the special edition if you were wanting one of these!
  • Paperback
  • AudiobookIf you’d like to sign up for an Audible Premium Plus Membership, or do a free trial if you haven’t yet, be sure to use my link right here! The audiobook is how I read this. The narrator was great and delivered on Addie’s voice perfectly. If you’re an audiobook person, you won’t be disappointed. Note: This is not an Audible exclusive, so it should be available via your local library using the Libby app! (which I highly recommend despite whatever kickback I may get from an Amazon link) So if you don’t have a library card, wth are you doing?!
  • Kindle ebook – If you’d like to sign up for Kindle Unlimited, be sure to use my link right here! 
  • Special Editions and covers – Blackwells (free shipping) and Waterstones also at Waterstones is The Illustrated Edition – Both Blackwells and Waterstones have the blue hardback cover that is UK exclusive. But Waterstones seems to be the only place you can still find the special Illustrated Edition! That’s the one I have, which is pictured above at the top of the post. It has everything the special edition hardcover has (ribbon bookmark, six art pieces, author letter), but also has a foiled naked hardcover, and stenciled edges! Check out my picture below to see what it looks like. If you are interested in buying a copy and care about such things, I would strongly suggest picking this up! I got mine from Book Depository for like $25, you know, before Amazon decided to shut down a good thing 😤. Now, if you’re crazy like me, you’re going to have to import it from the UK. 

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