Another Book Post About More Book Posts!

Alright this is me, attempting to keep a proper blog this year. And much to my consistent ways of doing things, I am already getting ahead of myself by writing this post after I’ve already written the two that are coming after it. Yay, ADHD! Always keeping me 5 steps ahead and 6 steps back at the same time.

I started with writing a post for my top 5 books of 2023. I felt like that was needed, and I wanted to do it for my own personal records as I have been severely lacking in doing things like that for myself. But then of course, my squirrel brain got the better of me. Next thing I know, my one post that should have consisted of my top 5, has now turned into 5 posts, one for each book. But then I had another book I really felt bad for keeping out, so I kinda made it a top 6. THEN I figured there should be some sort of introduction for this list. So say hello to this post LOL. I’m so on top of things. Totes in control.Β 

This is my first time making a list of some sort for the blog! It’s been what? 12 or 13 years? Better late than never! And honestly, this is something I should’ve kept up with last year. But now I’m making amends! I’m covering my top 5 books I read in 2023. I read a grand total of 24 throughout the year, which for me is a HUGE DEAL! Freaking seriously, I don’t think I read that many books in that amount of time everΒ (Note: I completed my 2022 Goodreads challenge but it doesn’t count to me because I counted a few graphic novels as filler. And while I love me my graphic novels, I don’t think they count).Β This was hugely in thanks to audiobooks and my local library (via Libby), some crazy Audible sales (hello, “join now for 99 cents a month” emails), and Apple Books as my main place to listen.

My current read as of this post. My goodness, am I loving it!

Yes, I am exclusively an audiobook reader! I sat for a while wondering if I was really “reading” or not. There is a hot debate that is always going on amongst book circles. Audio nerds like me are always picked on by the physical book jocks and it sucks. Why can’t we just get along?! We are both into the same girls. I mean, it’s not my fault you just look at them when I’m actually listening to them πŸ€·πŸ½β€β™‚οΈ

C’mon, you know that was good!

Look, end of the day, no I’m not reading reading. But I could still sit and talk about every aspect of the book that you can talk about. I just consumed it differently. We’re all on the same page, guys! (Get it?? I’m on a roll, somebody stop me!) I understand this, but have learned that unless I’m specifically talking about a narrator or the production quality of an audiobook, I just say “yes, I read it” instead of specifying I actually listened to it. You know, to avoid confusion. And to not rile up the self-conscious jocks who are intimidated by the nerds 😎.

I feel like this is a good time to explain something that some of you might be wondering. Why on earth do I have so many physical books and subscribe to these book boxes, if the only way I read is through audiobooks? Well, the answer is simple:

I’m an idiot.

Wait… Did you hear that?! It was the sound of my squirrel brain, processing ahead of itself again. I wrote an entire paragraph about why I’m an idiot and decided to turn that into another post. So yeah, look forward to that one if you’re curious about my physical book collecting as an avid audiobook listener.Β 

Back to the main topic, for the record, I wanted to state that my reading preference of audiobooks is not my fault. I cannot sit and focus on words on a page like I used to at my young age. And if I’m even able to, the only time I would have to read is at night. And with something as relaxed as reading, it would roughly be about 6 minutes before IΒ completely knock TF out thanks to long, busy days and quiet, calming nights. But audiobooks? Pop in an AirPod during mundane daily tasks, and I’m burning through a book in days.

Still though, despite this, I didn’t hit my goal on Goodreads (which is linked here, in the side menu to the right, and on the top bar! You know, in case you miss it…). Yes, I’m happy and proud to read 24 books in a year. But I still wound up missing my goal by ONE FREAKING BOOK. I’m so mad at myself 😩. Alas, towards the end of the year, I just couldn’t. I was burnt out, stressed from the holiday chaos, and I couldn’t focus on anything more than a podcast or YouTube video. Then salt in the wound, for about the last 2 weeks of December, I was literally 40 minutes from finishing the 24th book! I could’ve pushed it and finished that one and the 25th in the last 2 weeks! But I didn’t. It was a struggle that I didn’t want to fight myself on because I would’ve wound up really burnt out and I know what road that leads to.

BUT!Β I am slowly getting back into the fold! So again, if you want to tag along with whatever I’m up to, give me a follow on Goodreads! You’ll also be able to see the 19 other books that didn’t make the cut for my top 5 and what I thought about them. If you want a sneak peak, here is it. Can you see any books you read? Any you think are in my top 5 I’m going to be listing and talking about? πŸ€”

Here’s to hoping I keep this energy going. I am feeling quite divided these past few days. I have this blog post that was supposed to be a quick and easy, get in, get out, type of writing style so I can just rapid fire blog like I used to. But no0o0o0o0, I had to be me splinter off one post into a series of posts and a few side story posts to top it off. Anyway, aside from blogging that I’m trying to show love to, I’m also trying to spread more love into gaming which has also taken a 3rd row back seat to everything. I am loving getting lost in a good game again and I want to spend more of my free time playing. Which is good! I just need to find more of that free time, haha.Β 

Well, hobbies aren’t going to hobby themselves, right?!

Until then.

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