Tag: Spider-Man

MOVIE REVIEW | Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse

MOVIE REVIEW | Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse

Reading Time: 6 minutesI’m not sure if you were paying attention, but 2018 was more or less the year of Spider-Man. We had so much awesomeness come out on so many fronts, it was almost hard to keep up with it all. Gaming saw what is being labeled …Read More….

BOOK REVIEW | Marvel’s Spider-Man: Hostile Takeover by David Liss

BOOK REVIEW | Marvel’s Spider-Man: Hostile Takeover by David Liss

Reading Time: 7 minutesNo, that’s not a special backdrop. We just started decorating for Halloween 😉 Much like my Norse Mythology review, I won’t touch on any spoilers in the book. But if i do, they will be easy to avoid and only visible if you click on the …Read More….

Gaming Humpday Update 9.12.18: Caught in a Web

Gaming Humpday Update 9.12.18: Caught in a Web

Reading Time: 5 minutes
Whoa it’s been a long time since I did one of these! Last one was waaaaaaaay back in 2014!! Can’t believe it’s been that long. You should check out that link. If you follow gaming, it should be a nice trip down memory lane. As for today, a lot has happened so let’s see:
  • First off, I figured I’d get the hardest part out of the way. Remember that gaming podcast I used to link to here? …No? Ok, moving on. 

  • Haha nah, it was called Future Monkeys. Back in the beginning of summer we decided to call it quits. Throw in the towel. Pack up and go home. Every time I think about it, not only do I get a case of the sads, but I am full of guilt. I feel as if I was the main reason for it stopping, as my schedule was the most uncontrollable. But my partner in crime, Beardy McWhiskey will tell you otherwise. Anyway, scheduling was a huge reason for ending the show. If it wasn’t for that, we’d still be rocking it out. It was a ton of fun every time we recorded and I miss it more often than not. 


  • But! With no podcast that means I have an excuse to put this type of stuff on my blog! Lucky you, right?! We used to have a blog that went with the podcast and I wrote a decent amount of game reviews and opinion pieces there. I’m currently in the process of moving all the stuff over here so by the next gaming update they should be ready.

  • It wouldn’t be a gaming update if i didn’t talk about any games! Of course, like everyone else, Marvel’s Spider-Man is all I want to do right now. I’d say I’m about 3-4 hours in and it has its hooks webs on me good. I’m not too far into the story yet, maybe the 3rd or 4th mission. But lemme tell ya, I’ve probably swung around the entire city already! The one thing Insomniac Games had to make sure they got right was the swinging mechanic and my goodness, they nailed it. I’m looking forward to reviewing it here once I’m done. If you have a PS4 and you’re a Marvel and/or Spider-Man fan, there is no way you can miss this.


  • Since it launched I’ve been kicking myself hard on a daily basis. Not sure how well known it is here, but I may or may not have “a problem” (wife’s words, not mine) with buying Collector’s Editions of games. Now, I admit, I may have some sort of a tickle in my fancy when it comes to them. But I’ve been controlling myself a lot compared to how I used to be. Now I only get excited for and try to acquire the ones for games that have significance to me… Like Marvel’s Spider-Man…

  • Unfortunately, I thought I was going to be ok with the base game, happy to just play it. When in reality, I feel like I’m a failure of a fan for not going all in. I know, I know. I don’t NEED an ultra cool statue or a sweet looking steelbook case to make the game any better. I just feel like with my love for Marvel, and the game being such a huge success – something I know I’ll come away from just blown away – I would’ve liked something I can see and feel that would remind me of that excitement. Like what an actual trophy does for competitors. I know, it’s strange and weird and super dorky and the wife is trying to figure out ways to deny knowing me. But I have a feeling some gamers out there are nodding in agreement.

  • When the Collector’s Edition was a lost cause, and store employees were laughing in my face at the mere notion of someone trying to find one post-launch. The wife thought it would be a more sensible idea to try to get the Limited Edition console that came out the same day. I wouldn’t have minded upgrading, as it is a beauty of a machine. So I started asking around. Turns out, if anything is harder to find than the Collector’s Edition of the game, it was the freaking console. Of course, while looking for the system I managed to come across 3, THREE! Collector’s Editions that I could’ve purchased and been happy with. But I guess if I had to pick one it would’ve been the console. Sadly, I took a gamble on finding one and came up short handed. While I don’t have either one now, it’s ok, because I’m still playing the game and loving it. Despite nothing to show for it physically.

  • And you know what doesn’t help… (Last thing about this, promise. Just have to share this.) I found this YouTube channel called The Relaxing End. OMG, this channel takes unboxing videos – something I’ve been on the fence with lately – and makes them so enticing again. Like poetry for unboxings and it’s so glorious. Seriously, it’s everything I wish my unboxing videos could be, and I’ve been doing them for years. If you want to see the contents of the Spider-Man Collector’s Edition, or the Limited Edition PS4 Pro, please check out the video above with the sound on because it’s pure genius. Instant sub from me.


  • I’ll give it a little mention here, because it came out more or less the same week as Spidey. Destiny 2: Forsaken is out there doing its thing. I adored Destiny for a long time and even though I stopped playing for almost a year, I nearly got swept into the hype to try out this new expansion. Buuuuuut I stopped myself, because, Spider-Man. Maybe one day though.


And that is that for this week. I don’t have a gaming podcast anymore so this is what you’ll probably get from time to time. Not because I have a dedicated fan base that is just dying to know what I’m doing in the world of gaming (spoilers: I don’t), but because I don’t really have anyone to splat out all these thoughts too without sounding terribly obnoxious. So… thanks, blog! Till next time.
Humpday Update – 06/25/2014 – Disney Vacation Edition!

Humpday Update – 06/25/2014 – Disney Vacation Edition!

Reading Time: 18 minutesHappy Alright, I guess it’s about time I get to blogging again. We’ve been back now for around 2 weeks.. or 3? Who the heck knows, I’m still on vacation time so everything has been out of whack. I’ve even tried to prolong the vacation …Read More….

The 4th Birthday Cake – Lego Heist

The 4th Birthday Cake – Lego Heist

Reading Time: 13 minutesI cannot believe it’s been 4 years since our lives changed. In a way it feels like it should be decades longer, but at the same time it feels like only yesterday Seb came strolling in. This kid is growing up insanely fast and it’s …Read More….