Tag: fall

Humpday Update 09.18.19: The Return of the Hump/dates

Humpday Update 09.18.19: The Return of the Hump/dates

Reading Time: 6 minutesBeen forever since I’ve done one a Humpday Update for here! Let’s see if I remember how this goes. Life’s been crazy like always so I guess these would be great to keep things organized for the blog’s sake.  Ok, let’s see if we can …Read More….

Pumpkin Pasties (inspired from Harry Potter)

Pumpkin Pasties (inspired from Harry Potter)

Reading Time: 9 minutesI’ve been trying to not make a big deal about when I’m posting posts. You know, just acting casual like I’m a regular blogger with a regular posting schedule BUT OMG THIS IS MY FIRST FOOD POST IN A YEAR! Isn’t that nuts?! With this …Read More….

The Wife’s Sunday Dinners: Sweet Potato Gratin

The Wife’s Sunday Dinners: Sweet Potato Gratin

Reading Time: 5 minutes

Winter is coming… But first is fall, baby! Best season ever! Don’t sit there and start trying to think of reasons why it’s not, you’ll just be wasting your time. You could think about winter and the pretty snowfall and cozy nights by a fire, or spring and the beauty of the flowers and the warmer breezes. And yeah, summer is nice too, I guess. Soaking up the rays, enjoying the outdoors and whatnot like a savage. But fall… FALL! You get all sorts of amazingness. Including, but not limited to, this here Sweet Potato Gratin!

Fall has so many characteristics that just tug on your heart strings. The smells, the colors, the flavors, the crisp air. The other seasons can’t hold a candle to fa… the candles! Those fall candles at Bath & Body Works, I know you know what I’m talking about! Lately though we’ve been more into Wallflowers and Room Sprays instead of the candles. But hey, whatever you dig. AND we may or may not have just bought our first Christmas scents! I know, I know, I’m killing the ultra-fall post vibes here, lemme pump the breaks on the C word for now.

Ok, that was my traditional “fall is the best” opening for fall recipes. I’m such a sucker for this time of year I can’t help it. I was sitting here thinking what can I put together for the blog. Then it hit me! I don’t have to put anything together, I already have something!


That’s right, years ago, when we lived in North Carolina, I took some photos of a few dishes the wife loves to make. And by “loves to make”, I mean kicks and fights the whole time because she always second guesses her kitchen skills.

But she makes good stuff! I’m not just saying that because I’m her husband! I mean, look at these sweet potatoes! Honestly, the baked mac and cheese used to be my absolute favorite thing she made. Like I would have it as the main dish and all the other stuff became sides. But I don’t know, something about these sweet potatoes. They’re so magical!

Maybe it has to do with my unapologetic addiction to cinnamon? My uncontrollable sweet tooth that hides in my shadow like a sleeping wolf waiting for the full moon to shine? Who knows what it is, maybe there is no reason other than them being so damn good!

It’s very simple to make it too. No crazy ingredient list or cooking process. You cook the potatoes, slice them, mix the butter and everything else together, then alternate layers in a dish. Doesn’t get any easier for something so good. And it doesn’t look like much when you’re making it, either. But the sauce that comes after baking…

The syrup of butter and cinnamon and sugar and amazingness, sitting there, like a delicious hot spring for sweet potatoes to come and relax in before they go in your belly. And if that wasn’t enough, it’s topped with toasted marshmallows because screw your diet to hell and back, dammit.You have cold months to get ready for!

Let’s check out the recipe:

Sweet Potato Gratin

Sweet potatoes layered with a buttery sugary cinnamony saucy sauce and topped with toasted marshmallows. It's the way all vegetables wish they could die. 
Prep Time25 minutes
Cook Time40 minutes
Course: Side Dish
Cuisine: American
Keyword: Brown Sugar, Casserole, Cinnamon, Sides, Sweet Potatoes, Yams
Servings: 8 (or 2, depending on if you want to share)
Author: Los' Wife


  • 5 ea - Sweet Potatoes
  • 1 cup - Pecans, coarsely chopped (optional)
  • .5 cup - Dark Brown Sugar
  • 2 tsp - Ground Ginger
  • 2 tsp - Ground Cinnamon
  • pinch - Nutmeg
  • 4 Tbsp - Unsalted Butter
  • 2 cups - Miniature Marshmallows


  • Get a pot of cold water and put the sweet potatoes in there. Bring to a boil and then reduce the heat and simmer until the potatoes are tender. Should be about 20 minutes.
  • Drain the potatoes and put them in an ice bath. When cooled, the skins should be peelable. Peel all the skins and set potatoes aside. 
  • In a small bowl, blend together the pecans, brown sugar, ginger, cinnamon, nutmeg, and butter, using your fingers. 
  • Heat oven to 450 and butter a baking dish. While oven is heating, slice the sweet potatoes about 1/4 inch thick. 
  • Layer the bottom of the dish with a third of the sweet potatoes, and dab a third of the awesome mixture on top. Repeat with the remaining potatoes and mixture till you run out. 
  • Cover with foil, and bake for about 40 minutes. 
  • Remove from oven and turn it up to broil. Remove the foil and try hard not to pass out from the overwhelmingly amazing smell. Top the gratin with marshmallows and heat it, uncovered, until browned. About a minute.


  • The wife likes to use a 9x13 inch baking dish. It leaves you with about 2 layers of sweet potatoes. If you go down to a square baking dish - 8 or 9 inches or so - you'll get a nice, thick gratin. It won't last as long though.
  • I mean, let's be honest. The 9x13 ain't gonna last too long either, know what I'm sayin'?
  • Pecans are totally optional. Sadly, thanks to the devil of a nut allergy in this house, we stopped putting them in the dish. Honestly though, that crunch you get from the pecans puts it over the top. It's soooooooooooo amazing, I used to beg for extra pecans because, damn. I'm a sucker for the varying textures.
  • Speaking of extra, you can put extra cinnamon, ginger, and/or nutmeg. I won't judge you. 
  • What? Extra marshmallows too? Yolo, bro. 
  • For some reason, the mixture has been coming out more of a paste that you dab on. Before (I think back when pecans used to be used in this house), it was more of a mixture you can sprinkle on. You won't go wrong either way, just don't freak out if it's sprinkle..able.

C’mon, do yourself a favor and get this going. Give it a test run before the holidays start and see how it goes. I promise, this will be a staple come Thanksgiving.


And when you make it, and everyone loves it, come back here and thank my wife so her confidence gets a little boost.

Pork Chops with Rum Apple Glaze

Pork Chops with Rum Apple Glaze

Reading Time: 5 minutesAlright, it’s been a while, so why not give you guys a recipe?! Fall is coming. And if you haven’t checked your calendar recently, it’s coming ridiculously fast. It’s almost September! So I’m going to try and get the jump on some fall flavors here …Read More….

Pumpkin Doughnuts with Salted Caramel Glaze

Pumpkin Doughnuts with Salted Caramel Glaze

Reading Time: 7 minutesDoughnuts! I love doughnuts. Like, looooooove em. There aren’t many things I wouldn’t do for a doughnut. Seriously, when I tell you I’d inject them into my veins, I hope you believe me. The science is there, it’s been done before by great men… Even …Read More….

Caramel & Chocolate Apples

Caramel & Chocolate Apples

Reading Time: 8 minutes


So yeah, we’re at the end of October. If you haven’t caught on, I usually start my blog posts with a reminder of how fast time flies. It’s not my fault! Whenever I start writing something, the first thing I do is look at the date. And almost every time, I’m dumbfounded by how the calendar days are melting away like butter on a hot grill. I really should stop because it’s not good to live that way. The more you pay attention to the time, the more it’ll work against you.

Today’s life lessons brought to you by Wilton! Haha, yeah, another one! I have a list of things to post about and most of them are Wilton things! I can’t help it, they’re awesome, what can I say?

Anyway, I’ve had this itch since last year where I wanted to make caramel apples. I’ve never made them before and they looked like fun.

Yes, that’s right, I never made them before! Wanna know something crazier? I only had my first one a few months ago! Oooooh the humanity!

Lucky for me, it was easy enough to prepare. Wilton has a buuuuunch of products for all your Apple making needs. I went simple with mine by using the caramel dip as well as regular ol’ melted chocolate. Then they got dipped in cinnamon chips and drizzled with… Ahh, why tell you now? Let’s get apples deep.

Dipped Apples


4 each – Apples
Wilton Caramel Apple Dip
3 cups – Chocolate Chips
3 tablespoons – Milk
1 bag – Cinnamon Chips


1 cup – Chocolate Chips, melted
1/2 bag – Candy Corn Candy Melts


Wilton Fall Caramel Apple Sticks
Wilton 3.75 inch Large Treat Cups


  • This is what I did for my apples. You can go a totally different route.
  • Which you should, because an apple should be a blank canvas. There’s so much you could do with a dipped apple, it’s ridiculous. Just take a look in your pantry and see what you got in there. Why do you think I used cinnamon chips? (turned out to be pretty good)
  • I went with two different apples – caramel and chocolate. You could do one or the other, or both, or something else entirely. It’s up to you.
  • Wilton has a buuuuuunch of different dips for your apple needs if salted caramel isn’t your thing.
  • I used gala apples. There are many different ways to consider which apple you want to use. Some are more tart and will balance out the sweetness of the dip/toppings, others are sweet because the person who made them are evil genius’ with no regard for order in the world. When it boils down to it, it’s really up to you.
  • The size of the apple is important as well. If it’s too big, you’ll need more dip and more toppings to cover them. I went with small to medium sized apples and after the dip and toppings they came out looking a lot bigger. So use caution.
  • I used the Candy Corn Candy Melts because I had them on hand and wanted something white to contrast with the chocolate. You don’t have to have the same type of Candy Melt.

Alright, let’s get our Evil Queen on and make some apples.

  • First thing is to wash the apples. Give them a nice rubbin’ under water and then dry them good. You need to get that wax off as best you can or else the dip won’t stick on to the surface and you’ll feel like a loser. Don’t feel like a loser. Wash your apples.


  • Next is to get set up. Get some parchment paper laid out on a few baking sheets so you could mindlessly put things down if you have to. You’re dipping apples in caramel and chocolate. Chances are good it’s going to get messy. You’ll also be putting the apples in the fridge so this will make it easier. Also, whatever you’re using should be ready to be used.


  • For instance, if you’re using cinnamon chips because you had them in the pantry and didn’t really have anything else, then open up the bag and put them in a bowl until you need them. And try not to eat half of them before they’re used or you’ll end up with an apple that’s only half covered….


  • Then you want to prep your apples with the sticks. Now, I’m not going to lie to you, these sticks are freaking adorable. I kid you not, my desire to make caramel apples was born solely from the desire to use these sticks. They look so awesome and rustic and natural, it’s an absolute necessity when making caramel apples. So be sure to pick them up!


Alright, so here’s where it splits off. There’s caramel apples and chocolate apples, both with their own instructions and both incredibly easy!


  • For the caramel: It’s simple, just follow the directions! It really is easy, my advice is to work fast though. If the caramel starts to cool down it’ll be harder to work with.


  • Even after coating an apple, the temperature of the apple will cool it down so by the next apple it’ll be a little harder to work with. So just try to keep it at the right temperature. Not too hot though or it won’t stick at all. I know! It’s like the apple is Goldilocks or something, but it’s true.


  • The trick is to roll the apple through the dip. You’ll get a nice coating through the whole thing and it’ll be even for the most part. Put one hand on the stick and guide the apple with your fingers on the bottom. You might get some caramel on your hands but c’mon, I’m sure you’ve gotten messy with worse things. I guess you could’ve used a fork or something but where’s the fun in that?

When the apple is coated just plop it on the parchment lined tray and move on to the next one. I didn’t coat the apple with the chips until the dip settled a bit. So I dipped the next apple and when I put that one down, I coated the first one in the chips. Get it? Good.


  • Time to dip the dip in the chips! It’s exactly like that song from the 90’s. You know.. “Put your hand up on the stick, then dip the dip in chips.” I know you know it! Look at you singing along.

When you’re rolling the dipped apple around in the chips, you could either coat the whole thing or just a portion like I did. If you’re finding some spots are missing chips you could just hand place them. It’s ok, the internet exaggerates, no one is watching.

  • When it’s coated, put it back on the parchment lined tray and repeat. When they’re all done, pop the tray in the fridge so it could really set.
  • For the chocolate: I meted my chocolate with about 3 tablespoons of milk. Just do it in the microwave for 45 second intervals at 50% power.


  • And I did the same exact thing I did for the caramel. Same process, same everything. Once everything was done it also went in the fridge.


  • After about an hour in the fridge, melt another cup of chocolate on its own and put it in a small zip lock bag. The same with the Candy Corn Candy Melts.


  • Take the apples out of the fridge, then cut a tiny end off the tip of the bags. I used the chocolate for the caramel apples and the candy melts for the chocolate apples. If I was to do it this way again, I would’ve gone with a much smaller hole so the drizzle could’ve been a lot more fine that it was. But it still came out pretty good!


  • So just turn the apples about while you’re drizzling the chocolate or candy melts from the bag. Oh my gosh, the horror in the difficulty!

That’s about it! My first caramel apples! They came out tasting pretty darn good too.


I really wish I had more toppings to dip them in. The caramel apples would’ve been great with some chopped pecans.


And then the sticks! Ugh, I can’t get enough of how awesome they look.

IMG_0938 IMG_0937

Like I said, overall, the process for making dipped apples is open to interpretation. You can’t really go wrong doing something you like because it’ll be good for you.


Yeah, there are some amazingly great creations out there, but don’t be intimidated. Sometimes simple does just fine.


I’m going to give apple dipping another shot with some more ingredients. But for now I’m happy with how easy these were to put together.

And if you guys are looking for some more awesome apple dipping ideas, be sure to check out a few of my friends on the Wilton Treat Team!


Marilyn’s “Totally Cool for School” Dipped Caramel Apples from Sweets to Impress


Sues’ Mini Caramel Candy Apples from We Are Not Martha

Caramel Apples-10

Karyn’s Easy Caramel Apples and Slices from Pint Sized Baker

For the record, there are links that lead you to Amazon products. If you purchase those products through those links you’ll be helping me and my site out. So thanks!

Pumpkin Spiced Pumpkin Seeds

Pumpkin Spiced Pumpkin Seeds

Reading Time: 6 minutesI Put a Spell on You Alright, so If you’re doing Halloween remotely right, there are very good odds you have already, or will be carving up a pumpkin very soon. And when you’re in there, getting elbow deep in pumpkin guts, you may or …Read More….

Bacon Chocolate Chip Sandwich Cookies with Maple Buttercream Frosting

Bacon Chocolate Chip Sandwich Cookies with Maple Buttercream Frosting

Reading Time: 7 minutesHellooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! I haven’t seen you guys since National S’mores Day! That was like 3 weeks ago right? I’m terrible at math, let me see how ma… whoa! That was almost 2 months ago!? How’s it going! What’s happenin’!? How’s the weather?? Ok, fine, I’ll cut …Read More….

Pumpkin Swirl Shutdown Brownies

Pumpkin Swirl Shutdown Brownies

Reading Time: 6 minutes

pumpkin swirl brownies

Due to a lapse in government funding, this blog will not be updated until further notice. Please accept a picture of these awesome Pumpkin Swirled Brownies as consultation for any inconvenience this may cause.

Ok, fine. I’m not funded by the government.

Can you believe it though? I can’t. I refuse to.

I mean, when I realized my last post was almost an entire month ago, I was so disappointed in myself.

On top of that, it’s October! Stores have already had their Christmas stuff out for 2 whole months!

Anyway, what was I doing for the last month since I wasn’t blogging?

I got a job!

No, that’s a lie. The truth is I started a Daddy Day Care for my neighborhood so now in addition to my 2 boys I’m watching everyone else’s kids.

*shivers* Geeze no, could you imagine? I’d be rocking back and forth in a corner. No, no, no. I have enough on my plate already. Ok, here’s the scouts honor truth… I was traveling through the fabrics of time and space in a little blue box (that’s bigger on the inside) with a man who called himself The Doctor.


Ok, fine! I’ve been playing Grand Theft Auto 5, alright!? Whatever free time I had at night to blog has been sucked up and is being used to game instead. It’s been a good 2 years since I’ve sat down to enjoy a newly released title. 2 years! So cut me some slack. I’m sure I don’t have to go into details because there’s a good chance you or someone you know has been playing it too. I’m also not going to get into it because this is not a gaming blog. There are plenty of gaming blogs out there where you could read about that stuff to your hearts content. Like EZ-Mode Unlocked where I, coincidentally, have also been writing blog posts lately and getting back in touch with my gamer side.

Speaking of gaming, I better hurry and finish this up!

Quick rundown: These brownies are freaking amazing. Whatever you do, don’t listen to my wife. She’ll tell you they are terrible and that the recipe needs to be burned in a fire and its ashes scattered into the ocean. I guuuuuess it’s partly my fault for not warning her there was cayenne pepper in them. You should’ve seen her face! Boy, oh boy was she surprised.

I kinda felt a little heat too but it gave a depth to the brownies. The pumpkin really stands out and the cayenne pepper kinda helps it do so. Nonetheless I cut the amount of pepper in half from the original recipe just in case anyone feels the same way my wife did with pepper in her brownies. Just remember, I still back them 100% and would make them again!

Pumpkin Swirl Brownies (adapted from Martha Stewart)

8 tablespoons ~ Butter
8 ounces ~ Bittersweet Chocolate, chips or chopped

2 cups ~ Flour
1 teaspoon ~ Baking Powder
½ teaspoon ~ Salt
1 ¾ cup ~ Sugar
4 each ~ Eggs
1 tablespoon ~ Vanilla Extract

15 ounce can ~ Pure Pumpkin
¼ cup ~ Vegetable or Canola Oil
1 teaspoon ~ Cinnamon
¼ teaspoon ~ Nutmeg, freshly ground
½ teaspoon ~ Pumpkin Pie Spice
1/8 teaspoon ~ Cayenne Pepper

¼ cup ~ Chocolate Chips (optional)
small handful ~ Cinnamon Chips (optional)


  • Alright, the cayenne pepper. The elephant in the room. I’m not big on hot, spicy stuff, but these brownies were good. There was a bite or two that had me reaching for milk, but overall they were uniquely good. You got the fudgy chocolate from the brownies and then the spicy kick and familiar, homey-warm & cozy taste from the pumpkin. It’s a great blend that I wouldn’t mind having on a chilly autumn night.
  • Of course, if you’re a scaredy cat and don’t want a little tingle on your tongue when you’re eating brownies, then you can totally leave out the cayenne.
  • I made these the same way I make all my brownies – by hand. You need to be careful if you’re using a machine, over mixing is the devil, blah blah, you know the drill.
  • You’re going to do the baking in a 9 inch square pan. You’ll also need 3-5 bowls depending on how picky you are.


I’ve come to the conclusion that I am not a great brownie maker. I used to be! I used to make brownies for the night shift at work all the time and they were good! But these years of being domesticated must have neutered my brownie making capabilities. My last few batches have been extremely disappointing, and on top of that, my wife made some the other day in less than 10 minutes that were kick ass (shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh don’t tell her I said that). At least I was happy with this batch, I probably would’ve quit brownies if they came out bad.

But they didn’t! So here we go:

  • Turn on your oven to 350 and coat your 9 inch baking pan with butter then give it a dusting of flour.
  • Dice up the butter and put it on top of the chocolate in a microwave safe bowl. Heat it for 30-45 seconds. If the butter hasn’t melted give it another 10 seconds. Once the butter is melted give it a stir with a whisk until it’s nice and smooth.


  • Get another bowl and stir together the flour, baking powder and salt. Set it aside.
  • In another bowl, a bigger one, whisk together the eggs, sugar, and vanilla for a few minutes until it’s nice and fluffy. When it’s ready, go ahead and whisk the flour mixture into that, but try not to over mix it. Gluten, devil, bad juju, no good no good.

Ok, just to recap because I’m sure if you’re reading through this you’re picturing the devil in your kitchen with about 17 different bowls in front of him and an amazingly confused look on his face.

You should have one bowl of melted chocolate in front of you, along with one big bowl of batter. To add to your problems, you’re about to have a few more bowls join the mix…

  • Now, grab 2 more bowls and divide the batter evenly between the two. Easy way to do this is scoop it out one cup at a time, alternating each bowl.
  • In one bowl, add the melted chocolate from like 24 bowls ago, and gently fold until combined.


  • In the other bowl, add the pumpkin, oil, cinnamon, nutmeg, pumpkin spice and cayenne. Fold until combined.

Recap: You’re looking at 2 bowls. Congratulations, you just made one hell of a mess in your sink.


You’re welcome.

Moving on, it’s time for the final steps.

  • Take the chocolate mixture and pour half of it into the baking pan. Smooth it out as best you can without leaving any holes. Next, take half of the pumpkin mixture and pour it slowly on top of the chocolate. Smooth it out carefully, try not to mix it together. Repeat with the rest of the chocolate and then the rest of the pumpkin.


(Recap: Even more mess.)

Before you throw it in your oven cursing my name while looking at your disarrayed kitchen, you have one last thing to do.

  • Take a knife and swirl it around the batter to give it a marbled effect. Twirl it in circles, squares, whatever floats your boat. Now you can put it in the oven for about 35-45 minutes. Plenty of time to clean up that mess you call a kitchen.
  • Once they come out, what I did was throw some chocolate chips on top and let them get nice and soft. Once they did I spread them out so there was a layer of chocolate on top (thanks for that tip, +Jen Manning!). And because I had them I sprinkled some cinnamon chips to finish them off. The cinnamon chips won’t melt like the chocolate chips did (I learned that the hard way) so just enjoy them looking at you as you stuff it in your mouth. If you have walnuts or whatever else you like topping brownies with you can put that too.


And that be that. I feel like the season for posting fall recipes is already done and here I am with my first (or second if you count the banana bread) recipe for it. It’s partly due to me not making many goodies at home lately, and mostly… Well, mostly due to GTA V.


How do you like my snazzy new Fall gallery in the side bar? I never realized how much I work with pumpkin! If you’re interested in making your own, here’s the tutorial on Something Swanky that features the image mapping tool from image-maps.com.