Hotel Stays: Disney’s Animal Kingdom Lodge

Hotel Stays: Disney’s Animal Kingdom Lodge

Reading Time: 9 minutesWay back in 2018, we were lucky enough to enjoy another staycation in a Disney Resort. I’d like to take this time to thank Disney for inviting us out there and taking care of us. It was awesome of them to do that. Oh wait, …Read More….

Family Travels: New York City 2019 Part 4 – Midtown II/Little Italy

Family Travels: New York City 2019 Part 4 – Midtown II/Little Italy

Reading Time: 13 minutesThe final day in NYC was the wife and I adventuring on our own like we used to do in our younger years. Back before the kids were born, we would visit New York and spend night and day galavanting through the city. We’d stay …Read More….

Family Travels: New York City 2019 Part 3 – City Island

Family Travels: New York City 2019 Part 3 – City Island

Reading Time: 8 minutesDay three we took a break from public transportation and took a trip to my motherland. The Bronx is just a ferry ride and about a dozen train stops or so away, but by car, we’re looking at an hour and a half adventure across …Read More….

Family Travels: New York City 2019 Part 2 – Central Park

Family Travels: New York City 2019 Part 2 – Central Park

Reading Time: 7 minutesDay two of our NYC family vacation! Missed day one? You can check it out right here. Moving on, this day was much more focused. The goal: explore a bit of Central Park and reach Bethesda Fountain. Also in the cards was to go to a …Read More….

Family Travels: New York City 2019 Part 1 – Midtown

Family Travels: New York City 2019 Part 1 – Midtown

Reading Time: 8 minutesSummer is in full swing and it’s vacation time! You know the deal. Every summer we try and do at least two vacays to bookend the kid’s time off from school – one where we actually go away somewhere, and a smaller one where we …Read More….

Family Travels: Carnival Victory 2017

Family Travels: Carnival Victory 2017

Reading Time: 9 minutesBefore I get into the Carnival cruise, let me tell you how we’ve been doing here. We’re a little more than half way through the summer and it’s been a busy one. And no, I don’t mean with the kids driving us to the point …Read More….

Family Travels: Florida Part DCCXV

Family Travels: Florida Part DCCXV

Reading Time: 16 minutesWe’re finally back from vacation! And by finally, I mean we’ve been here for like a month but I’ve been too lazy to do anything productive. Three cheers for procrastination! Seriously, I feel like a bum, it’s terrible. But at the same time, it’s ok! …Read More….

Family Travels: “Chicago” (Road to the Sweet-Up)

Family Travels: “Chicago” (Road to the Sweet-Up)

Reading Time: 16 minutesSo I don’t know if you heard, but I took the family on a little trip to Chicago! Of course, by “took” I mean dragged. And by “Chicago” I mean Woodridge, IL which is about a half hour from the city. Aaaaaaaand by “I” I …Read More….

Family Travels: The Georgia Aquarium

Family Travels: The Georgia Aquarium

Reading Time: 7 minutesA few weeks ago for the wife’s birthday we decided to take a trip. We wanted to go somewhere the kids would enjoy, but more importantly, somewhere that wouldn’t make us have to rearrange our spending habits for the next few months like Disney is …Read More….

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

Reading Time: 17 minutesHaaaaaaaaaaaaapppppyyy Neeeeeeeeeew Yeeeeeeeeeear! Hey, we’re more than a week into it, but so what?! It’s still exciting! Wow, I’ve gone a whole year without posting something! (Haha, I love that joke. Never gets old.) Seriously, I keep going these long stints without updating this bad …Read More….