Put de Curry in de Co-co-nut

Put de Curry in de Co-co-nut

Sorry. I know you guys have probably been snowed in and made prisoners in your own homes by the below freezing temperatures hitting most of the nation. Just sitting there bundled under mountains of blankets waiting for me to update my blog with another soul …Read More….

The Greatest & Best Chili in the World …Tribute

The Greatest & Best Chili in the World …Tribute

[sc_embed_player fileurl=”https://themanthechefthedad.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/Tenacious-D-Tribute.mp3″] It was a long time ago, but yes, I did win first place in a Chili cook-off. It happened, and for a moment, something I made was considered to be best in the world. It’s a great feeling and something that I hold …Read More….

Cocoa Loco

Cocoa Loco

Alright, I know I said it was going to be a cookie extravaganza, but don’t get mad at me. It’s not the end of the wor… Well… Let me not go there yet. I’ll save a joke for my next post. You know… Just in …Read More….

Sugar and Spice…

Sugar and Spice…

Out of everything I make during the holidays, this has got to be my favorite. I’m a lover of spices and can appreciate the assault on the senses they can do. I think that’s a big reason why I love holiday baking. I get to …Read More….

If Milk Could Dream…

If Milk Could Dream…

Still the first week of the month and I already feel like I’m slacking. I have quite a few holiday goodies to throw your way so I really should get on the ball here. I mean, here I am, a cookie fanatic missing out on …Read More….

Thanksgiving… Piece of Cake!

Thanksgiving… Piece of Cake!

The holidays make me do crazy things. Shopping at midnight to save $30 is one of those things. Yeah, that’s not as hardcore as I used to be… Breaking night on the same night every year, standing in line for 7 or 8 hours in …Read More….

Pumpkin Spiced Mini Doughnut Muffin Hole Thingies

Pumpkin Spiced Mini Doughnut Muffin Hole Thingies

So it would seem as if every food blog you go to has these little balls of goodness. Even saw them on TV the other day being sold in a bakery somewhere. The popularity of them is both attracting and discouraging. I don’t really want …Read More….

Johnny Pumpkin Seed

Johnny Pumpkin Seed

I know I said I was going to do a few sweet posts in a row. But you can’t blame me for going back on that for this one post. More than likely, there’s only a few days left before you’ll come across the opportunity …Read More….

One Cookie To Rule The Fall

One Cookie To Rule The Fall

I cannot begin to describe the shame I feel I have brought myself. My disappointment Is the size of Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown! Why? You know why. Don’t sit there and act like you haven’t been shaking your head at me for weeks. Look at me, here, …Read More….