Tag: Unboxings

UNBOXING | Pokémon Sword and Shield Switch Lite & Steelbook

UNBOXING | Pokémon Sword and Shield Switch Lite & Steelbook

Reading Time: 5 minutesUNBOXING TIME! It’s a good time to be livin’, that’s for sure. This time of year is always full of excitement for us gamers, and for good reason! In particular, out RIGHT NOW is the very first Pokémon entry on the Nintendo Switch! Pokémon Sword …Read More….

UNBOXING | Celeste Collector’s Edition from Limited Run Games (Switch)

UNBOXING | Celeste Collector’s Edition from Limited Run Games (Switch)

Reading Time: 6 minutesWooooooooo it’s been a long time coming for this one! But I finally received the Celeste Collector’s Edition!  Celeste has been out since January of 2018, but will you believe I never played it? I actually bought it once! On the eShop, I bought it …Read More….

UNBOXING/REVIEW | Marvel Avengers Power Pack Jewelry Collection

UNBOXING/REVIEW | Marvel Avengers Power Pack Jewelry Collection

Reading Time: 7 minutes

It’s been nearly a month and Avengers: Endgame has been taking the world by storm. The ultimate conclusion to an epic 10 year span of 22 movies and it was GLORIOUS! Yikes, I still have to review it, I need to get on that. I took the oldest to go watch it during the fan event the night before it hit theaters. We’ve both been so excited from experiencing it, there’s been multiple goodies and Avengers branded things we’ve both been wasting our money on. Me? I’ve been going crazy with Marvel Superhero LEGO sets. The oldest? Well, he saved up months of allowance and with a little help from some of my gift cards, he bought this!

The Avengers Power Pack Jewelry Collection (a GameStop exlusive)! The second he saw it, it was an automatic want. Sure, he’s been tempted to throw his money away on other things and I was always having to remind him this was coming out soon. The newly announced Gauntlet by Hasbro (don’t click on that unless you’ve seen the movie!) persuaded him. He was ready to pre-order it because it’s so, so awesome. But the money burning a hole in his pocket and the August release date for it was too unbearable.

Then he almost went with the original Infinity Gauntlet replica also by Hasbro. Like, both were in front of him and he held the Gauntlet and I swear I was looking at a mini-Thanos with the power of the Infinity Stones flowing through him. I thought he was going to give in and choose the power of the universe in his hand. But at the last second he went with the jewelry collection. His plan is save up for the new Gauntlet so maybe we’ll see an unboxing for that too. But for now, let’s check out this collection.

It’s a beauty, that’s for sure. An authentic collectible, showcasing some iconic pieces from 4 heroes. And it’s numbered! Certificate of Authenticity and all. Not that it matters to the kid, but hey, it made it more appealing to me.

The box is huge. Hopefully you can see in the video just how big. Maybe it’s just big for me because I was expecting something smaller, either way I was pleasantly surprised by the size. 

Opening it up, you’re met with so much awesome, I can’t even. I wish I was able to record the look on the kid’s face when it was opened for the first time. Personally, I would’ve loved something from Cap here, but I understand what they were trying to go for – items that appear as something visibly on their suit/person, while still being something to wear as jewelry. So something that belonged to Steve Rogers probably would’ve been out of place unless it was a leather strap of sorts. 

Still, with the four heroes that were chosen to be showcased in this set, it really made it a great collectors item that spans throughout the MCU. And with how powerful Endgame was, and how this was such a monumental cinematic event to experience over the past 10 years, I felt like this set is a great thing to have. 

If it was me, I would have had it sitting on a shelf, as something to look at when I walked by to remind me of all the good memories of watching the films. But since it mostly belongs to the kid, it’s getting played with like toys! Which makes me cringe something fierce! But it really is great, to be honest. As you can tell from the video he’s beyond excited to have these collectible pieces from these larger than life characters. And with him getting older, I enjoy seeing that child-like love for things like superheroes in him. So even though he’s treating them like something he bought at Target, I smile as he’s making portals with his Sling Ring or trying to conjure the proper spell to manipulate time with the Eye of Agamotto. 

Speaking of which! How about a rundown of what’s in here:

Eye of Agamotto and Sling Ring (Doctor Strange)

It’s hard to lead off with this because these two are easily my favorite of the set. Both have a nice weight and have an expensive feel to them. Personally, I see them as less jewelry, and more cosplay accessory, but no one here is complaining.

I was really looking forward to claiming the Sling Ring for myself since the kid had his heart set on the Eye of Agamotto and the Arc Reactor, but unfortunately the ring was too small to fit me. I have rather large hands so it’s understandable, but it’s still rather disappointing as the detail in the ring make it an awesome piece to have. And it’s not necessarily for kids either, so I’d say you’ll be safe if you have average hands. The eye, however, is universal for all and while I wouldn’t rock it out to dinner with the family, I can totally see myself walking around the house with it on hoping I don’t get caught by the wife. It’ll be alright because, hey, I can control time!

Web Slinger Cuff Bracelets (Iron Spider)

These are definitely more on the jewelry side. Actual cuff bracelets inspired by the ridiculously awesome Iron Spider suit. They’re very light, but still sturdy. Unfortunately, they’re not very bendable. I was hoping to be able to close or open them slightly to get them to fit better on whoever was wearing them (no, I do not need bracelets to pretend I’m Spider-Man and web sling around the house while everyone is asleep). But as I was trying to bend them I heard crackling as if they weren’t meant to be bent so I didn’t risk trying anymore. Still, if they fit you, and you can pull it off, they would be a sweet subtle accessory you can wear out in public to celebrate your favorite friendly neighborhood Spider-Man. 

T’Challa Necklace and Kimoyo Bead Bracelet (Black Panther)

T’Challa’s necklace is rather distinct. If you wear it, there’s a good chance someone will know where it’s from. It’s accurate in appearance and looks great, so if you’re a fan of the movie and can pull it off, then go for it!

The Kimoyo Bead Bracelet is another one of my favorites. It looks and feels phenomenal. There is so much weight to the bracelet, you wouldn’t think it with the beads being the size of grapes. And guess what!? It fits me! It stretches nice and feels like it has good elasticity. Super bonus: it doesn’t stand out as something that is more for cosplay, so I can essentially wear it on a daily basis and it would look like a bead bracelet, without earning me judgemental looks from non-geeky adults. 

Arc Reactor Pin (Iron Man)

Here’s one you can’t really pull off in public. The Arc Reactor Pin (not “Arch” Reactor, like it says on the Certificate of Authenticity) is not really a pin. It’s 3 rather powerful magnets on the back, and you can take the magnets off, and put them under your shirt in order to “pin” the reactor to your person. You can see it in the video, the way it works. But even though the back is fairly hallow, it still has a good weight to it. Again, would be great for the Tony Stark cosplayer, but can’t say it’ll be something to wear to the grocery store. I mean, don’t get me wrong, you CAN if you really want to, but you know what I’m trying to say. 

Also, it glows in the dark! The kid got SO excited when he discovered it. I had no idea, so he taught me something new. And ever since he’s been going around mentioning every chance he gets that he discovered something no one else knew before. 

Sadly though, the magnets on the back seem like they’re too strong for their own good. They’re rather thin, and it looks like the force from them attaching to the other magnet caused one to crack into 3 pieces. Granted the kid has been wearing it around the house and taking it off and on, but still, we’re talking it breaking in about three days of use. And it’s meant to be worn, I’m guessing, since it’s jewelry essentially. I remember almost buying this separate at ThinkGeek but seeing the magnet broken there as well. So maybe it’s a flaw in the design where it tends to happen? 

Either way, as a collection, I can’t be mad. It was mostly the kid’s saved up money that he bought this with, but if I had it, I could have seen myself buying it for me. The Certificate of Authenticity and it being a numbered collectible really helps it from a collectors point of view. Having this set to commemorate the epicness that is the Marvel Cinematic Universe is a worthy investment, ESPECIALLY if you are a cosplayer or you have kids that you don’t mind them playing with the stuff. I want to say T’Challa’s Necklace, the Web Slinger Cuffs, and the Sling Ring are exclusive to the set. At one point or another, the other items were available for purchase separately. I think you can get lucky and still find the Arc Reactor Pin in some GameStop stores, but it’s unavailable online. So it looks like the only way to get these things now is with this set, and honestly, if you’re a fan and you want something cool to commemorate the MCU, then go for it. I’m sure there are other, cheaper ways to do so, but then how would you open up mystic portals or manipulate time?

UNBOXING | The Division 2 Ultimate Edition Steelbook (Gamestop Exclusive)

UNBOXING | The Division 2 Ultimate Edition Steelbook (Gamestop Exclusive)

Reading Time: 4 minutes IT’S HERE! The Division 2 is finally out and I must say, my excite-0-meter is so high it looks like it was glued to the red. I went back and forth on picking it up a few times. Mainly because I was trying to …Read More….

UNBOXING | SteelSeries Arctis 3 Bluetooth Gaming Headset

UNBOXING | SteelSeries Arctis 3 Bluetooth Gaming Headset

Reading Time: 3 minutes It’s been a looooooooong time since I got me a new pair of headphones. I remember when I was a wee lad, writing for EZ-Mode Unlocked like I was running out of time. There, I reviewed the Sony Pulse Elite headset, which looked like …Read More….

UNBOXING | Kingdom Hearts III Deluxe Edition (PS4)

UNBOXING | Kingdom Hearts III Deluxe Edition (PS4)

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Guys. I unboxed Kingdom Hearts III. Let that sink in. I know, I know, it’s been out for nearly a month. It’s not my fault I’ve been busy and haven’t been able to post this. But that’s not the point! The point is, KH3 is real and it’s here and it’s awesome! (so I hear)

Of course, I had to go Deluxe. I would’ve gone crazy deluxe with the Limited Edition PS4 Pro, but Gamestop made sure I kept my money in my pocket for that one. But this edition is juuuuuuuust fine. I love editions like this. Small, easy to manage. Not $200+ and still having you buy the game separate because it’s not included. No, this is a pretty sweet deal if I do say so myself.

You get the game, duh. And it comes with the retail packaging which is a great thing to have if you’re a fool like me. It’s rare you get the retail version along with the steelbook in the same package. And I’m glad they did it here because I really like the cover art for the game.

Speaking of art, there’s also an art book. Full of sketches of the various characters, keyblades, and whatnot.

It has a nice letter from the series’ director, Tetsuya Nomura, as well as plenty of cool things to admire like the detail in the keyblade designs.

There’s also a pin, which many outside of the Disney scene may not understand.

Pin trading is HUGE here in theme park land. Disney has a number of pin trading events in any given month and they bring all sorts of collectors together to trade pins with each other. This pin is a Disney pin and even has the Mickey ears backing on it. I’ve been wearing it on my hat and have gotten quite a few people randomly talking to me about Kingdom Hearts, it’s great. I like to point out to my wife that I’m not the only nerd out there!

Then there’s the steelbook. The glorious, sexy af steelbook. My goodness, it’s so sleek. The design is subtle and bold and perfect.

The only thing I can’t say that I’m a fan of is the clarity of the game’s symbol. It’s so hard to read. But maybe that’s just me. Either way, the steelbook is definitely worth the extra $20 it cost for the Deluxe Edition. Everything else was just a bonus.

And that’s the KH3 Deluxe Edition! Again, I would love if every game did Deluxe Editions like this. Well, not every game, but you know what I mean. Everyone is getting way out of control with the crazy Collector’s Editions and they need to reel it back in a bit. This is a refreshing change that I’m glad I picked up.

UNBOXING | Diablo III Loot Goblin amiibo

UNBOXING | Diablo III Loot Goblin amiibo

Reading Time: 3 minutes IT’S AN AMIIBO UNBOXING! It’s been so long, I almost forgot how to do this! I almost didn’t do it, but I figured with this whole trying to revamp the blog thing, a new, proper amiibo unboxing was needed. And the Diablo III Loot …Read More….

UNBOXING | The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild amiibo Cards

UNBOXING | The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild amiibo Cards

Reading Time: 3 minutes Ahh, The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Seems like only yesterday I was pulling out all of the nearly two dozen amiibo from my cabinet to scan them on a daily basis. Seriously, who wasn’t? If you had the amiibo, it’s what …Read More….

UNBOXING | Nintendo 2DS XL Poké Ball Edition

UNBOXING | Nintendo 2DS XL Poké Ball Edition

Reading Time: 2 minutes

I’m fairly new to all this Poké madness. I didn’t get into the series until Sun & Moon, which in case you didn’t know, came out only one year ago. So in the grand scope of things, I’m still a baby to everything Pokémon.

Still though, that doesn’t stop me from loving it all! And I’m even luckier in that I have two kids (my oldest being more into it than my youngest) that love to play it too. Seriously, there’s so many Pokémon toys and such around the house it’s insane.

This is a significantly awesome upgrade from their wedge 2DS’ to these super awesome 2DS XL’s. It’s something that I was on the fence on, but as soon as this Poké Ball Edition was announced, it was hard to pass up. Heck, I’m strongly attached to my New 3DS and this is making me want to get back into an XL.

The design is gorgeous. The matte feeling to it, the color that just pops out at you, everything feels so great in the hand and I’m sure it’s a dream to play on. And compared to the New 3DS XL and New 3DS, it’s not that big of a difference from either of them. Slightly smaller than the XL, slightly bigger than the regular sized. So it’s juuuuuust right if you’ve ever found yourself in between the sizes.

And the button! The button on the front clicks! And not just a whatever click, it’s a satisfying click and it’s a cool feature to having on it that makes it pretty unique. I absolutely adore the faceplates of my New 3DS and I’m happy with the size. But this Poké Ball Edition is good enough to be my primary handheld thanks to how great it looks and that silly little button.

So how do you feel about the Poké Ball Edition?! Or just the 2DS XL in general. Ever going to pick one up? Or do you think the 3DS line is dying a slow death? And Ultra Sun & Moon comes out TOMORROW! EXCITE!