Tag: recipes

Key Lime Brownies

Key Lime Brownies

Reading Time: 11 minutesBoom There are no words that can truly express the pure and utter joy I currently have. Not because we won the lotto or anything trivial like that. But because I can finally post these brownies.Let me tell you the story that led to this …Read More….

Blueberry Tarts – A Recipe from Game of Thrones

Blueberry Tarts – A Recipe from Game of Thrones

Reading Time: 7 minutes  Oh, plans. I’m not very good with planning. See, the original plan was to celebrate the 4th season of Game of Thrones by posting a recipe from the official food blog, Inn at the Crossroads, every week during the season’s duration. I even went …Read More….

Strawberry, Nutella & Balsamic Reduction Empanadas

Strawberry, Nutella & Balsamic Reduction Empanadas

Reading Time: 6 minutes

snbr empanadas

Counting Stars

Look!! Food!!!

It’s been a while, let me see if I remember how to do this..

I know it’s been a long time, but if you recall, I was/am on a diet. Weight Watchers to be exact. While I’m already a chiseled hunk of man, I could still benefit from losing a few. Between starting it around March and today, I’ve lost 20 pounds! I’d say that’s alright considering I haven’t included any exercising into the routine. Which I’m dreading because I don’t really get along with plain exercising. I need to be doing something, I need to have a goal. I could play a sport all day if I like it, but if I go jogging I’ll die by the end of the 2nd block.

Anyway, what business does this weight loss have in this post? I made these a couple of weeks into the diet. And it was an internal struggle that I fought with myself for hours.

See, I had this bowl of strawberries that nobody was eating for some reason.


I was thinking about making a sorbet which would have been the sensible route considering the diet and having to desperately update the pictures on that old post. But no, sensible is just not my forte. Go ahead, ask my wife, she’ll gladly tell you.

Nope, instead I decided to go all in and make these. At first it was just going to be some sort of fruit pie, but why stop there I asked? The pie dough is already chock full of butter so why not just add more anti-diety stuff? Queue the Nutella. If you’ve never had Nutella and strawberries before, I don’t recommend it. Because 1) you won’t be able to stop eating them until you either run out of strawberries or nutella. And 2) you’ll find it hard to eat plain ol’ strawberries after you’ve tried the combination. You think that sounds like something you can live with but it’s really a terrible burden on your love of strawberries.

But you know.. there was still something missing. Sure it already sounded great, but it still needed something to make it spectacular. Queue the balsamic reduction. Boy, oh boy, you want to step something up a some notches, balsamic reduction is the way to go. It fits perfectly and you’re going to wonder why you don’t have these combinations on a daily basis.

So here we go. I hope you’re ready.

Strawberry, Nutella & Balsamic Reduction Empanadas

1 cup ~ Balsamic Vinegar
1 each ~ Egg (for egg wash)
Cinnamon Sugar

Pie Dough


  1. This is the perfect recipe for when you have that extra bit of pie dough scraps you never know what to use for. You know, the little ball of wrapped up, left over dough that sits in your fridge because you swear you’re going to use it for something but you usually never do. Yeah, I know you know exactly what I’m talking about.
  2. Balsamic reduction is one of those things that makes you feel like you’re not worthy enough to have it in your mouth. It’s heavenly, in other words, and if you’ve had it then you know what I’m talking about. Funny thing about balsamic reduction is how ridiculously easy it is to make it. Seriously, it’s hilarious. If you think that black, tar looking nectar of the Gods is only something to enjoy when you’re in some overpriced restaurant, well it’s time to step out of that box “The Industry” has you in, and enjoy the fruits of cooking for yourself.
  3. I didn’t specify how many of each fruit or how much nutella because I don’t know how many pies you’re looking to make. Just think a few slices of each fruit and about 1 1/2 tablespoons of nutella with a small drizzle of reduction per pie.
  4. You can cut your dough into squares if you’re not a circle kinda person. Promise I won’t judge and I’ll respect your life choices.
  5. I know the banana seems a little out of place, but you do get a nice hint of it amongst all the other awesomeness going on. But if you don’t have any don’t let that stop you from making the pies.

Alright! Aside from the reduction, a child could make these. Heck, if a child can operate a stove safely, they could even make the reduction. Speaking of which..

  • Turn the oven on to 425. Then pour the balsamic vinegar into a small sauce pan and put it on high heat. Once it starts boiling, turn it down to a simmer. If you’ve never done this before then you’re probably loving the vapors from the boiling vinegar attacking your face right now. Just keep watching it (from a distance), and once the 1 cup of vinegar reduces down to about 1/4 cup, it should be good to take off the heat. Let it cool before doing anything with it.

What’ll be left from the liquid vinegar is a sweet, thick sauce that you’ll want to use on everything you can. Strawberries? Yes! Steaks? Prefect! As sun tan lotion? Why not!? Possibilities are endless.

  • Now that you have the sauce, get your dough and roll it out the same way you would if it was for a regular pie, about 1/4 inch thick. Cut them (into whatever shape you want), but the diameter should be at least 4 inches.


  • Spread the nutella in the center of one half of the cut dough. On top of that put a couple of slices of bananas and strawberries, then drizzle some balsamic reduction on everything.


What was that? You want to see it being drizzled again? Oooook, weirdo…


  • To close the pie, take some water on your finger and wet the edge of one half of the dough, then seal the dry edge over the wet edge. The water is going to help it stick together and seal. You can also close it up anyway you want. I used a fork to press down on the edges like a traditional empanada, but you could could just roll it up, fold it over itself, whatever you want.



  • Put the pies on a parchment lined pan (I always spray my parchment too), and cover with cinnamon sugar. Then take your egg and whip it up with a splash of water and brush it on the pies. That’s where the nice brown shine comes from. Once done, pop in the oven for about 11-14 mins, or until they look tasty.



The inside of the pies look like a hot mess, but once you take a bite… fuhgettaboudit. The reduction with the strawberry and then the nutella bringing it together is almost mind blowing. Just imagine making these on a diet and then only taking a bite. A bite! I had to force myself to wrap them in foil and bring them to my neighbor. Talk about internal struggles. I deserve a damn medal.


I’m glad I lost all that weight though because if I gave up these for nothing I would’ve been extremely upset.

Click here if you want to buy Counting Stars by OneRepublic

Bread and Salt & The Sacred Law of Hospitality

Bread and Salt & The Sacred Law of Hospitality

Reading Time: 9 minutesThe Rains of Castamere ‘String Quartet’ Happy Game of Thrones Day Week! I know, I know.. I’m a few days late and I missed all the premier viewing parties, but season 4 just started! You have 9 more weeks to make this and share it with …Read More….

Apple Pie Scones

Apple Pie Scones

Reading Time: 5 minutesI really didn’t want to be that guy who does nothing but constantly remind you how fast time is going, but seriously, we’re almost done with October and it’s absolutely insane. I mean, it’s great, don’t get me wrong. Being able to open your windows …Read More….

Pumpkin Swirl Shutdown Brownies

Pumpkin Swirl Shutdown Brownies

Reading Time: 6 minutes

pumpkin swirl brownies

Due to a lapse in government funding, this blog will not be updated until further notice. Please accept a picture of these awesome Pumpkin Swirled Brownies as consultation for any inconvenience this may cause.

Ok, fine. I’m not funded by the government.

Can you believe it though? I can’t. I refuse to.

I mean, when I realized my last post was almost an entire month ago, I was so disappointed in myself.

On top of that, it’s October! Stores have already had their Christmas stuff out for 2 whole months!

Anyway, what was I doing for the last month since I wasn’t blogging?

I got a job!

No, that’s a lie. The truth is I started a Daddy Day Care for my neighborhood so now in addition to my 2 boys I’m watching everyone else’s kids.

*shivers* Geeze no, could you imagine? I’d be rocking back and forth in a corner. No, no, no. I have enough on my plate already. Ok, here’s the scouts honor truth… I was traveling through the fabrics of time and space in a little blue box (that’s bigger on the inside) with a man who called himself The Doctor.


Ok, fine! I’ve been playing Grand Theft Auto 5, alright!? Whatever free time I had at night to blog has been sucked up and is being used to game instead. It’s been a good 2 years since I’ve sat down to enjoy a newly released title. 2 years! So cut me some slack. I’m sure I don’t have to go into details because there’s a good chance you or someone you know has been playing it too. I’m also not going to get into it because this is not a gaming blog. There are plenty of gaming blogs out there where you could read about that stuff to your hearts content. Like EZ-Mode Unlocked where I, coincidentally, have also been writing blog posts lately and getting back in touch with my gamer side.

Speaking of gaming, I better hurry and finish this up!

Quick rundown: These brownies are freaking amazing. Whatever you do, don’t listen to my wife. She’ll tell you they are terrible and that the recipe needs to be burned in a fire and its ashes scattered into the ocean. I guuuuuess it’s partly my fault for not warning her there was cayenne pepper in them. You should’ve seen her face! Boy, oh boy was she surprised.

I kinda felt a little heat too but it gave a depth to the brownies. The pumpkin really stands out and the cayenne pepper kinda helps it do so. Nonetheless I cut the amount of pepper in half from the original recipe just in case anyone feels the same way my wife did with pepper in her brownies. Just remember, I still back them 100% and would make them again!

Pumpkin Swirl Brownies (adapted from Martha Stewart)

8 tablespoons ~ Butter
8 ounces ~ Bittersweet Chocolate, chips or chopped

2 cups ~ Flour
1 teaspoon ~ Baking Powder
½ teaspoon ~ Salt
1 ¾ cup ~ Sugar
4 each ~ Eggs
1 tablespoon ~ Vanilla Extract

15 ounce can ~ Pure Pumpkin
¼ cup ~ Vegetable or Canola Oil
1 teaspoon ~ Cinnamon
¼ teaspoon ~ Nutmeg, freshly ground
½ teaspoon ~ Pumpkin Pie Spice
1/8 teaspoon ~ Cayenne Pepper

¼ cup ~ Chocolate Chips (optional)
small handful ~ Cinnamon Chips (optional)


  • Alright, the cayenne pepper. The elephant in the room. I’m not big on hot, spicy stuff, but these brownies were good. There was a bite or two that had me reaching for milk, but overall they were uniquely good. You got the fudgy chocolate from the brownies and then the spicy kick and familiar, homey-warm & cozy taste from the pumpkin. It’s a great blend that I wouldn’t mind having on a chilly autumn night.
  • Of course, if you’re a scaredy cat and don’t want a little tingle on your tongue when you’re eating brownies, then you can totally leave out the cayenne.
  • I made these the same way I make all my brownies – by hand. You need to be careful if you’re using a machine, over mixing is the devil, blah blah, you know the drill.
  • You’re going to do the baking in a 9 inch square pan. You’ll also need 3-5 bowls depending on how picky you are.


I’ve come to the conclusion that I am not a great brownie maker. I used to be! I used to make brownies for the night shift at work all the time and they were good! But these years of being domesticated must have neutered my brownie making capabilities. My last few batches have been extremely disappointing, and on top of that, my wife made some the other day in less than 10 minutes that were kick ass (shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh don’t tell her I said that). At least I was happy with this batch, I probably would’ve quit brownies if they came out bad.

But they didn’t! So here we go:

  • Turn on your oven to 350 and coat your 9 inch baking pan with butter then give it a dusting of flour.
  • Dice up the butter and put it on top of the chocolate in a microwave safe bowl. Heat it for 30-45 seconds. If the butter hasn’t melted give it another 10 seconds. Once the butter is melted give it a stir with a whisk until it’s nice and smooth.


  • Get another bowl and stir together the flour, baking powder and salt. Set it aside.
  • In another bowl, a bigger one, whisk together the eggs, sugar, and vanilla for a few minutes until it’s nice and fluffy. When it’s ready, go ahead and whisk the flour mixture into that, but try not to over mix it. Gluten, devil, bad juju, no good no good.

Ok, just to recap because I’m sure if you’re reading through this you’re picturing the devil in your kitchen with about 17 different bowls in front of him and an amazingly confused look on his face.

You should have one bowl of melted chocolate in front of you, along with one big bowl of batter. To add to your problems, you’re about to have a few more bowls join the mix…

  • Now, grab 2 more bowls and divide the batter evenly between the two. Easy way to do this is scoop it out one cup at a time, alternating each bowl.
  • In one bowl, add the melted chocolate from like 24 bowls ago, and gently fold until combined.


  • In the other bowl, add the pumpkin, oil, cinnamon, nutmeg, pumpkin spice and cayenne. Fold until combined.

Recap: You’re looking at 2 bowls. Congratulations, you just made one hell of a mess in your sink.


You’re welcome.

Moving on, it’s time for the final steps.

  • Take the chocolate mixture and pour half of it into the baking pan. Smooth it out as best you can without leaving any holes. Next, take half of the pumpkin mixture and pour it slowly on top of the chocolate. Smooth it out carefully, try not to mix it together. Repeat with the rest of the chocolate and then the rest of the pumpkin.


(Recap: Even more mess.)

Before you throw it in your oven cursing my name while looking at your disarrayed kitchen, you have one last thing to do.

  • Take a knife and swirl it around the batter to give it a marbled effect. Twirl it in circles, squares, whatever floats your boat. Now you can put it in the oven for about 35-45 minutes. Plenty of time to clean up that mess you call a kitchen.
  • Once they come out, what I did was throw some chocolate chips on top and let them get nice and soft. Once they did I spread them out so there was a layer of chocolate on top (thanks for that tip, +Jen Manning!). And because I had them I sprinkled some cinnamon chips to finish them off. The cinnamon chips won’t melt like the chocolate chips did (I learned that the hard way) so just enjoy them looking at you as you stuff it in your mouth. If you have walnuts or whatever else you like topping brownies with you can put that too.


And that be that. I feel like the season for posting fall recipes is already done and here I am with my first (or second if you count the banana bread) recipe for it. It’s partly due to me not making many goodies at home lately, and mostly… Well, mostly due to GTA V.


How do you like my snazzy new Fall gallery in the side bar? I never realized how much I work with pumpkin! If you’re interested in making your own, here’s the tutorial on Something Swanky that features the image mapping tool from image-maps.com.

Cinnamon Swirl Chocolate Chip Banana Bread

Cinnamon Swirl Chocolate Chip Banana Bread

Reading Time: 5 minutesFlobots – White Flag Warrior I know we’re more than a week into it but seriously, freaking September?! I don’t know what it is, maybe it’s the age we live in now where the world is at our fingertips, but when I was a kid …Read More….

Chicken, Cheese & Bacon Casserole

Chicken, Cheese & Bacon Casserole

Reading Time: 4 minutesFirst off, allow me to apologize. When I ventured into making this meal I had no idea where I was going with it. I didn’t know how I was going to plate it nor did I know how it was going to taste. Because I …Read More….

Gravy My Biscuits

Gravy My Biscuits

Reading Time: 4 minutes

sausage gravy

Guess what?

Summer is almost over! Man, I can’t wait.

But other than that, remember when I mentioned I had more than a few things lined up for the blog and all I had to do was find the recipes? Well I hope you weren’t too attached to those mysterious concoctions because I have no idea what I did with the blueprints. I’m going to have to make everything all over again.

Eh, I guess it’s not that bad.

So for today I have something that I could make in my sleep. Something so insanely easy that it’s almost hard to mess up (if my wife read my blog she’d take time here to point out how I did mess this up a good 3 or 4 times). Speaking of which, if it wasn’t for my southern raised wife I wouldn’t even know about this stuff. Or her famous meatloaf, or [gasp!] her baked macaroni and cheese! .. Oh my God, I would’ve been so deprived.

Comfort food will lead you straight to my heart. Quite literally too because that stuff can mess you up…

Chicken fried steak buried somewhere under a lake of gravy; shadowed beside a mountain of mac & cheese; which is almost always sharing a plate with dumplings (also floating in gravy); served with some sort of buttery biscuit and maybe, just maybe, a few green beans but only to bring color to the plate because seriously, who has time for green beans? I know I don’t. Wife tried to hide green beans in a bunch of crumbled bacon and I still didn’t fall for it!

Yeah, comfort food is where the party’s at. And a big plate full of biscuits drenched in sausage gravy will make you about as comfortable as you could get. Just remember, you’ll want to leave a few biscuits dry and set them to the side.

They’re great as pillows when you try to fall asleep on the table.


Sausage Gravy and Biscuits

1 pound ~ Pork Sausage, ground
1/4 cup ~ Flour
2 cups ~ Milk
at least 1 1/2 teaspoons ~ Fresh Ground Pepper
pinch ~ Salt (optional)

8 each ~ Buttermilk Biscuits


  • As far as biscuits go, if you make your own then go nuts. Personally, I have no problem turning to my old pal the Pillsbury Dough Boy. This is a quick and easy breakfast so why add time baking when you could be eating.
  • This is enough for 8 biscuits. And each biscuit is cut in half and then smothered so really it makes 16. If you need more than 16 of these things then high five because so do I!
  • Also, you’ll need to increase the flour and milk. You’ll get away replacing what’s above with 1 cup of flour and 3 1/2 cups of milk without having to add more sausage. You’ll get more gravy and you’ll be able to feed (eat) more. Don’t forget to add more pepper too.
  • Depending on the sausage you may need to add salt. My wife is a purist and always only adds pepper. In most cases that is all you really need, but sometimes the salt fiend in me prevails.

With it being so incredibly easy do you care to know how I messed this up? Once, my wife told me how to do it and when I was in the heat of the moment I managed to put in 2 cups of flour. Ha! That was funny. When I went to put in a 1/4 cup of milk I realized what I did.

We had sausage gravy for like 4 days.

  • First thing’s first, pop your biscuits in the oven.
  • Next, get a pan, heat it between medium and medium high heat, and brown the sausage.


  • Once browned, add the flour and stir to combine.

Notice how I didn’t say drain the drippings. All that fat is what’s going to help you magically make a nice thick sauce. The oil and grease that was rendered will combine with the flour to make the roux – the heart of every good gravy. It’s how we roll down here in the dirty-dirty. (Yeah, I said it.)

  • When the flour is combined, add the milk and stir for a few minutes. Let it sit there and once it starts to simmer start stirring again.


In no time flat you should have a nice, thick gravy with chunks of juicy sausage floating around.


  • This is where you add the pepper and adjust the seasoning. After you do that it’s over, you’ve won breakfast.

Split your biscuits down the middle and spoon a generous amount of gravy onto the open halves. Then try your best to show your manners and use your fork.
