Tag: potatoes

Shepherd’s Pie (Not Commander Shepard)

Shepherd’s Pie (Not Commander Shepard)

Reading Time: 8 minutesHappy Pi Day! Hey, I still have a half hour before the day is officially over, give me a break! That’s what I get for not planning ahead. Anyway, I’d love to post about a sweet pie instead of a savory one, like I did …Read More….

What’s Taters, Precious?!

What’s Taters, Precious?!

Reading Time: 5 minutes“What’s Taters, eh?” “PO-TAY-TOES! Boil ’em, mash ’em, stick ’em in a stew…” Haha. Sorry… Whenever I see the word “taters” I always hear poor, little Smeagol asking what they are. I love me some mashed potatoes. And there are close to a bajillion ways …Read More….