Tag: podcast

Talking about Book Subs & Discords with Sara

Talking about Book Subs & Discords with Sara

Reading Time: 3 minutesIt’s not hoarding if it’s pretty books! This is a show many months in the making! Turns out coordinating a podcast with someone in Australia is not as simple as you would think. But it finally worked out and here we are!  I wanted to …Read More….

Talking with Matt about Starfield on Xbox

Talking with Matt about Starfield on Xbox

Reading Time: 2 minutesFOR ALL, INTO THE STARFIELD The time is finally upon us! After years of development and hype, fans of Bethesda  Game Studios are getting their hands on Starfield! I sit down with Matt (Ve6a5, in Future Monkey lore) and talk about the excitement and expectations …Read More….

Talking with Al about Podcasting and VR

Talking with Al about Podcasting and VR

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Another show, another Al, part 2… or 3?

It’s been sooooo long, I figured it’ll be cool to have Al on again. We talked a little about podcasting and what it’s like to handle the technical stuff about recording. And after a sweet, sweet interlude, we got into some VR talk. The main focus was children and how they are not supposed to be using VR headsets. But are they? Who knows! Not me, but I may have some ideas here.

Until next time!

Links and Info Discussed

    • Head over to https://themanthechefthedad.com/links/ where you’ll find a bunch of different ways to help me out via affiliate links and referrals. Remember, all you have to do is get to Amazon via one of my links for it to register to me. 
    • https://designingbyknight.etsy.com — Here is my Etsy Sticker Shop! I managed to get it up and going in the time between posting this show and the last one. Go me! Check it out and favorite it to see updates. I’m focusing on more gaming centric designs next. 

Where to Find This Week’s Guest

Contact The Talking Place

If you’d like to contact the show, say hi, all that jazz, you can do so below! 

If you’re looking to join me for an episode, don’t be shy and get at me at the above links and we’ll chat!

Talking with Al about Life and Books

Talking with Al about Life and Books

Reading Time: 3 minutesAnother show, another Al Look, I’m not going to gloat or make a big deal here, but this show is out EXACTLY when I said it would be out! And it’s right on time with when my player said to expect my next episode. Sorry, …Read More….

Talking to Myself About Books, Games, and Life

Talking to Myself About Books, Games, and Life

Reading Time: 2 minutesNEW INTRO MUSIC, WHO DIS? Welcome to the unofficial beginning of season 2 lolol. I mean, it’s dumb, but I feel like that’s where I’m at here. New intro music, updated and ridiculously awesome art, it’s like a breath of fresh air being blown in …Read More….

Talking with Ken about Living in Salem

Talking with Ken about Living in Salem

Reading Time: < 1 minute



HAPPY HALLOWEEN EVERYONE! This episode is going to be all about Ken Turner! I thought Ken would be a great reason to dust off the ol’ podcast because he lives in historic Salem, Massachusetts! We went on about how it is to live there throughout the year, the craziness of Halloween, and so much more! 

Fun bonus! Check out the links below and you’ll find not only Ken on twitter, but also the brand new Delvin Cox Experience Halloween Specials! 

In these specials, I wrote/directed/produced the fun little skits throughout the shows. There are 4 skits in total: A Sea Creature (this is the one featuring Ken!), a Vampire, a Werewolf, and a Zombie. Go check out the shows! They are awesome and fun to listen to during halloween. Maybe use headphones though during a few skits lol.

Links and Info Discussed


Contact The Talking Place

If you’d like to contact the show, say hi, all that jazz, you can do so below! 

If you’re looking to join me for an episode, don’t be shy and get at me at the above links and we’ll chat! 

Talking to Myself About Games, Movies, and Books

Talking to Myself About Games, Movies, and Books

Reading Time: < 1 minuteSolo, round 2 Solo show numero 2 and I feel much more organized! Let it be known though, I recorded an entire OTHER show before I recorded this one. It was so all over the place and unorganized, I decided to ditch it and start …Read More….

Talking to Myself About Games, Movies, and Books

Talking to Myself About Games, Movies, and Books

Reading Time: < 1 minuteIn this episode I talk about all the games I’m playing, books I’m reading (and loved), and movies I’ve watched! From Animal Crossing, to The Adam Project, I’m all over the place in a span of 30 minutes!

001 | Talking to Myself About Games and Life

001 | Talking to Myself About Games and Life

Reading Time: 2 minutes

It’s Not My Ffff

I’ve been having this itch to record something, but at the same time, I didn’t really want to commit to a date with someone. And so, my first solo show is born!

Will there be more? Maybe. Only time, and my laziness, will tell. 

I went on about a few things I’ve been meaning to talk about. And I feel like it would’ve been a much greater discussion with…myself… If I would have planned it out better. I rambled a few times, but I had fun editing so it should be an interesting listen. Next time I do this I’ll definitely have more of a plan, and maybe, just maybe, a little more confidence.

Things Discussed

While talking to myself I went off course a tad. But I think I stuck to the main thing I wanted to bring up. Gaming has been a part of me for a very, very long time. I always want to make time for it, I always get excited for advances in the industry, I still love the hobby and don’t plan on quitting. Buuuuut, that doesn’t mean I have to always be excited about stuff. I went on talking about my struggles with finding time to game, and when I do find the time, how hard it is to be excited for new games these days. 

This is a subject I KNOW I’ll bring up again. And I look forward to being much more prepared next time

Music Heard 

Artist: Mikel (Twitter, Instagram, YouTube)
Song: Ocarina of Time
Album: Zelda and Chill 

Mikel is a wizard with his beats, bringing the music from some of our beloved games to a whole new level (haha! Get it?!) All the purchasing info is there in the links above. I implore you to check out some of his other albums as well. You won’t be sorry!

Contact The Talking Place

If you’d like to contact the show, say hi, all that jazz, you can do so below! 

If you’re looking to join me for an episode, don’t be shy and get at me at the above links and we’ll chat!