Tag: pies

Pumpkin Pasties (inspired from Harry Potter)

Pumpkin Pasties (inspired from Harry Potter)

I’ve been trying to not make a big deal about when I’m posting posts. You know, just acting casual like I’m a regular blogger with a regular posting schedule BUT OMG THIS IS MY FIRST FOOD POST IN A YEAR! Isn’t that nuts?! With this …Read More….

Modern Blueberry Tarts

Modern Blueberry Tarts

Oh, plans. I’m not very good with planning. See, the original plan was to celebrate the 4th season of Game of Thrones by posting a recipe from the official food blog, Inn at the Crossroads, every week during the season’s duration. I even went as …Read More….

Strawberry, Nutella & Balsamic Reduction Empanadas

Strawberry, Nutella & Balsamic Reduction Empanadas

snbr empanadas

Counting Stars

Look!! Food!!!

It’s been a while, let me see if I remember how to do this..

I know it’s been a long time, but if you recall, I was/am on a diet. Weight Watchers to be exact. While I’m already a chiseled hunk of man, I could still benefit from losing a few. Between starting it around March and today, I’ve lost 20 pounds! I’d say that’s alright considering I haven’t included any exercising into the routine. Which I’m dreading because I don’t really get along with plain exercising. I need to be doing something, I need to have a goal. I could play a sport all day if I like it, but if I go jogging I’ll die by the end of the 2nd block.

Anyway, what business does this weight loss have in this post? I made these a couple of weeks into the diet. And it was an internal struggle that I fought with myself for hours.

See, I had this bowl of strawberries that nobody was eating for some reason.


I was thinking about making a sorbet which would have been the sensible route considering the diet and having to desperately update the pictures on that old post. But no, sensible is just not my forte. Go ahead, ask my wife, she’ll gladly tell you.

Nope, instead I decided to go all in and make these. At first it was just going to be some sort of fruit pie, but why stop there I asked? The pie dough is already chock full of butter so why not just add more anti-diety stuff? Queue the Nutella. If you’ve never had Nutella and strawberries before, I don’t recommend it. Because 1) you won’t be able to stop eating them until you either run out of strawberries or nutella. And 2) you’ll find it hard to eat plain ol’ strawberries after you’ve tried the combination. You think that sounds like something you can live with but it’s really a terrible burden on your love of strawberries.

But you know.. there was still something missing. Sure it already sounded great, but it still needed something to make it spectacular. Queue the balsamic reduction. Boy, oh boy, you want to step something up a some notches, balsamic reduction is the way to go. It fits perfectly and you’re going to wonder why you don’t have these combinations on a daily basis.

So here we go. I hope you’re ready.

Strawberry, Nutella & Balsamic Reduction Empanadas

1 cup ~ Balsamic Vinegar
1 each ~ Egg (for egg wash)
Cinnamon Sugar

Pie Dough


  1. This is the perfect recipe for when you have that extra bit of pie dough scraps you never know what to use for. You know, the little ball of wrapped up, left over dough that sits in your fridge because you swear you’re going to use it for something but you usually never do. Yeah, I know you know exactly what I’m talking about.
  2. Balsamic reduction is one of those things that makes you feel like you’re not worthy enough to have it in your mouth. It’s heavenly, in other words, and if you’ve had it then you know what I’m talking about. Funny thing about balsamic reduction is how ridiculously easy it is to make it. Seriously, it’s hilarious. If you think that black, tar looking nectar of the Gods is only something to enjoy when you’re in some overpriced restaurant, well it’s time to step out of that box “The Industry” has you in, and enjoy the fruits of cooking for yourself.
  3. I didn’t specify how many of each fruit or how much nutella because I don’t know how many pies you’re looking to make. Just think a few slices of each fruit and about 1 1/2 tablespoons of nutella with a small drizzle of reduction per pie.
  4. You can cut your dough into squares if you’re not a circle kinda person. Promise I won’t judge and I’ll respect your life choices.
  5. I know the banana seems a little out of place, but you do get a nice hint of it amongst all the other awesomeness going on. But if you don’t have any don’t let that stop you from making the pies.

Alright! Aside from the reduction, a child could make these. Heck, if a child can operate a stove safely, they could even make the reduction. Speaking of which..

  • Turn the oven on to 425. Then pour the balsamic vinegar into a small sauce pan and put it on high heat. Once it starts boiling, turn it down to a simmer. If you’ve never done this before then you’re probably loving the vapors from the boiling vinegar attacking your face right now. Just keep watching it (from a distance), and once the 1 cup of vinegar reduces down to about 1/4 cup, it should be good to take off the heat. Let it cool before doing anything with it.

What’ll be left from the liquid vinegar is a sweet, thick sauce that you’ll want to use on everything you can. Strawberries? Yes! Steaks? Prefect! As sun tan lotion? Why not!? Possibilities are endless.

  • Now that you have the sauce, get your dough and roll it out the same way you would if it was for a regular pie, about 1/4 inch thick. Cut them (into whatever shape you want), but the diameter should be at least 4 inches.


  • Spread the nutella in the center of one half of the cut dough. On top of that put a couple of slices of bananas and strawberries, then drizzle some balsamic reduction on everything.


What was that? You want to see it being drizzled again? Oooook, weirdo…


  • To close the pie, take some water on your finger and wet the edge of one half of the dough, then seal the dry edge over the wet edge. The water is going to help it stick together and seal. You can also close it up anyway you want. I used a fork to press down on the edges like a traditional empanada, but you could could just roll it up, fold it over itself, whatever you want.



  • Put the pies on a parchment lined pan (I always spray my parchment too), and cover with cinnamon sugar. Then take your egg and whip it up with a splash of water and brush it on the pies. That’s where the nice brown shine comes from. Once done, pop in the oven for about 11-14 mins, or until they look tasty.



The inside of the pies look like a hot mess, but once you take a bite… fuhgettaboudit. The reduction with the strawberry and then the nutella bringing it together is almost mind blowing. Just imagine making these on a diet and then only taking a bite. A bite! I had to force myself to wrap them in foil and bring them to my neighbor. Talk about internal struggles. I deserve a damn medal.


I’m glad I lost all that weight though because if I gave up these for nothing I would’ve been extremely upset.

Click here if you want to buy Counting Stars by OneRepublic

A Pie of Ice and Fire

A Pie of Ice and Fire

Happy Game of Thrones Day! What? Surprised? A food blog with no Easter recipe on Easter? The horror! I figured, every other food blog you probably check out will be doing something for Easter, so why add to the pile? Against the stream, I say! …Read More….

Pie Hard: With a Vengeance

Pie Hard: With a Vengeance

                   Mmmm… Pie Pants…                                      ~Homer J . Simpson Nothing is homier than a freshly baked pie. Many believe that …Read More….

Pi r square… No, Pie r round!

Pi r square… No, Pie r round!

When you die, if you get a choice between going to regular heaven or pie heaven, choose pie heaven. It might be a trick, but if it’s not, mmmmmmmm, boy. 

                                         ~Jack Handey

For most, today is just a regular day.

But to us geeks, today is Pi Day!

Why is it Pi Day? Well, a long, long time ago, somebody smart figured out that the ratio of a circle’s circumference to its diameter is always equal to 3.14. Or more specifically, 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510… and on and on for over 10 trillion digits. Pi is an irrational number and a mathematical constant, found in not only circles, but in Pyramids dated back to 2500 B.C., the sinuosity of the average river, and countless other formulas and equations.

In 2009, the U.S. recognized today, 3/14, as National Pi Day. So what better way to celebrate this strange mathematical phenomenon, than with some pie!

I’d love to be smart enough to talk π with you, because there is some interesting stuff there. But the truth is that I am absolutely terrible at math. I appreciate it, I’m intrigued by Numerology and all that fun stuff, but I just cannot think of anything that I am worse at doing.

I am fairly novice at cooking though. So just because I can’t talk Pi, doesn’t mean I can’t talk Pie.

I’m a sucker for pie, but I didn’t know this about myself since I grew up with cake. We hardly ever had any pie of any kind, but we had enough cake to cater a thousand birthday parties. It wasn’t until recently when I dug deep and saw myself as a pie person as oppose to a cake person. Yeah, you can be both but that’s like being a Yankee fan and liking the Red Sucks Sox. It’s just so hard to resist a good pie, not to mention a cake is a lot more dense so one slice can usually do you in, but you can have 2 or 3 slices of pie and be good, especially if it’s fruit. That’s practically healthy!

Now, I’m not going to lie to you. I was caught a little off guard for this and couldn’t prepare as much as I would’ve liked. I had minimal ingredients on hand but I know I wanted to make a pie and was open to anything new. So while pondering and looking at my pantry, I remembered a pie that I always wanted to try, and guess what, I had the ingredients.

If you’ve ever been to Sarasota, FL or have seen shows like Man vs.Food on the Travel Channel, you know about Yoder’s Restaurant. It’s an Amish restaurant, and if you know the Amish, they make some simple, wholesome stuff. Ever since I first saw it, I’ve wanted to try the Peanut Butter Pie. Simple, low ingredient list and it looks delish. Being a little ways away from Florida, I’m doing the next best thing:

Yoder’s Peanut Butter Cream Pie:

For the Pudding:

                 1 cup ~ Cold Milk
            1/2 cup ~ Cornstarch
      1 teaspoon ~ Salt
  1 tablespoon ~ Vanilla Extract
               3 each ~ Egg Yolks
               3 cups ~ Milk
3 tablespoons ~ Butter
            2/3 cup ~ Sugar

Crumb Mixture:

                 1 cup ~ Powdered Sugar
            1/2 cup ~ Crunchy Peanut Butter

Baked Pie Crust

Whipped Cream

Like most of what I do, it’s simple and not complicated. I only had creamy peanut butter, but the only thing you’ll miss out on is that crunchy texture from the peanuts.

Note: I feel as if it could have used more powdered sugar with the peanut butter, so that it could’ve been more of a “crumb” rather than the slightly-more solid state of peanut butter that I got. Also, a tablespoon or two of cocoa powder added in with the sugar in the Pudding would make an overall more gratifying pie. I had this two nights, once with vanilla pudding and the other with chocolate, I must say the chocolate with the peanut butter and cream took it from “simple and great” to “simple and wow”.

I made the pie in a soup crock because not only does it look great, I also didn’t want a pie of this magnitude sitting in my fridge for more than 2 days.

  • First thing you do is prepare your pie crust however you’re going to do it, whether in soup crocks or a pie dish, and get it into the oven. Then get a stainless steel pot or deep pan and add the 3 cups of Milk, Butter and Sugar and let it get hot.
  • While it’s getting hot, mix the 1 cup of Milk, Corn Starch, Salt, Vanilla Extract and Egg Yolks in a separate bowl. Mix well to make sure all the Corn Starch isn’t being stubborn and getting stuck to the bottom of the bowl.

This next step is tricky, and I mean tricky. I’d explain how tricky, but I don’t want you to freak out on me.

What we… well, what you have to do now is temper the egg mixture into the hot milk. Tempering sounds like a pain because it is. If you’ve never done it before don’t get mad if something goes wrong, it’s only natural to want to throw the pot full of scalding hot liquid into a wall or out the window.

Tempering is when you are incorporating eggs or an egg mixture into a hot liquid. It’s a process that is nerve racking because if you don’t take your time and do it right, then you’re going to end up with scrambled eggs. And nobody likes scrambled eggs in their vanilla pudding. There is going to be a lot of whisking involved, which is why you’re doing this in stainless steel rather than non-stick.

So here it is:

  • Once the milk is hot enough to the point where it’s smoking, turn down the heat, place the egg mixture next to the pot and grab a ladle. Slowly, slowly, slowly ladle in the hot milk to the egg mixture while constantly whisking. Once you’ve emptied the ladle, check to see if you have any chunks of scrambled egg floating around. If you don’t, congrats, you made it through your first ladle; you only have about 3 more left to go. After you hit 2 or 3 ladles (depending on the size of the ladle and how hot the milk is), check the mixture. If it’s a little more than warm then you should be good to go.
  • Drop the ladle and pick up the bowl with the egg mixture. Turn up the heat again and slowly add the tempered egg mixture into the milk while constantly whisking. If by the time you finished incorporating everything you don’t see any chunks floating around in there, congratulations, you just tempered eggs.

I’m sorry, I would’ve taken pictures to help you through this process, but I haven’t quite figured out how to take pictures using my feet yet.

  • Next, sit there and stir the mixture around while the heat is up and wait for the magic to happen. Once it reaches the right temperature, the mixture will thicken. Once the mixture thickens, remove it from the heat before it starts to boil. Transfer it to a bowl, wrap it up, poke some holes in the wrap, and let it chill for a few hours in the fridge.

Pi r square... No, Pie r round!

While it’s cooling, let’s make the crumb mix:

  • Take the peanut butter and place it in a bowl with your powdered sugar and mix until it forms crumbs.

I know that was dreadfully difficult, sit down, you deserve a rest.

  • But don’t rest too long, you still have to make the Whipped Cream.

Once the Pie Crust and pudding is cooled, let’s put this sucker together:

Pi r square... No, Pie r round!
Notice the poorly implemented cocoa in the pudding. Sift!
  • Take the Peanut Butter Mix and layer some on the bottom of the pie crust. Then spoon in the Pudding and layer some more of the Peanut Butter Mix on top of that. Mound it with whipped cream and finally top it off with even more of the Peanut Butter Mix.

Pi r square... No, Pie r round!

And there you go, Yoder’s Peanut Butter Cream Pie. It looks awesome and tastes great. Aside from that whole tempering business, it’s a cinch to make.

Ok, maybe not a cinch, but did you think you can make such a thing with 10 ingredients? Uh huh, I thought so.

Happy π Day, everyone!

If you must know, some of my favorite pies are a Peanut Butter Pie and a Pecan Pie, both of which my wife makes every Thanksgiving. A traditional Apple Pie, something you can never go wrong with. And another Amish favorite: Shoofly Pie. It’s a molasses pie that I had once in my life and I’ll never forget it. Always look for it and never find it. Maybe I’ll have to make it one day…

What are some of your favorite pies?