Tag: life

The Once and Future Blogger – My Return to Blogging

The Once and Future Blogger – My Return to Blogging

Reading Time: 8 minutesThis is my return to blogging.   Hello, hi! It’s me. I’m Los. I know, I know. The name, the site, it all rings a distant, faded bell in your head. I feel like this should be one of those commercials where the celebrity introduces …Read More….

(Podcast) Talking about The Guilt of Staying at Home

(Podcast) Talking about The Guilt of Staying at Home

Reading Time: 2 minutesAll work and no play.. maybe.. sometimes. Maybe eventually I’ll get into actual fun gaming talk lol. Not this week though! I wanted to talk about what I’m playing and doing, but instead it turned into a 20 minute derailment on the mental roadblocks of …Read More….

Talking with Al about Life and Books

Talking with Al about Life and Books

Reading Time: 3 minutesAnother show, another Al Look, I’m not going to gloat or make a big deal here, but this show is out EXACTLY when I said it would be out! And it’s right on time with when my player said to expect my next episode. Sorry, …Read More….

Talking to Myself About Books, Games, and Life

Talking to Myself About Books, Games, and Life

Reading Time: 2 minutesNEW INTRO MUSIC, WHO DIS? Welcome to the unofficial beginning of season 2 lolol. I mean, it’s dumb, but I feel like that’s where I’m at here. New intro music, updated and ridiculously awesome art, it’s like a breath of fresh air being blown in …Read More….

Talking with Ken about Living in Salem

Talking with Ken about Living in Salem

Reading Time: < 1 minute. THIS IS HALLOWEEN HAPPY HALLOWEEN EVERYONE! This episode is going to be all about Ken Turner! I thought Ken would be a great reason to dust off the ol’ podcast because he lives in historic Salem, Massachusetts! We went on about how it is …Read More….

What’s Up, Life?!

What’s Up, Life?!

Reading Time: 5 minutesIt’s the most wonderful time of year! Gotta love the holidays, don’t cha?! There’s always a feel in the air. Like some sort of magic filling up all around. I’m sure there are plenty that don’t feel it. Sometimes life can.. well, life can happen. …Read More….

001 | Talking to Myself About Games and Life

001 | Talking to Myself About Games and Life

Reading Time: 2 minutesThis is episode 1 of Talking to Myself, a solo show sharing the feed of The Talking Place. This time, I’m getting some stuff off my chest about gaming and where it fits into my life these days. This first try was a little bumpy but I look forward to doing this again!

012 | Everything But Games w/ Elaine

012 | Everything But Games w/ Elaine

Reading Time: 2 minutesAfter a short break, episode 12 of The Talking Place has Los (@the1llusiveman) joined by Elaine (@etdragon) for the second show in a row! We discuss books we’re reading, shows we’re watching, and our favorite snacks. Come check it out!

The Talking Place Ep 011 | Today’s Positive w/ Elaine

The Talking Place Ep 011 | Today’s Positive w/ Elaine

Reading Time: < 1 minuteToday’s Positive: An awesome show Hear ye, hear ye, hear ye! On this, the 3rd day of February. Elaine, etdragon, OG,  pioneer of pioneers, originator of originators, was awakened at sunset from her trash panda haven, and spoke to me in Elainese and said: I …Read More….

A New View of Life After Finding Cancer

A New View of Life After Finding Cancer

Reading Time: 12 minutes—UPDATE BELOW POST— This is going to be a no frills post. No pics, just rambling. Lots has happened and I just want to get it out there.  I know this is personal and not really something a lot of people can or will share. …Read More….