Tag: garlic

This Salad Weighs a Crou-ton

This Salad Weighs a Crou-ton

Reading Time: 6 minutes3 Doors Down – Citizen Soldiers It happened again… I made a post with garlic bread and before I knew it, I started getting urges… I thought it would pass but after a few days my hands started shaking and I couldn’t control it… …You’re …Read More….

Hard Boiled Garlic Bread

Hard Boiled Garlic Bread

Reading Time: 7 minutesLike A Stone So we had spaghetti last night. One thing I love about spaghetti night is I get to make garlic bread. I freaking love me some garlic bread. With 2 different variations already on here, I figured why not help you put one to more …Read More….

What’s Taters, Precious?!

What’s Taters, Precious?!

Reading Time: 5 minutes“What’s Taters, eh?” “PO-TAY-TOES! Boil ’em, mash ’em, stick ’em in a stew…” Haha. Sorry… Whenever I see the word “taters” I always hear poor, little Smeagol asking what they are. I love me some mashed potatoes. And there are close to a bajillion ways …Read More….

Déjà Garlic Bread

Déjà Garlic Bread

Reading Time: 4 minutesI would like to take this time to apologize. Why am I apologizing? Well, one, because I feel like I’m neglecting all 9 of you who regularly check out my blog. I’ve been crazy busy with moving and I’m missing out on primo fall-time recipe …Read More….

The Garlic of the Gods

The Garlic of the Gods

Reading Time: 4 minutesI’ve been in this garlicy, bready kind of mood lately, have you noticed? Nah, I bet you didn’t. But if you did, you’re probably wondering what I have up my sleeve next. Go ahead, guess.. (If you guessed bread, I’ll give you another chance to …Read More….

Garlic + Bread = Love

Garlic + Bread = Love

Reading Time: 4 minutesHave you ever had a giant bowl of pasta, then afterwards still feel a little empty inside? Like something was missing and you just couldn’t figure out what? Well I’ll tell you what was missing… Garlic Bread. If you’re having pasta, no matter how much …Read More….