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Humpday Update – 4/23/14

Humpday Update – 4/23/14

Radioactive [feat. Kendrick Lamar] [Explicit] Another week, another Humpday. I hope everyone had an awesome Easter! As you may have noticed, I have gone a few weeks without a food post. I’ve been pretty busy and haven’t had time to put something together. Soon though, …Read More….

The Freshman Class: Santa Cruz Episode 1 Thoughts

The Freshman Class: Santa Cruz Episode 1 Thoughts

I know, I know. I said I was just going to delete them all but I couldn’t help it. I realized they were only 30 minute long episodes, so I figured I wouldn’t get that stressed out. If they were an hour long then this …Read More….

Humpday Update – 4/16/14

Humpday Update – 4/16/14

Valio La Pena

I don’t always do it, but I try my best to keep up with fellow bloggers. I honestly feel like I’m doing something wrong with how I go about my days because I hardly ever have time to juggle my small list of hobbies. I mean, I’ve been itching to read a book for months now but I can’t sit down and enjoy it knowing I have posts to write, games to play, and shows to watch.

Anyway, what I was trying to get at is that I really enjoy reading the blog posts that aren’t centered around a recipe. You know, those random garbles of stuff that happened throughout the week, usually in list form but they don’t have to be. To me, those posts really show the person behind the blog. And I love that.

I’ve been thinking about it and I wanted to start my own weekly thingamajig. So here we are at my first Humpday Update.

  • Among other places, the name Humpday Update comes from an old gaming podcast I used to listen to called Sarcastic Gamer. I stopped listening years ago because of how drastically their format changed, but it’s looking like they’re trying to go back to the way they were. Guess I’ll try them again soon.
  • Speaking of podcasts, if you don’t listen to any, you should. I was thinking of even dedicating posts to some episodes that might be worth it.
  • If you don’t follow me on Twitter or Instagram, then you wouldn’t know that we now own a minivan. You also wouldn’t know my son and I dubbed it Iron Van because of the color and all the automatic moving parts. While I thought my extraordinarily high level of cool would’ve taken a drastic dip, I’m actually pretty used to it already and think it’s a great upgrade. Especially after I hook it up to look like Iron Man.


  • My laptop’s battery has decided to revolt against me. Not only does it last for about 5 minutes unplugged, it also tries to burn me when it is plugged in. So in retaliation, I resurrected my old tablet. An OG, ASUS Transformer. I gave it a factory reset; only added the basics back on it and it’s not half bad. Well, it’s still slow as dirt, but it works.


  • I made a 4 layer chocolate cake for my sister in-law’s boyfriend’s birthday. They said they “weren’t ready for how chocolatey” it was. I think that deserves a pat on the back, don’t you?


  • Speaking of naked cakes, Wilton’s Sweet Up was this passed Friday. As a Wilton Sweet Treat Team member I was invited to attend but I couldn’t. I was totally fine with it but once I saw all the stuff that was going on I was fairly bummed I didn’t make it. Glad everyone that did attend had fun though!
  • We just watched, for the first time, the season 3 finale of Game of Thrones. Since I read the book I wasn’t in a rush to see what happened, and the wife didn’t care to continue after seeing the Red Wedding. But we finally did it and I’m glad we can just go straight into season 4 now.
  • Speaking of season 4.. freaking spoilers! Everywhere there’s spoilers. I can’t blame anyone because it was crazy stuff; and I knew what was going to happen but the wife didn’t. So we were both kinda upset that was ruined for her. But whaddaya gonna do? It’s the internet.


  • Staying on Game of Thrones, I told myself I’m going to read A Dance with Dragons once season 4 is done, but first I need to read the other books I’ve been wanting to read.
  • I’ve had The Lost Symbol by Dan Brown sitting here for years. The amount of dust I blew off it was absurd. And for what? So it could sit in my nightstand drawer unread instead. I need to get on that but 2 things are stopping me: 1) time and my lack of proper management for it, and 2) it’s an actual book. Now, I love books. Turning the pages, feeling the weight, smelling the ink, all that stuff. But digital fits my lazy lifestyle so much better. Excuses be damned, I have to read!
  • I have every episode of The Freshman Class: Santa Cruz recorded on the dvr. It’s yet another reality series on Cooking Channel, this time based on following culinary students during their freshman year of culinary school. I haven’t been able to bring myself to watch it because i know it’ll bring back my PTSD of my time in culinary school. I think I’ll just delete them all or else I’m going to be waking up in cold sweats, and beating up the pillow while screaming “WHAT DO YOU MEAN THERE’S NOT ENOUGH SALT!?”
  • Lastly, there’s a trailer I wanted to share. I just started following the film thanks to Robert Downey Jr. joining Twitter. I’m not big on going to the movies like I used to be. I try not to get hyped up if I’m not going to be able to watch it till it hits blu ray, but this makes it hard to resist:

Chef, written and directed by Jon Favreau, is (in a nutshell from what I gather) a movie about a chef (Favreau) who feels tied down working his job in the kitchen, winds up losing his job, then goes out and gets a food truck and rekindles his passion. This trailer got me extremely excited to watch it for a few reasons.

First, there’s a great cast! Second, it looks relatable on many levels. I used to hate when we in the kitchen weren’t given the freedom to come up with our own dishes. Because let me tell you something.. If you walk into any respectable kitchen and tell them you want something they like to make that is not on the menu, odds are you’ll get a plate that will put anything else you’ve ever had there to shame. Where I used to work, each guy on the line used to have 2 or 3 dishes that he made on the side. Whether it be for him or for the whole kitchen, there was always something. But anyway.. just from the trailer I could see the film is going to capture those emotions.

It’s also relatable because I’ve always had this strange desire to run a food truck. Since day 1 of school I’ve never had any care for opening my own restaurant, unlike everyone else it seemed. But I always said I’d love my own little pizzeria, bakery, or food truck. It just seems so much more logical, not to mention fun. And I think the movie is going to heighten the popularity of food trucks even more since it’s already been booming for a few years now.

On top of all that, I love cooking movies. They’re usually charming and almost always inspiring. There’s always something about a cooking movie that makes me miss working in a kitchen. So if it something comes out and it centers around a restaurant or kitchen then it will get my attention. I remember working in a hotel and going to a midnight screening of Waiting…. At the time, it was the greatest movie ever made. The theater was full of restaurant workers who were laughing, clapping, and cheering throughout the whole movie. It was a great experience that taught me there will always be an audience for these types of movies. Other favorites of mine are No Reservations (which is currently on the dvr), Spanglish (that egg sandwich he makes, my goodness), and of course Ratatouille – which captures working in the kitchen amazingly well for an animated film. There’s also the short lived, 13 episode show Kitchen Confidential, based on the similarly titled book by Anthony Bourdain, which stars a fairly young Bradley Cooper. The fact that it’s a sitcom based on one of the best culinary books out there should have grabbed you, but I know Bradley Cooper is what got your attention. I pride myself in knowing that show existed, that I watched it when it was airing, and that I own it on dvd. If you’ve never heard of it go check it out! And if you’re wondering, I still have Eat Pray Love and Julie & Julia on my list of movies to watch someday.

And that’s about that. I got a little wordy like always so I’m kinda missing the point on the whole brief update thing. But this was my first one! Should I try to tone it down next week or was it fine? Let me know!

Also let me know what’s your favorite cooking movie. And if you’ve ever heard of Bradley Cooper’s Kitchen Confidential.

Click here if you want to purchase Valio La Pena by Marc Anthony

Bread and Salt & The Sacred Law of Hospitality

Bread and Salt & The Sacred Law of Hospitality

The Rains of Castamere ‘String Quartet’ Happy Game of Thrones Day Week! I know, I know.. I’m a few days late and I missed all the premier viewing parties, but season 4 just started! You have 9 more weeks to make this and share it with …Read More….

The 4th Birthday Cake – Lego Heist

The 4th Birthday Cake – Lego Heist

I cannot believe it’s been 4 years since our lives changed. In a way it feels like it should be decades longer, but at the same time it feels like only yesterday Seb came strolling in. This kid is growing up insanely fast and it’s …Read More….

Disney Movie Theories Pt. I

Disney Movie Theories Pt. I

Walt_disney_pictures exposed


I just watched Frozen for the first time the other day. My wife and my oldest had already seen it and ever since then I’ve had this underlining jealously towards them for it, especially after it won all those academy awards.

But I’m not going to really talk about how awesome it was, or how great the songs were, or how much I’ve been wanting to watch it again. There are plenty of other places you can hear all that. I’m going to talk about something else that I just can’t wrap my head around because of the insane possibility of its truth.

Dare I call it, a conspiracy theory?

No, not a government conspiracy theory, those are boring and scary, my nerves can’t take reading about those. I’m talking about a Disney theory.

A Disney Movie Theory. There, that’s better. Conspiracy is such an ugly word.

First off, to clear it up, I am a huge Disney fan. I grew up on all the classics and can create quite the awkward situation by singing most of the songs while being the grown, hunk of man that I am. Secondly, there are an insane amount of different theories out there regarding Disney ranging from innocent to NSFW. I’ll be focusing more on the calmer variety, because there’s stuff out there that can get a little raunchy and even some stuff that downright creeps me out.

Now, we all watch the movies and love them. I don’t doubt there are plenty other houses like mine that love everything Disney does. But I don’t think everyone out there really thinks about them passed their face and sentimental values. I mean, really thinks about them.

If you’ve never taken the time to read about various theories that have to do with Disney movies then try not to dive into it now because it is a deep, dark, cavernous rabbit hole that you may never come out of. Plus you’ll ruin all the shock value I hope to lure you in with for future posts.

Many theories have been around for years and have been thought out in such detail you’ll just have to believe them. I’d understand if you didn’t care for them though. I mean, you’re probably a fan of Disney movies and don’t like the idea you have of them being messed with. Or maybe you’re the type to only accept things for how they seem and don’t like reading between the lines or peaking behind the curtains.

Well I am. At least, with this kind of stuff.

Tell me the government is out to get us and they have some crazy plan and odds are extremely good that I won’t listen because I don’t like filling my head with that such real world stuff.

But tell me a Disney movie that just came out is secretly tied to a Disney movie that came out 25 years ago… Yeah, I’ll freaking geek out on you big time.

It’s all fun. I love thinking outside the box with things like this and it gives everything I already enjoyed a whole new dimension. And to tell you the truth, I honestly believe the artists at Disney do these things on purpose. They’re story tellers, when it comes down to it. And what would be better than taking all your favorite stories and connecting them somehow? Nope, nothing would be better. I feel like there is way too much cool history in Disney movies to just leave them alone. If there’s a cameo or reference to something in a movie, then it’s there for a reason.

I’m going to eventually get into all the theories I’ve run into over the years and maybe even give you some of my own, but for now let’s talk about the one that is most popular today and is turning everyone into a theorist.

The Frozen/Tangled/Little Mermaid Theory

I want to say this theory originated with Beautiful Syn on Facebook. That seems to be the most credited source.

The theory is fed by the fact that Rapunzel and Flynn from Tangled are guests for Princess Elsa’s coronation. The proof is a brief cameo that can be easily missed:


If you’re not convinced, here is Rapunzel and Flynn on their wedding day:


It’s obviously them at Elsa’s coronation. Rapunzel and her short, brown hair as we last knew her in Tangled, along with the side profile of the ever smoldering Flynn. Another giveaway is the height.

Here is where you either accept their presence and think “cool, a cameo!” Or, you’re like me and you’re wondering “what in the heck are they doing there?!”

The craziness is not that the universe in which Frozen and Tangled exist are one in the same. The actual craziness is how they became connected.

Here’s the theory:

Rapunzel and Flynn are guests at Elsa’s coronation not only because they’re royal blood from a nearby kingdom, but because of the guilt they’re filled with.

How so? Think about it.. Why are they there for a Queen’s coronation representing their royal family instead of the actual King and Queen of their kingdom?

That’s why it’s thought to be guilt. See, Elsa is becoming Queen because she became of age. Both her parents were tragically killed when their ship sunk during a trip at sea… 3 years ago.

To make the connection obvious, I don’t think the time span between their death and the inclusion of Rapunzel and Flynn are coincidence. Because it was 3 years ago (human years) the events of Tangled took place. 3 years ago Rapunzel reunited with her parents and married Flynn. And as you may know, a royal marriage is a huge deal to a kingdom and the kingdoms surrounding it. It was a celebration I’m sure would have made royal families come from near and far to attend… 3 years ago.

So there lies the theory.

The mother and father of Elsa and Anna, King and Queen of Arendelle, died at sea on the way to Rapunzel’s wedding.

frozen shipwreck

But how? Surely these two different movies that were once thought to take place in their respectful universes can’t be that close to each other geographically for this to work. But that’s actually where it starts getting crazy…

The movie Frozen was yet another Disney animated film inspired by Hans Christian Anderson, The fairy tale where the inspiration came from this time was The Snow Queen. The kingdom Elsa is becoming Queen of is Arendelle, which is based on the Norwegian town of Arendal, located southwest of Oslo, the Norwegian capital. That easily explains so many cultural similarities in the movie from that region in the world if you haven’t made that connection before.

The origin of Tangled came more than 100 years prior, in the form of a German fairy tale by Charlotte-Rose de Caumont de La Force named Persinette. It later became Rapunzel when it was adapted by the Bothers Grimm a century later. In Tangled, Corona is the name of the kingdom Rapunzel is born in. Based on architecture, landscape, and other hints of culture and geography – coupled with the original story being a German fairy tale – it’s easy to base the movie in Germany.

Now if you look at the map, you’ll see the route from Arendelle (Norway) to Corona (Germany) is very doable and was probably traveled numerous times.


Now if you haven’t heard about this yet or aren’t used to hearing about such theories in Disney movies, I know all this information is probably too much to swallow. But I hope you’re ready because this one isn’t done yet.

Remember I said this ties into a 25 year old movie? Well if you look at the above map again, you’ll notice any route that Elsa’s parents might have taken on that tragic trip would have crossed the seas surrounding Denmark.


Home country to a Hans Christian Anderson, writer of The Snow Queen which, if you recall from a few paragraphs ago, is the fairy tale Frozen comes from. He is also the writer of another fairy tale you may know and love. One that has Denmark as its setting.. That fairy tale is The Little Mermaid!

Excited?! Goosebumps?? Wait, did you connect the dots yet? Here, let me help..

In The Little Mermaid, there is a shipwreck Ariel explores. That is the ship that supposedly once belonged to Elsa’s parents!


The geography alone makes you just want to believe, doesn’t it?! On top of all that, remember, Hans penned both The Little Mermaid and The Snow Queen – a fact that goes much deeper than any theory. It could be totally possible that Disney animators made such a connection as a nod to Hans and his stories that were inspirations to them. With Disney seemingly going back to making memorable animated films with amazing award winning music in tow, I can totally see them connecting back to the classics as a homage. I mean, if I had the opportunity, I would do it in a heart beat. And Disney is known for their love of hiding things, not only in film but in the parks as well.

I know at this point you’re probably just waiting for me to finish so you can tell me how crazy I am for adding fuel to this silly fire. But I can’t help it! It’s hard to contain myself with stuff like this. No, there’s no substantial proof connecting the two ships. I mean, they both have 2 masts which helps, but it’s hard to make out the fancy aft that seems to be lavish enough for royalty. The only real beef of the theory comes from the area where all this takes place. And for me, that’s more than enough to see this as mind blowingly true!


That about wraps up part I of my little series on Disney movie theories. I know this one has made its rounds up and down the internet over the last few weeks. I think its become the most mainstream of the theories out there. Some sites are even linking up older theories if you’re paying attention. I just wanted to use this one to first of all, get Frozen off my chest in some written form because it was freaking good. And second, I wanted to start this series on the blog and figured why not start with the hottest one now.

Which one will I talk about next? Will there be as much substantial evidence to back it up? Will anyone even read these posts?!?

Tune in next time!

The Ambassador’s Dirty Shamrocks

The Ambassador’s Dirty Shamrocks

Lucky Strike I know, I hardly ever do recipes that coincide with holidays or special occasions. Well, except for Pi Day a couple of days ago… And fall. I love doing fall inspired recipes. Spring too, now that I mention seaso-ok, fine, I rather enjoy …Read More….

Restaurant Review Section | Mrs. Lovett’s Pie Shop on Fleet Street

Restaurant Review Section | Mrs. Lovett’s Pie Shop on Fleet Street

[ezcol_1third] While Traveling through London with my wife and niece I thought it finally time to see what all the rave was about. On the left side of Bell Yard, going down from Carey Street, you will find a two-story pie shop standing quaintly on …Read More….

Cupcake Brownies

Cupcake Brownies

cupcake brownies

Sixteen Saltines

So we’re trying to eat better in this house.

It’s been a long time coming and I’ve been waiting for it. I’ve been wanting to get on a better track for a while now but I’ve either strayed or put off an official attempt.

Well now I’m officially attempting.

I’m getting older. I don’t want my reckless way of managing my health catching up with me. I got kids that I have to see grow up. A wife that I love to annoy. Most importantly, I really want to feel comfortable taking selfies in the bathroom.

And even more important than that,  it’s what we’re giving up for Lent – giving up the things we eat that are bad for us; trying to make ourselves better.

Last year I tried to better myself by giving up Twitter and Google+, basically the main outlets of social media that I use. And I did good. Extremely good. So good in fact, I felt better about what I was doing with my free time and I didn’t want to go back. It was liberating and eye opening to stand back and see this grasp social media has on us. If you’ve never unplugged and taken a break, I highly recommend it.

Anyway, back to now. I wanted to do the same I did last year but since I already learned the benefits of giving that up, I thought I’d try something else.

We’ve enlisted the help of Weight Watchers to help us on our way. It’s worked for us before so we’re confident in what it could do.

So while cruising for something to make WW approved, I found this brownie cupcake thing. Easy to put together, insanely light, and it hits the spot. Boy does it hit the spot. It’ll smother that chocolate and sweet craving and leave you feeling happy – all for 2 measly little WW points.

Hell. Yes.

Cupcake Brownies                        from Weight Watchers 



3/4 cup ~ All Purpose Flour
1/2 cup + 1 tablespoon ~ Light Brown Sugar, firmly packed
3 tablespoons ~ Cocoa Powder, unsweetened
1/2 teaspoon ~ Baking Soda
1/4 teaspoon ~ Salt
1/2 cup ~ Water
1/4 cup ~ Applesauce, unsweetened
1/2 teaspoon ~ Cider Vinegar
1 1/2 teaspoons ~ Margarine, melted
1/2 teaspoon ~ Vanilla Extract



  1. You’re going to need a muffin pan for this.
  2. A note from WW: You can have the same taste for a fraction of the fat if you substitute cocoa for bittersweet chocolate and use applesauce in place of some of the butter.
  3. I easily doubled the recipe with no problems. Trust me, you’ll want to make a good amount of these.
  4. If you use sweetened applesauce that’s going to add another 2 points. So not worth it.
  5. I figured if I’m following their point system that I should follow their recipe to a T. My wife basically interrogated me because she knows how I am. But I stand by what I said – I didn’t change a thing.
  6. Ok, that was a lie. I didn’t have the vinegar so I just totally omitted it. The cake was fine.
  7. Yes, the cake. I call this a cake. WW calls it a cupcake brownie and I think that does nothing but confuse the poor little thing. So because it’s so good and I feel like me and it are going to become good friends over the next few weeks I’ll go ahead and promote it to cake. It’ll make everyone feel better.
  8. Fair warning: The pictures aren’t great. I took them with my phone because I wasn’t planning on putting this on the blog. So what you see is all I have.


Let’s get our cake on!

  • First off, oven is at 350°.
  • Now get a bowl and throw in the flour, brown sugar, cocoa, baking soda and salt, then and mix them together.
  • In a second bowl or big enough measuring cup, mix everything else – the water, applesauce, vinegar, margarine and vanilla.
  • Pour the water mixture into the flour mixture and stir till smooth.
  • Get your 12-hole muffin pan and give it a nice coat of non-stick spray. Then fill up each one half full, and pop them in the oven for about 18 minutes. Insert a toothpick – if it comes out a little crumby it’s fine. My toothpick wasn’t clean but I knew they were done. See, before I even tasted one me and this cake were connecting.
  • Take them out of the oven and let them sit in the pan for about 5 minutes before flipping them out onto a rack to cool.


And it’s really that simple! I fought myself because all I wanted to do was pipe some frosting on them or add chocolate chips or anything else that would negate the cake’s purpose. But seriously, it doesn’t really need anything like that.


If you want to add something and make this into a proper after dinner dessert – you know, to put a fork in your hand and stop you from just shoving these things in your mouth – I’d go with fresh berries. Strawberries, blueberries, raspberries… paired with this little pocket of chocolatey goodness? Oh, my giddy heart.


And you can go crazy with them. Why? Because fruits are 0 points! Ok, don’t go too crazy. But you can have some in addition to this cake and not have to worry about adding anymore points to your daily tracker.

These cakes are perfect for that quick, guiltless snack when you’re craving chocolate. I wouldn’t be surprised if you started making them on a weekly basis.

Like I’m sure I’m going to be forced to do…


Click here if you want to buy Sixteen Saltines by Jack White

If you’re worried that I’m going to be posting nothing but healthy, losing weight stuff.. Don’t be. I still have plenty of plans for things I want to make. So let’s just say my neighbors are really going to love me for the next few weeks.