Top Reads of 2023: #5 – The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue

Top Reads of 2023: #5 – The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue

Reading Time: 6 minutesNumber 5! I… wha-what do you mean I already had a number 5?? That’s preposterous! How DARE you accuse me of such an overlooked detail. Anyway, as I was saying. The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue is number 5 of my top 5 (and only …Read More….

Top Reads of 2023: #5 – Legends & Lattes

Top Reads of 2023: #5 – Legends & Lattes

Reading Time: 6 minutesAs mentioned in 2023: A Year of Reading, and Another Book Post about More Book Posts!, I was pretty busy last year with books. So I’m taking the time to catalog it now! I sat here for a bit trying to decide how to order …Read More….

Another Book Post About More Book Posts!

Another Book Post About More Book Posts!

Reading Time: 5 minutesAlright this is me, attempting to keep a proper blog this year. And much to my consistent ways of doing things, I am already getting ahead of myself by writing this post after I’ve already written the two that are coming after it. Yay, ADHD! …Read More….

2023: A Year of Reading

2023: A Year of Reading

Reading Time: 5 minutesYou know me, I am all about my hobbies and interests. Call it whatever you want – passion to be cultured.. Devotion to a specific art medium… ADHD mixed with vigorously with OCD. Seriously, sometimes my brain is so shaken up it’s as if James …Read More….

BOOK REVIEW | Tom Clancy’s The Division: Broken Dawn by Alex Irvine

BOOK REVIEW | Tom Clancy’s The Division: Broken Dawn by Alex Irvine

Reading Time: 8 minutesBefore I get into reviewing Tom Clancy’s The Division: Broken Dawn by Alex Irvine, I wanted to take the time to both thank and apologize the good people at Berkley in Penguin Random House. A huge thank you for not only answering my pestering emails …Read More….

BOOK REVIEW | Marvel’s Spider-Man: Hostile Takeover by David Liss

BOOK REVIEW | Marvel’s Spider-Man: Hostile Takeover by David Liss

Reading Time: 7 minutesNo, that’s not a special backdrop. We just started decorating for Halloween 😉 Much like my Norse Mythology review, I won’t touch on any spoilers in the book. But if i do, they will be easy to avoid and only visible if you click on the …Read More….

BOOK REVIEW | Norse Mythology by Neil Gaiman

BOOK REVIEW | Norse Mythology by Neil Gaiman

Reading Time: 7 minutesOk, I’m a little out of my element here, reviewing a book, but I guess there’s a first time for everything, huh? This should be relatively short with minor spoilers hidden in a drop menu for your convenience. Maybe I’ll do this again, maybe I …Read More….