Gaming Humpday Update 9.18.2019: The Archive

Gaming Humpday Update 9.18.2019: The Archive

Reading Time: 6 minutesI love this too much to be having to meet so seldom! A whole year has passed since my last Gaming HDUD. And in that year so much has happened. I’ve beaten games and games have beaten me. Heck at this point in my life …Read More….

Gaming Humpday Update 9.12.18: Caught in a Web

Gaming Humpday Update 9.12.18: Caught in a Web

Reading Time: 5 minutesWhoa it’s been a long time since I did one of these! Last one was waaaaaaaay back in 2014!! Can’t believe it’s been that long. You should check out that link. If you follow gaming, it should be a nice trip down memory lane. As …Read More….

Humpday Gaming Update – 7/30/14

Humpday Gaming Update – 7/30/14

Reading Time: 8 minutesNot Gonna Die FINALLY putting my Gaming category to use! Ever since E3, I’ve had this insane urge to start writing about games again. Something about the hype and excitement of what’s coming down line reminded me of the good ol’ days. Times when I …Read More….