I Scream, You Scream, We All Scream for Spaghetti

I Scream, You Scream, We All Scream for Spaghetti

  I’ve mentioned before that we have a fairly repetitive rotation of meals we eat throughout the week. Some things get retired or get put on the back burner, so to speak, when we get tired of it. The beloved Taco Tuesday has seen this fate …Read More….

Déjà Garlic Bread

Déjà Garlic Bread

I would like to take this time to apologize. Why am I apologizing? Well, one, because I feel like I’m neglecting all 9 of you who regularly check out my blog. I’ve been crazy busy with moving and I’m missing out on primo fall-time recipe …Read More….

The Garlic of the Gods

The Garlic of the Gods

I’ve been in this garlicy, bready kind of mood lately, have you noticed? Nah, I bet you didn’t. But if you did, you’re probably wondering what I have up my sleeve next. Go ahead, guess.. (If you guessed bread, I’ll give you another chance to …Read More….

What the Focaccia?!

What the Focaccia?!

Being someone who has worked in the kitchen, you know what’s right and what’s wrong. You know where someone in the back is cutting corners, and you know why. You can tell when something is done on purpose, like strategically placing burnt, overdone potatoes underneath …Read More….

Garlic + Bread = Love

Garlic + Bread = Love

Have you ever had a giant bowl of pasta, then afterwards still feel a little empty inside? Like something was missing and you just couldn’t figure out what? Well I’ll tell you what was missing… Garlic Bread. If you’re having pasta, no matter how much …Read More….

Welcome… to Jurassic Pork

Welcome… to Jurassic Pork

I’ve been going at this for a couple of months and not once have I mentioned anything with pork. This realization has brought much shame to not only me, but my family and heritage as well. As a matter of fact, this is probably the reason …Read More….


After checking out what I’ve done with past posts, I’ve decided to stop including quotes in all my posts. I wanted to keep it going, and I love the inspirational feeling, but I’m just tired of finding a really good one that goes with the …Read More….

Seven Days Without Chocolate Makes One Weak

Seven Days Without Chocolate Makes One Weak

  Desserts are like mistresses. They are bad for you. So if you are having one, you might as well have two.                                                …Read More….

Winner , Winner …

Winner , Winner …

Even were a cook to cook a fly, he would keep the breast for himself.                                 ~Polish  Proverb Growing up, my mother cooked everyday. Yeah, we’d occasionally get a pizza night …Read More….