Reading Time: 7minutesThere’s been a nice amount of good happening lately. I’m always very conscious to how blessed my family and I are when it comes to life in general. No, we’re not without our problems. Everybody’s got ’em. But for the most part, we’re pretty good. …Read More….
Reading Time: < 1minuteIt’s the first call-in show! This week’s bonus episode of the podcast is focused on Black Friday. I sit down all by my onesies and talk about BF and deals and memories and such, recollecting times when I would break night in a line just …Read More….
Welcome to episode 4 of The Talking Place! It’s all about Thanksgiving this week and it’s going to be just as tasty as you’re expecting. We’re going over the entire meal – starters, entrees, sides, desserts, everything – and we’re not apologizing for making you hungry. We also talk about our traditions, things we’re always cooking or eating every year, it’s just a packed episode full of Thanksgivingness.
Joining me is Beardy McWhiskey and DeviousMrMatt once again. They joined me in episode 2 where we talked all about smoking meats, so be sure to check that out if you haven’t! I love talking food with these two because there’s a ton of experience between them when it comes to feeding their families or others. So it’s much appreciated them joining me once again.
I hope you enjoy the fourth episode of The Talking Place! Have a happy Thanksgiving!
Reading Time: 5minutesUNBOXING TIME! It’s a good time to be livin’, that’s for sure. This time of year is always full of excitement for us gamers, and for good reason! In particular, out RIGHT NOW is the very first Pokémon entry on the Nintendo Switch! Pokémon Sword …Read More….
Reading Time: 2minutesBonus Episode | I Choose You! Welcome to the first bonus episode of The Talking Place! I’m sure I’ll have a lot more to do with these bonus episodes in the future, but this one won’t disappoint! This episode goes hand in hand with the …Read More….
Welcome to episode 3 of The Talking Place! Joining me today is Chase, from the podcast Learned from Gaming. As well as one of the original Future Monkeys and your local Home Depot employee, Vos!
This week’s show is all about Pokémon! We get into a lot of various discussions regarding the little monsters, ranging from back when Chase and Vos started in Gen 1, all the way to Sword and Shield. We get into the importance of shiny hunting, how dangerous the Pokémon black market it, and more! We even take a deep dive into all the negative backlash against Game Freak surrounding Sword and Shield. Hint hint, we’re totally in the #ThankYouGameFreak camp.
SO IF YOU’RE AFRAID OF SPOILERS — Even though they’re not really spoilers, listen to the warning that we’re about to get into it, then jump to 01:34:15
All in all, I feel like it was a great episode! Hopefully in a few weeks Chase and Vos will join me for a follow up on Sword and Shield.
I hope you enjoy the third episode of The Talking Place!
If you’d like to buy the game, here are handy links! Amazon and Best Buy links are affiliated, so purchasing through the link will help out the show. Thanks!
Reading Time: 6minutesWooooooooo it’s been a long time coming for this one! But I finally received the Celeste Collector’s Edition! Celeste has been out since January of 2018, but will you believe I never played it? I actually bought it once! On the eShop, I bought it …Read More….
Reading Time: 2minutesEpisode 002 – Get the Meat Sweats Welcome to episode 2 of The Talking Place! Joining me today is my former partner in crime, Beardy McWhiskey, along with one third of the Bad Fodder Figures Podcast, Matt Helmer. By day – or.. night, whenever – …Read More….
The very first guest on The Talking Place is the man behind the curtain. If you’re a part of the EZFM gaming community, you may know him as Ve6a5. If you’re not then allow me to introduce you to Matt Ulvila.
He is the co-founder of 3thought, a visual communications company that helps businesses with logos, websites, rebranding, graphic design, you name it.
We discussed different ways to build a brand, going over a few tips on how to get started with ideas, and what to try and aim for with what you want. It’s funny how this was recorded back in June but almost everything that was discussed I found myself going through the past few weeks while trying to get The Talking Place up and running.
There were numerous ways I could’ve introduced the show but I felt this was the perfect first episode. If you’re interested in making a name for yourself by building a more striking presence for your business, help with nailing down the perfect logo, etc, then this one is for you!
I hope you enjoy the first episode of The Talking Place!
If you’d like to contact the show, say hi, all that jazz, you can do so below!
If you’re looking to join me for an episode, don’t be shy and email me at the above address and we’ll chat!
Links and Info Discussed – Matt brought this site up which is insanely useful if you’re going through the naming process. It cross checks numerous sites and such to see if the name you spent days picking is already in use. – Is Matt’s company he co-founded. Go check it out to see what he and his talented team are capable of. If you’re interested in hiring them, they have a contact form on their site.