Humpday Update 3/19: Guess Who’s Back
Guess who’s back!?
If you’re not familiar, many many years ago, I used to have a weekly, rapid fire update post. I ran through all sorts of topics every on select Wednesdays. Sometimes they were themed. Gaming updates happened a few times, to my recollection. But I don’t think I’m that organized yet. One day I’ll love to get back on the grind with a regular, weekly update on various topics.
It was just a way to have somewhere specific to be totally random with things that didn’t justify their own post.
So here we are! Let’s see how this goes.
- Am I sick, or is it allergies? That’s the big question that I feel like everyone (including me) is asking themselves right now. And none of us have a freaking clue.
- Currently writing this at 6am Wednesday morning because my throat and nose were all closed up. So I was in the kitchen at like 545, looking for the cough drops that I’m going to use to chase the spoonfuls of honey I was downing.
- My wife hates it when I’m sick. I’m apparently “the worst” and I turn into a big baby. My theory for the man cold? …I think there’s something in our DNA. The same way a woman’s DNA has her built like a goddess with the blessed ability to birth children and then walk out of the hospital like it’s no big deal. Men’s DNA is wired in a way that we cannot physically or mentally handle a common cold and it takes every fiber in us to fight it off. This is why a man and woman living together can both catch the same cold, but it will be the woman who can function completely fine while the man is rendered helpless on the couch.
- It’s not our fault. It’s just science.
- For anyone that ever doubts you. Just know that my bananas were turning, and I did, very much in fact, make banana bread. And at 930pm! In your face, doubters!
- Wife and I started watching that documentary with the YouTube mother who was abusing her kids. Here’s a trailer if you’re curious! Ugh, it’s so good. Really brings to light a TON of the things I always saw wrong with these YouTube families. I always had an issue with these parents just throwing their kids in front of a camera. I turned to the wife and told her “see, this is why I never exploited the kids for YouTube.” And then they discussed how much they were making every month… The wife without missing a beat turned to me and said “oh no, it’s ok, let’s start exploiting!” 😂
- There are 2 main things wrong with this show:
- 1) we started it in the middle of the day and thanks to us being decent parents (which is something the show very obviously proved to us despite our constant struggle believing such a thing), we couldn’t sit there and just binge the entire documentary.
- 2) there are only 3 episodes?! Which is BS because I feel like there is so much more they could’ve dug up to talk about.
- Hahaha, that’s so wrong. Upset that they didn’t find enough evidence to warrant a longer documentary for our entertainment.
- What is it about real life/true crime that get you so intrigued and make you want to know more? It’s like everyone’s favorite guilty pleasure pastime. Remember the Serial podcast?? Wife and I hella binged that too, we were enthralled. Everyone was crazy over that one! What is wrong with us??
- Anyway, cannot wait to finish it! If you’re interested, Devil in the Family: The Fall of Ruby Franke can be streamed on Hulu.
- I should go back to sleep.
- I did. Feel worse. Hate this time of year.
- I’m trying to not get caught up in a lot of things. Trying to focus more. It’s definitely been a struggle! But I’m pushing through it. There’s plenty of other things I’d rather be doing. Yeah, I am not playing games, but it doesn’t mean I don’t want to play them! I ripped myself away from finally playing through God of War so I could be productive. So hopefully I could jump into it where I left off and not be plagued by what happens to you when you don’t play a game for a while.
- I feel like I haven’t played a game for months. I’ve been too busy trying to figure out ways to hustle. I am not sad about it, which is the weird part. It’s not calling to me making me feel like I’m missing something. Maybe there’s a future post there… 🤔
- Horizon Forbidden West will come after God of War, I think. Whenever it is that I allow myself to get into stuff again. I played it for a good 15 hours before I lost steam when it first released. Think I restarted it some year later? Also lost steam there lol. Gonna have to restart it again. Ugh, I’m such a mess.
- My poor, neglected Steam Deck! Man, I have so many things I want to say about the Steam Deck on here. I need to get the ball rolling with posts. So many things to talk about and post about, but never have time to do it.
- Speaking of which, I am usually so on the ball with Steam Sales that I look forward to them. The 2025 Spring sale though? Caught me totally off guard and I had no idea about it going on now. Just shows you where my head is at 😔. Still waiting for Stardew to be $4, c’mon, Steam.
- Speaking of which, also in the pipeline for future posts:
- Finding a way to highlight new items in my Etsy shop. Maybe one day having a shop right here!
- Lots of love to be shown to movies here. Want to review more movies, and talk in general about the importance of physical media. Y’all think I got on soap boxes before. Ha!
- I need to bring my reading and book stuff up to date. I have reviews that I have half written, sitting in the drafts section of my dashboard for the past 2 years!! 😳 I had such ambition that I never see through, I’m horrible.
- Can’t wait to try to get some new recipes on here! First few will definitely be the ice cream I’ve been making with the Ninja Creami. So look forward to those!
- I am planning much more interconnection between the blog, the podcast, and eventually, YouTube. 👀
- I’m trying to find the courage to jump into YouTube. I really stood strong by my stance of not showing my face anywhere on the internet. Since I started my social media journey back in 2010, I took the name The1llusiveMan and held it with pride. With my The1llusiveMan personas and accounts done and retired, maybe it’s finally time to show off my pretty face.
- Speaking of the podcast, I have two interviews lined up already that I’m super excited to schedule and do! Two friends of mine that I’ve had since the super early days of blogging. I cannot wait to talk both their ears off on The Talking Place.
Alright I think that’s it! I’m sure there’s other stuff, but this should be a weekly thing. I’m actually looking forward to updating weekly. Heck, maybe I’ll even turn this into a podcast to go with it!
A podcast from way back in the day called Sarcastic Gamer were the originators of the Humpday Update! They put out a weekly show, but then a smaller, just to update everyone, kind of episode on Wednesdays called, you guessed it, The Humpday Update! I think it’s been long enough to take up the mantle, what do you think?
You know what, I like that idea! I’ll do it when I could talk and I’m not sick.
Que dios te bendiga
Way to go Los! Sorry you are feeling so poorly. I too am having the debate of “is it allergies or something more?” You definitely need to get back on the steamdeck train when you feel like it. It is the only thing I have been playing recently, to be honest. Are you at least excited for the Switch 2 reveal in April?
Yeah, allergies or whatever this is sucks! I’m super excited to love my Steam Deck again! And of course I’m stoked for the next Switch! It’s going to be like a holiday when that gets announced. Not looking forward to the price though.