(Podcast) Talking My Post-Book Era
Changing hobbies like I change my underwear
ALRIGHT! I think I have a system going, so here’s the first show out the gate. I KNOW, OK?! I’ve said it too many times before. But life be crazy, yo! Anyway, I’m trying, and that’s the best I could do. Here’s to the hopes of putting something out because boy, do I miss it!
What is this episode of The Talking Place about exactly? Who knows! Hahahaha. I will say though that somewhere between the updating about life and what I want to be doing with my show, I did talk about my book buying hobby and how that has changed over the past few months. It’s sad to talk about out loud but I’m glad I said it. It’s like hitting the final nail, shutting a wooden box to go store it in a warehouse somewhere. Maybe next to the Ark of the Covenant? Maybe one day I’ll put on my hat and go raiding it again. But for now, I just not jones’in for it.
Seriously, you have to give me credit for that one!
Anyway, that be that for this week! I will say, if anything, this show is setting up for the next where I get into other stuff I’m wanting to talk about. And that show, along with this one, will be primers for the other one. And so on. It’s almost like I have a plan! Maybe.
Until next time!
Links and Info Discussed
- Head over to https://themanthechefthedad.com/links/ where you’ll find a bunch of different ways to help me out via affiliate links and referrals. Remember, all you have to do is get to Amazon via one of my links for it to register to me.
- I opened up an Etsy Shop! https://designingbyknight.etsy.com There are some new fall stickers up along with 5 new sticker sheets that I just started doing. Looking forward to keep adding to the stock!
Contact The Talking Place
If you’d like to contact the show, say hi, all that jazz, you can do so below!
- Voicemail – 407.906.TALK
- Instagram – @ManChefDad
- Email – TalkingPlacePod@gmail.com
If you’re looking to join me for an episode, don’t be shy and get at me at the above links and we’ll chat!