Humpday Update: 11.17.22 – The Food Post Update
Hello there, my friends! As I developed severe asthma from blowing the dust off this blog, I couldn’t help but reminisce about yesteryear. The days when I would look forward to posting about regular ol’ happenings here. When I was but a wee lad, taking 80 something pictures of me pouring chocolate onto something, sorting through every single photo to find the absolute best one. All to make a post and get mentally pat on the head by whoever said they checked it out and enjoyed it.
Sadly, those days are gone. Like ashes in the wind, blown across the cosmos, my recipe posts are looking down at me, smiling. Wondering what in the actual hell am I doing with myself?! I used to be a somebody, a contender! And now, honestly, just the other day I was thinking about rebranding and coming up with a totally different name for this place since “The Chef” part is fairly irrelevant. Though I should be happy. When I was blogging about food and recipes, it was JUST before the Great Food Blog Revolution. You know, where everyone who enjoyed checking out food blogs all simultaneously agreed that they don’t want to read someone’s life story and the events in their lives that led them to this moment in time where they created their most flavorful potato salad. How they never would’ve thought to use diced carrots if they didn’t travel to Puerto Rico that one spontaneous weekend in 2019. And they never would’ve taken that trip if their great aunt hadn’t been so culturally open and loved to travel the world. The same great aunt whose husband had left her for their child’s preschool teacher.
MAN, I’m so happy I missed all that because if you look back at my food posts you will undoubtedly agree that I was the absolute WORST. Go ahead, hit the random post button on the right and see what happens. I dare you.
Anyway, back to no more food posts, guess what? It’s not my fault! I’m still cooking almost every day. Still coming up with good stuff. I made a lemon loaf the other day that was just… damn. Just, damn. So freaking good. And of course it’ll pass through my head that I could very well make a post about whatever I’m stuffing my face with. But I just can’t be bothered to take the time to document anything. Not only is my kitchen possibly the least photogenic kitchen I’ve ever had, but I barely have time to cook the actual food, let alone make sure lighting is perfect to take 200 pictures trying to capture the perfect drip of chocolate.
But I digress!
Or do I? 🤔 I mean, I started writing this with the idea of a general update where I would knock out a bunch of topics in rapid fire succession. LEGO, gaming, books, movies, holidays… And here I am spinning yarn about the has been I am. But I guess I can just change the title and keep burying myself deeper and deeper. When in Rome, right?!
Look, I’m not making excuses or saying sorry for not posting food stuff anymore. I know life moved on and it’s completely different now than it was years ago when I was posting on the regular. There are days I’m lucky to scratch an itch if I had one. Having to wait until everyone is asleep before I can do anything I was wanting or needing to do… Only to fall asleep 10 minutes into it because children have a way of draining your very life force. It’s how they grow, you know.
I know a lot of my hang-ups come from my ADHD that I seem to have developed over the years. Well, no, that’s wrong. It has always been there lol. But the past few years, it’s as if it’s a soup. Sitting there on the back of the stove on low heat, simmering and reducing and concentrating itself. And here I am, sitting on the couch, typing on my computer. When I was supposed to go to the store to pick up some things during the daughter’s nap time. The ADHD is actually the culprit for any post here. I’m seriously stacked with so many ideas for posts. But I get so overwhelmed with the idea of posting. The process of it. Because to me, every post needs pictures, and it needs to be perfect and precise. Then I start to get distracted and think ok, I’ll jump back on it in a few minutes. Guess what I don’t do.
You know what… I need to stop that! I need to take this mental road block and just ram through it. I miss blogging, rambling, letting my thoughts just run like a river. Hell to the no, I’m not going back to food posts hahaha. But I do want to get back on some sort of track. I already told myself that I wanted to post episodes of The Talking Place at least once a month. I need to be showing this space some love too.
So if you see something here, and it doesn’t have any pictures, know that it was incredibly hard to post 😂. The process of posting something is overbearing on me. Writing, pictures, what category, tags, featured images, excerpts, the GD SEO that I’m still not completely sure I know exactly what it is. But I keep hearing it’s important so I do it. I don’t use social media the way I used to either, but when I do get on Instagram and post stuff, it is basically a mini blog post with all the pictures and a nice long blurb that really shouldn’t have been more than a few sentences. I would love to just do that here. And I could. The app makes it easy enough. But nooooooooooooooooo, I need to make sure it’s perfectly aligned and formatted and it all looks great when previewed, blardy blardy blarg.
So here’s to trying! We’ll see what happens.
Oh, and I know. This is a Humpday Update and it’s Thursday. You know what? I don’t care! I’ve been doing Humpday Updates for years now, always trying to post on a Wednesday, because you know, it’s humpday. But I like how that’s where I posted a general update for things, and I don’t really want to wait until Wednesday’s to post them. So I hereby proclaim every day be Humpday!
You’re welcome.