Family Travels: New York City 2019 Part 4 – Midtown II/Little Italy

The final day in NYC was the wife and I adventuring on our own like we used to do in our younger years. Back before the kids were born, we would visit New York and spend night and day galavanting through the city. We’d stay at my sis’ house, or if we had the funds we’d do a hotel.

I remember my sis’ hubs worked forever at the Waldorf Astoria, so we booked a week to stay there and was welcomed to a free upgrade to The Towers of the Waldorf Astoria and we were living like freaking royalty. Complimentary room service, a balcony overlooking the city, it was bonkers thanks to my kick ass brother in-law. Ugh, thinking too much about that, need to move on now.

Every time we stayed we’d try to maximize our time with everything. We familiarized ourselves with everything about the city life. We took so many trips on the Staten Island Ferry, that I could’ve docked the thing myself. And going out in the morning, boarding the ferry, and riding it with her towards the city still hazy from the early fog, it was just like old times. 

We grabbed Au Bon Pain from the terminal for breakfast, something I had been wanting to do the entire trip. It may not be the local New Yorker’s first choice for a quick breakfast, but man did it look enticing through that window every morning.

The muffins, the scones, the cookies, the coffee. Sign me up for one of each, please. She grabbed the coffee cake muffin and I got a cinnamon chip scone with an iced coffee. No lie, it was the best scone I’ve had in a long time. I’m half glad this was our last day because I would’ve made that a regular thing. Grabbing a scone, a coffee, enjoying it on the ferry as you’re waving to Lady Liberty floating by. It would’ve been heavenly. Geeze, imagine if we lived there?! Fuhgettaboudit. 

If you’re interested in the Instagram post for this day, check it out. The very first thing I had to do when we got off the ferry was freaking pee. Iced coffee goes right through me sometimes and this was the first time in days that I had coffee in my system so it was almost instantaneous. I knew how it was trying to find a bathroom in the city and I didn’t want to be stuck on a train having to hold it. So when I saw the restrooms in the subway I had a nice, long, thought process with myself, asking if this is really what I wanted to do.

It helped that I saw how monitored the restrooms were. Workers could unlock the doors remotely so I knew they weren’t freely open to every soul who entered the station. They were just being cleaned as I was walking by so my chances of opening the door and being instantly mortified and traumatized from ever using the bathroom again were fairly slim. So I took a chance. I asked the fine gentleman if I’d be able to use the restroom. Super nice, you know? So he doesn’t literally send me up shit creek without a paddle. He looked at me up and down, sizing me up. I’m not sure if he was in disbelief that someone wanted to used the bathroom in a subway at all or what, but he thought about it, and pressed a button, and told me go into bathroom number one. I saw the green light turn on next to the door. Easy enough. It wasn’t the one I saw being cleaned but still, it can’t be too bad, right? Here’s a tip: Never, ever say to yourself, “it can’t be too bad, right?”

I opened the door, expecting to see the bathroom stall from Desperado, but instead, I was greeted by an elderly Asian man, pants around his ankles, and a wad of toilet paper in his hands. And by greeted, I don’t mean he welcomed me in with a courteous smile, asking how my morning’s been. No, it was more like “HEY-HEY! SHI-” I didn’t let him finish the word, I already knew what he was doing, so I closed the door as quickly as I could. I went back to the guy who, just a few seconds ago, seemed perfectly capable to keep things in order. But now that I know better, I was able to have a more leveled conversation with him. “Hey man, that door you unlocked. There’s a guy taking a shit in there, did you know that?!” I was waiting for him to smile, or at least try to hold back a smile. Because looking back at it, yeah, that would’ve been pretty hilarious. At the time, no, not so much. But if he was pranking me, or the Asian dude, then yeah, bravo, he knows how to make his days more entertaining at work. But no, no smile. Just shook his head and said “they’re supposed to lock the doors! That’s what the button is for. There’s a sign, as soon as you go in, ‘push the big red button to lock the door.’ So make sure when you go in, push that button to lock it!” I knew I was just peeing. Trust me, at this point, I wouldn’t have been anywhere near this situation if I didn’t have to pee this bad. I’m sorry, I may come off a bit wrong here, but ain’t no way in hell I’m going to do anything BUT pee in a New York City subway bathroom. So when I got in there, I didn’t bother with the red button. I saw the sign and its dramatic warning, but didn’t care. Would’ve taken a picture of it to have something to show, but I didn’t want to accidentally drop my phone and then have to burn it to ashes.

At this point, to paint the picture for you, I’m in a small, 3.5 foot by 3.5 foot space. Judging by how far apart the doors were, I was roughly 5 feet away from the old Asian guy who was probably furiously wiping, so he can come out and scream at someone, most likely me. This restroom, which made airplane restrooms look spacious and homey, was lit just enough to see what you’re doing, but not enough to see any important details, like various bodily fluids that may or may not have been on the walls. You know the type of lighting. It looked the way a grungy bathroom would look in a movie, with a blueish tint, and dark metals all around so as little light can bounce around the space as possible. You know, the type of bathroom you would see in the movie and you’d tell yourself, “pfft! I’d NEVER go in a bathroom like THAT. You can almost see the STD’s” Trust me, I peed real quick, but it was just long enough to have me questioning all the wrong choices I’ve made in my life up to that point. Coincidentally, it was the type of place where the action of washing your hands would actually make you feel even dirtier. So I made the executive decision to not do that and just use hand sanitizer. When I came out, I made no eye contact with anyone in the immediate area. Partly because I just wanted to be gone, but mostly because I didn’t want to make eye contact a second time with that old Asian guy, especially if he comes out looking for that guy who opened the door on him. I was walking a brisk pace as I told the events that just unfolded to the wife. Her uncontrollable laughter wasn’t comforting, but at least someone benefitted from my experience. I texted my cousin and told her, she said to look forward to my Cellulitis.

Finally out of the damn subway, we decided to go to Rockefeller Center again, to revisit FAO and the Nintendo Store to grab a few things we regretted not picking up. She got a Christmas tree ornament from FAO and I had to dig deep down and pick only one thing from the Nintendo Store. ONE THING, can you believe it?!

I had my heart on a set of Mario style Hanafuda Cards. This exact set if you click here, actually. And it’s the same price it was in the store. Unfortunately, I couldn’t in good conscious spend $30 on a set of cards that would be just for a shelf, as I’m sure no one at home would play with me. I’ve always wanted a set of them.

The art is absolutely gorgeous and I know way back in 1889, Nintendo was founded based on them. Did you know that? Nintendo has been making things fun since the 19th century, and they started with playing cards, Hanafuda, in particular. Here’s a good article from WIRED that goes into detail. Anyway, here I am regretting not getting the freaking things now. 

There was another deck of regular playing cards that really had my eye too. I used to and kinda sometimes collect playing cards, bet you didn’t know that, did ya!

But yeah, I refrained from those as well, and I went with a shirt, as I figured it’ll be what gets the most use. Out of the dozen or so shirts I loved there, I went with one of toon Link from Wind Waker sitting on a Central Park bench happily feeding pigeons. Like, seriously, this is the awesomest shirt ever. It sadly does not say Nintendo New York anywhere like I was wanting, but it’ll do just fine. 

Right around the corner from Rockefeller was something we completely missed the first day that I, funnily enough, remembered was there after I played Marvel’s Spider-Man the day after on my cousin’s PS4. I was visiting the areas of the city that we had been to in the game. Call me a dork all you want, I don’t care!

The game is amazing and it’s pretty accurate. I’ve been meaning to review it for here as I’m getting sucked back into it something fierce. Anyway, I swung over to Radio City, and then swung down the street that we walked earlier that day, went around the corner and BAM. St. Patrick’s Cathedral. I was like hey! How did we miss that?! So when we were there I made it a point to get to it and take some pics.

I asked the wife if she wanted to go in but she, quote, “didn’t want to have it burn down when she walked in.” …unquote. 

Before leaving that area we hit up the LEGO Store where we found some exclusive NYC LEGO magnets we couldn’t resist picking up. We also grabbed two of the Brick Headz Lady Liberty for the kids so they have a LEGO set to remember the trip with. There was also a crazy awesome LEGO structure that had a ton of different minifigs scaling city buildings. The more you look at it, the more awesomeness you find.

Then we headed to Starbucks for a quick pick-me-up and I found this super sweet and ultra sleek NYC/Broadway themed tumbler that I didn’t want to leave without.

It’s one of the best quality coffee tumblers I’ve ever bought and really makes me want to check out the different ones available here at Disney because they feel so sturdy. Lord knows the last thing I need are more vessels to hold my coffee but dammit, I’m weak.

We walked towards Times Square after that. This was the 4th of July, remember, so we were a tad apprehensive being in the city at all, let alone the heart of it that gets the most traffic. But we were doing the tourist thing like we always did.

We’re strangely drawn to Times Square, much like Street Tough Minnie Mouse here. And quite reluctantly, as neither of us truly enjoy being there. I guess it’s the hustle and bustle that makes us feel like we’re somewhere exciting. Obviously it’s the happenin’ place to be, what with all the decked out NYPD on every corner, holding automatic rifles. Nevertheless, they were doing their jobs and I was thankful. We went to a few places in Times Square.

The Disney Store, of course. Had to check out the NYC exclusive Disney stuff. I was also on the hunt for a fitted New Era Marvel hat of some sort. I need a new hat, and I’ve always been exclusive to Yankees hats but since it’s been a good handful of years since I kept up with any MLB, I figured it’s time to venture away from baseball. Plus, I find many like to strike up sports conversation when I wear it so I’m a little tired of fakin’ it.

While walking around we saw the Lyric Theatre which is currently home to Harry Potter and the Cursed Child. I saw the front of the building and squee’d like a little kid. We actually went in and looked around their store too where we found a bunch of awesome Cursed Child stuff.

Amongst which were a handful of exclusive wands which were created specifically for the show. Here in Orlando, at The Wizarding World of Harry Potter in Universal, they have a boat load of wands to choose from. But these are only available right there at the show. Made me insanely glad that I haven’t gotten into collecting wands (which I’ve wanted to do for a long time, mind you), because I would’ve grabbed a few with the quickness.

The last thing we needed to do before we headed out was one of the most important things. We took the train down to Canal St. and walked through Chinatown for a few blocks until we reached Mulberry St. There, just as you enter Little Italy, is one of the best Italian Bakeries in the city.

La Bella Ferrara has been around since 1892 and for good reason. I’ve been stuffing my face with their cookies and pastries since I was a kid and I feel like I’m robbing myself and my family of immense joy if we ever go to the city and not get a few pounds of cookies. Here’s the Instagram pics from the bakery.

There’s so many to choose from and that’s not even counting the Sfogliatella and Lobster Tails.

My mom sent us with money to grab her a few boxes of goodness, and we grabbed a few of our own. We mixed it up a bit, but stayed with our go-to’s. The rainbow cookies, for sure. Which I made myself, right here on the blog a few years ago. Man, I need to make them again, obviously. Matter of fact, I think I will soon because the half pound we got wasn’t enough.

Alongside those were a type of tri-colored cookie that is so plain and so simple, but it’s my favorite kind. I don’t know what it is but the flavor it brings is so addicting, I love them so. You can see them in the above pic, in the number 1 spot. Also got a few jelly sandwich ones to top off the box, along with an entire pound of sprinkled butter biscuits.

These cookies are o crumbly and buttery, I can almost taste it now just thinking about it. I wish I was able to recreate them because boy, I’d be making them on the regular. Checking out their site now, I see they have a cookbook!? Seriously, why was I not told about this?? It would’ve been instantly purchased when I was there. Gonna have to look into it and do some research. 

Also on the site you can have many of these delectables shipped to you. Unfortunately, the prices are up there, but fairly close to what they are in the bakery, only you have to pay ridonkulous shipping.

But if you got it to burn then trust me, you won’t be sad. Or you can just head over there when you’re in town and see for yourself if you don’t already know about it. 

That was the end of our escapades in the city. We hightailed it back to Staten Island and spent the rest of the day with the family. We hung out, relaxed, and at the end of the day we watched the first two episodes of season 3 of Stranger Things. It was supposed to be just one but you know how it is, you can’t have just one.

Like always, vacation is a rampaging, chaotic mess that leaves you needed a vacation afterwards just to be able to relax from the actual vacation. For me, NYC is great when consumed in small chunks like we did. 4-5 days at a time and we’re good. Because whenever I’m there I’m reminded just how out of the city life I am. Florida has taken all the street out of me and while I’m able to hang just fine for a few days, I’m very much out of my element in the city. Sure, I handle it worlds better than the wife, hahaha, but at the end of the day, I’m just not made for the constant movement and on-the-go lifestyle. I’m too laid back. My watch is permanently set to island time and I’m not built for being so fast paced all the time. Yeah, I can adapt. I can learn to do it again. But I’m too comfortable living the Florida life. That’s not to say the time spent in the city isn’t enjoyed. This time in particular was one of the best times we’ve had in all the years we’ve visited up there. I think it’s partly to do with the kids being old enough to have fun and create their memories. Also being able to spend more time with family that we hardly get to see. Staying with them is a blessing that can’t be thanked enough. Not only for the money saved from not having to stay at a hotel, but for the comfort of a home to calm us down and not making us feel like we have to be constantly on the go during our vacation. There are some more things we could’ve squeezed into our itinerary, but it would’ve been a the expense of our sanity. So I’m happy on multiple fronts we got to stay with my sis again. The kids had a blast and I know it was vice versa. 

So here’s until next time we venture to the north. I hope we get to do it sooner rather than later. I sure as hell rather not drive, but if we have to we have to. Until then though, I’ll be dreaming of the cheesecake we never had.

Oh! And sorry for bombarding all this with 4 different posts. Actually… Nah, I’m not really that sorry. I had fun putting them all together. Enjoy them! 

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