I’m Doing Blogging and I’m… Still Alive

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Welcome to my new home!

If you’ve read my blog’s Birthday post, you would know this is where I’ll be setting up shop from now on. Go ahead, take a deep breath. Suck in that new blog smell.

How do you like it?

Does it feel updated compared to the Blogger site?

Like I said, I had no problems with Blogger, I just wanted an update. Something different. And after comparing, WordPress looked like it was going to give me just that. There are still a few things that I want to tweak and fix up, but for the most part, everything is in its place.

I’m going to see what I can do about my tumblr site to maybe make it less of a pain, and more automatic to update it. I also have things in my head that I’m excited to get out. I want to do a lot more Table Talk posts where I’m just blabbering and rambling on about different subjects. I have a few that I can’t wait to write, but they’re going to have to wait their turn because I have a few recipes that I can’t wait to type up. Excitement!

Getting this site to where it is now wasn’t hard, but it wasn’t as simple as I was hoping. But so far, the outcome has made me excited to work on it more. Everything from the header that came together at the last second thanks to finding Ribbet.com (which is a straight up clone of Picasa’s Picnik, if you loved that software like I did), down to the matching social media icons that are nice and neat and aren’t sticking out like a sore thumb. I’m also taking the time to organize my older posts a lot better. Giving everything proper categories and tags for less clutter and easier indexing. I’m excited to finally expose this place to all of my regular followers and I’m even more excited to continue building it up.

Heck, maybe one day I’ll push some change together and make this place official and get my own .com. Who knows, the possibilities are endless!

Well, I hope you like the update. Like I said, I’m still working on it so if anything significant changes or is added, I’ll let everyone know via Twitter or G+ once Lent is over.

I look forward to hearing your feedback, and I can’t wait to get back to updating with regular posts.

Here’s to hoping for another good year of annoying my wife with taking pictures of my food!!

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