The simplest, yet most effective way to cure boring and worthless breakfasts. This is more of an idea than a recipe, but who cares, it's worth the time to have it shine!
Course Breakfast
Cuisine American
Keyword bacon, breakfast, eggs, Pancake, sandwich
Prep Time 10 minutesminutes
Cook Time 20 minutesminutes
Assembly 4 minutesminutes
Total Time 34 minutesminutes
Servings 6
Author Los
Breakfast Pan see notes
1package -Bacon
6each -Eggs
Your Favorite Pancake Recipe
Salt and Pepper
Cheddar Cheeseshredded (optional)
Maple Syrup
For the pancakes and eggs
turn on your oven to 350°
Make your pancakes. This is literally putting ingredients into a bowl and whisking until just combined. It's not rocket science. It's barely grade school science.
spray the pan with a spritz of oil, and get yourself something to scoop the batter into the pan. I used a cookie scooper. Fill up the cavity about half way, not to the top.
put a few drops of syrup on each pancake. Don't load it up, don't go crazy. I know, you're tempted to do it but don't. Just... just trust me. A few drops is enough to give you a good flavor. I'd say 3-4 drops around the pancake. If you want to stir it around it's your call. The flavor comes through either way. Trust me, I've tested it!
Your pancakes are ready, now, crack one egg into each of the center cavities.
hit the yolk with a fork and stir it around gently till the yolk is stretched about the egg. Don't sit there and scramble it, just enough to break the yolk. This is about distribution of the yolk. Really, if you just feel like being a rebel and not listening to someone today, then you can go ahead and ignore this step. I'll allow it.
Sprinkle with salt, fresh cracked pepper, and a pinch of shredded cheddar if you're going that route.
pop it into the oven for about 12 minutes. When you see a slight brown edge around the pancakes and the eggs are firm it's ready.
The Bacon
Now, crank the oven up to 400° and get the bacon in there until it's cooked for your liking. About 20 minutes. Check out the notes below for more info.
Seriously, this is bacon in an oven. Why is this even in the instructions.
Just pile it all on. A pancake, an egg, some bacon, and top it with another pancake. And boom, it magically turns into a pile of happiness.
The Panwich. Like that? Yeah you do.
The Breakfast Sandwich Pan and the Oven Griddle Pan from Wilton are both needed for this. But, they won't be available in stores or on till around October.
So those don't exist anymore! But luckily for you, I got yo back. You can grab this pan right here and it'll be perfect for making pancakes and eggs in the oven. (This is an affiliate link and I may be compensated for you purchasing from it. Thank you!)
If you really want a cheat code for good breakfast, buy two of them and meal prep for a week or two.
You'll also need a sheet tray. A regular ol sheet tray with some foil to cook the bacon on. 425F, for 20 minutes. Then drain the grease and flip the bacon if you have to (sometimes you do, sometimes you don't) then go another 3-5 minutes.
Me? I like my bacon nearly burnt, so keep an eye on it after you drain it.
Yes, this is the proper way to make bacon. If you do it any other way, I may judge you.
The pancake recipe can make enough for 2 pans. That's 6 sandwiches total. Almost a full week of morning happiness.
To store: Since you're probably not going to eat 6 sandwiches in one sitting, you can do what I did - Try your hardest. If you still can't, then you can store everything separately in baggies - bacon in one, eggs in another, etc. - and keep them in the fridge. OR, assemble and wrap in parchment, and put in the freezer for up to month.
Why a month? I dunno. Seems safe. Did you know everyone just makes up stuff when it comes to things?
I may have just made that up. Point proven.
To reheat: Just make your sandwich, wrap it up in a napkin, and put it in the microwave for 1 minute. This made mine perfect, but all microwaves vary, so if it doesn't feel as warmed up for you just pop it in for a few seconds more. If frozen, pop in the air fryer wrapped up in the same parchment for about 5 minutes, then open it up and put it for another 2ish minutes.
I put cheddar in my eggs, but that can be skipped. As can the maple syrup in the pancakes. You know, if something's wrong with you.
Speaking of which, the syrup does not effect the top of the pancake, but it does sink to the bottom when baked. It leads to the bottom layer being a bit sticky, which is terrible.
I'm just kidding, it doesn't matter. Just leave that layer on the inside of your sandwich. See what I'm saying? I took pictures of my sandwich with the sticky side down (where you would be holding it) because it was better for picture taking. But when you're making your sandwich, flip it, and have the sticky part on the inside of the sandwich where.. get this... you'll never touch it!
You can take both the sandwich pan and the bacon pan and fit them on the same rack in the oven, but I like cooking my bacon at 400°F, while the sandwiches cook at 350°. So best to do the bacon first.
No. Wait. Do the bacon second. If you do it first you'll be like me and wind up eating half your bacon before the sandwiches come out of the freaking oven.