The Talking Place

Welcome to my podcast!
The Talking Place is pretty self-explanatory – It’s the place where we talk. 
About what? That depends on the week.
Every show brings a new guest, and with them, a new topic to cover.
Life, parenting, video games, food, whatever!
If you’re looking to talk, I know a place.
Here is where you can find all the shows,
or you can check out below where you can download and subscribe!


Where to Download/Subscribe

Here are the different apps and players you can find The Talking Place on!
If you have a podcast player of choice and cannot find the show,
let me know and I’ll see if I could make it available there. 


Apple Podcasts



Amazon Music


How to contact

If you’re looking to contact the show, here are the way too many options for you to do so!

Voicemail Line: 407.906.TALK(8255)
Twitter: @TheTalkingPlace