Tag: Sweeney Todd

Pumpkin Spiced Bone Cookies

Pumpkin Spiced Bone Cookies

This Is Halloween Halloween! Seven hells, it’s already Halloween.. Do you remember last Halloween? I do. Like it was yesterday! But we mustn’t complain about how time is flying or we’ll find ourselves in 2015 before we finish the rant. Instead, let’s talk Halloween! Who …Read More….

Restaurant Review Section | Mrs. Lovett’s Pie Shop on Fleet Street

Restaurant Review Section | Mrs. Lovett’s Pie Shop on Fleet Street

[ezcol_1third] While Traveling through London with my wife and niece I thought it finally time to see what all the rave was about. On the left side of Bell Yard, going down from Carey Street, you will find a two-story pie shop standing quaintly on …Read More….