Tag: Seb

Family Travels: The Georgia Aquarium

Family Travels: The Georgia Aquarium

Reading Time: 7 minutesA few weeks ago for the wife’s birthday we decided to take a trip. We wanted to go somewhere the kids would enjoy, but more importantly, somewhere that wouldn’t make us have to rearrange our spending habits for the next few months like Disney is …Read More….

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

Reading Time: 17 minutesHaaaaaaaaaaaaapppppyyy Neeeeeeeeeew Yeeeeeeeeeear! Hey, we’re more than a week into it, but so what?! It’s still exciting! Wow, I’ve gone a whole year without posting something! (Haha, I love that joke. Never gets old.) Seriously, I keep going these long stints without updating this bad …Read More….

Pumpkin Spiced Pumpkin Seeds

Pumpkin Spiced Pumpkin Seeds

Reading Time: 6 minutes

ps pumpkin seeds

I Put a Spell on You

Alright, so If you’re doing Halloween remotely right, there are very good odds you have already, or will be carving up a pumpkin very soon. And when you’re in there, getting elbow deep in pumpkin guts, you may or may not know about the treasure hidden inside these orange globes of fall goodness. So allow me to shed some light.

It was 2 whole years ago (yikes) when we not only carved our first pumpkin, but I roasted seeds for the first time. If you go back and read that post by clicking here – which you should since it’s a great recipe and has more info on roasting – you’ll see I attempted and failed miserably (I’ll never forget that heartache) to make the seeds I’m sharing with you today. So it was good to read that again and feel like I won a battle I’ve lost in the past. Show me a mountain now and I shall climb it!

Ok, that’s pushing it. But still! Show me pumpkin seeds and I will roast them!

But… Before we get into the roasting, allow me to dump some pumpkin patch pictures on you.


For the first time, despite my wife not being crazy about Halloween, we ventured out an hour and a half to a farm where you can pick pumpkins, get lost in a corn maze, and take a hayride.


We only did the patch because we weren’t planning on making it a day long event. And it’s a good thing too because if everything else was anything like the pumpkin patch, we would’ve been even more disappointed than we already were.


There were 7 acres I think of pumpkins to pick, but there were only about 4 or 5 good clusters of pumpkins to choose from. And even those had all dented backs or cracks in the bottom.


I know, the back is the back. But I get all Clark Griswold when I choose a pumpkin so I wasn’t having any imperfections. The Perez Family Pumpkin should be the greatest pumpkin you’ve ever seen!

This is Lucas claiming his pumpkin and pushing his brother away, not wanting him to touch it.

Ha, no, unfortunately, we did not buy a pumpkin so big we needed to strap it to the roof of the van.


In fact, after combing the patch and not being happy with anything, we chalked it up as a loss and headed back home.


We stopped at one of those roadside pumpkin places by the wife’s job similar to the Christmas Tree corner emporiums. Turns out they had a bunch of great pumpkins and they were priced so well we got 2!

Brought them home, cracked one open, and here we are! Seeds!

Pumpkin Spiced Pumpkin Seeds

2 cups – Pumpkin Seeds, cleaned and dry
2 tablespoons – Butter, melted
3/4 teaspoon – Pumpkin Pie Spice
1/4 teaspoon – Cinnamon
1 tablespoon – Brown Sugar
pinch – Salt

1 tablespoon – Butter, melted
1 tablespoon – Sugar
1/2 teaspoon – Pumpkin Pie Spice

1 tablespoon – Sugar
1/2 teaspoon – Pumpkin Pie Spice
little less than 1/4 teaspoon – Nutmeg, freshly grated


  • Woooooo, looks complicated, huh? Looks like a lot? Well, it’s a hell of a lot more than the last seed recipe which was only olive oil and salt (simple is the freaking best). But even though it doesn’t look it, this is fairly simple and just a little time consuming.
  • I have 3 separate batches of sugar and spices there, each one should be added at the designated time. Think those logs Doc threw into the train’s firebox to get the fire hot enough to get the train up to 88mph.
  • Go ahead, ask me what I’m talking about and see how fast I unfriend you.
  • Judging by my overall success with this recipe, I wonder what happened the first time I failed at it. I think it was just throwing everything in there and baking at a high temp. Roasting pumpkin seeds is like driving a ’59 Impala: Low n’ slow.
  • If you’re not a fan of Pumpkin Pie Spice, first off, who the hell are you?! And second, you can replace it with more cinnamon which I’m sure will be great.
  • If you’re not a fan cinnamon, then what the heck are you even doing here?!

Alright, let’s roast some seeds!

  • Set the oven to 325. Assuming you already extracted the seeds from the pumpkin, and separated them from the guts, it’s time to clean them. So put them in a big bowl of water and stir them up and swoosh them around. You’ll see the seeds float to the top and the stuff you don’t want sink to the bottom.


  • Next, get a baking sheet and line it with parchment and give it a spray with non-stick. Put the seeds on an even layer and put them in the oven for 10 minutes, while taking them out halfway to stir them up. While they’re in there, melt your butter.


You’re drying them out here and making it easier for whatever you’re going to put on them to stay on them.


  • Once they’re out put them in a bowl, and on top, pour the melted butter, and sprinkle the first round of seasonings. Give it a good stir.

IMG_7515 IMG_7597

  • Spray the parchment with non-stick again (I wasn’t playing this time, I took no chances), and put the seeds in a single layer.

IMG_7633 IMG_7651

  • In the oven they go for 7 minutes.


  • Take them out and put them in the same bowl you used before. Give them round 2 of the butter, sugar and spice. Stir it up. Spray the parchment again (yeah, again!) and put the seeds back in a single layer and pop them in for another 7 minutes.


Notice the change in color!

  • When they come out this time, you’ll probably have to give the parchment a wipe down thanks to the insane amount of non-stick I’m telling you to dose it with. Sorry, I’m traumatized, give me a break. Get the seeds back in the bowl and give them the last round of spices and sugar. Stir them up and back on the parchment they go. Same routine, but this time go for 12-14 minutes while stirring them halfway.


Use your instincts though. If you need to take them out sooner, you gotta do what you gotta do. But this awesome color is what you’re looking for.


And that’s it. You should have some nicely spiced up pumpkin seeds! Don’t get me wrong, there’s still something about the salt and oil ones that make them just perfect, but these liven up the party just as good.


Here’s to hoping your pumpkin carving ends with a nice pile of these babies in your hands! Hope everyone stays safe! Happy Halloween!

Oh, and if you’re curious and not following me on Instagram, here is the bearer of these seeds, the first of two pumpkins we’re carving!

And yeah, I know. I totally nailed the symbol on Spidey’s chest.


Humpday Update – 06/25/2014 – Disney Vacation Edition!

Humpday Update – 06/25/2014 – Disney Vacation Edition!

Reading Time: 18 minutesHappy Alright, I guess it’s about time I get to blogging again. We’ve been back now for around 2 weeks.. or 3? Who the heck knows, I’m still on vacation time so everything has been out of whack. I’ve even tried to prolong the vacation …Read More….

Humpday Update – 5/14/14

Humpday Update – 5/14/14

Reading Time: 8 minutesWoo hoo! Humpday Updates separated by a food post! It’s almost as if this is a food blog.. Biggest news this week? We booked a cruise! And not just any cruise… A cruise to Alaska! Land of the Midnight Sun! The final frontier! (wait, isn’t …Read More….

Humpday Update – 4/23/14

Humpday Update – 4/23/14

Reading Time: 6 minutes


Radioactive [feat. Kendrick Lamar] [Explicit]

Another week, another Humpday.

  • I hope everyone had an awesome Easter!
  • As you may have noticed, I have gone a few weeks without a food post. I’ve been pretty busy and haven’t had time to put something together. Soon though, promisies!
  • The wife and I finally got caught up with Game of Thrones! After the big thing that happened got spoiled for her she didn’t want it to happen again. Speaking of which:
    Spoiler About halfway through Joff’s 10 minutes of trying to gasp for air, my wife said “is this it? Is this how it happens?” And then he finally turned into a smurf with blood coming out of his nose and mouth, his mother crying over his lifeless body, everyone in shock. And my wife, without missing a beat, goes “Well that was disappointing..” What?! He was choking for like a half hour, he couldn’t breathe, gasping for air, he died in his mother’s arms, was that not enough?! “No, I was hoping someone came and stabbed him a few times or something. I dunno.” Haha, yup, that’s my wife! Don’t get on her bad list.
  • Speaking of Game of Thrones, if you’re a fan and are also a fan of Frozen, more specifically, the song “Let it Go”, then you’re in for a treat! The folks over at Loot Crate put together the most amazing mashup video ever produced. Never would I have put these two worlds together, but they did! And they did it wonderfully! I kinda wish Elsa was in Game of Thrones now. She can totally fit in!

  • Speaking of them, if you know someone who is a gamer/geek and you’re looking for something to give them as a gift, then you should get familiar with Loot Crate. It is an awesome service that sends you a box of random goodies every month you’re a member. It’s like Christmas comes monthly, it’s amazing.
  • Also, speaking of Let it Go, this image made me crack up. Just as every other Thor/Loki cartoon does.


  • Also, also, I like segway’ing from one point to the other. If you haven’t noticed.
  • It’s dated 2003, but this is my gif of the week and it’s freaking mesmerizing. I couldn’t stop watching its awesomeness, it just got better and better.

Angry stick man

  • The wife got me this for Easter and I cannot wait to watch it because I still haven’t seen it! I’ve been waiting for The Desolation of Smaug to hit blu ray, but even still, I’m going to wait for the extended edition just like I did this one and hopefully they’ll have a steelbook too. It’s been really, really rough waiting to watch it because I was crazy huge into Lord of the Rings. So once I do watch it I’m sure you’ll know.


  • Ever watch Toy Hunter on Travel Channel? Do you ever curse out loud while watching because he’s always getting all excited when he finds toys that you owned as a child? Then you find out he’s excited because they’re worth a lot of money now and you instantly get vivid flashbacks of beating the crap out of that specific toy beyond recognition when you had it? Yeah… Every freaking time. I feel like buying my kids 2 of each toy just because of this show.


  • Lately, for some reason I’ve been rather exhausted at night time. Maybe all those late nights of gaming and blogging caught up. I am getting older… Anyway, the other day I tweeted that I missed winter because the allergies were killing me. I never had allergies before moving to NC, but now I just want to yank my eyes out… Like the other night. I was exhausted, as I mentioned, and all I wanted to do was sleep. But no, I couldn’t. I touched my eyes and next thing I knew I was knocking everything over on my nightstand trying to reach for my eye drops. Finally reached them, poured some in, and aaaaahhhhhh…. they were worse! Wtf?! I didn’t want to get up and risk waking up any sleeping wives or children, so I did what any sensible person would do. I took my water bottle and poured water into my suffering eyes right there in bed. Don’t mess with me because I do not play. It wound up helping and made the wet pillows worth it.
  • A few days after that tweet about missing winter, this happened. And yes, I was blamed for it. It’s like it’s never going to end:

  • We took a little road trip to Charlotte this passed weekend. We said it was to go to a Disney Store because we’re uncontrollable Disney fanatics, but that was just a cover up for the real reason: going to a Publix. Yeah, we drove 2 hours for a grocery store. The crazy part? It’s the second time we did it. The first time was actually going to be a blog post but it never got finished. Maybe one day..
  • Anyway, during the road trip I was wanting Imagine Dragons’ Radioactive on my phone (never heard it? click the play button up top). I’m a little picky when it comes to my music. All I ever listen to is stuff that came out years ago because I hardly ever like anything that comes out nowadays. So because I’ve shut myself out of new music I tend to miss awesome songs like this. My wife has it on her phone because she’s in the now and I’ve been meaning to transfer it but haven’t. So instead, she takes my phone, downloads it with another song that shall remain nameless because I didn’t want it on my phone to begin with so whatever she says don’t pay any attention to her, and plays it. It started to make me think how much of a future we’re living in. I mean, when I was young, if I liked a song, I had to wait for my parents to take me to The Wiz (nobody beats it..) so I could buy the $1-$3 cassette single. Now? Almost any song that you would ever possibly want is at your fingertips, ready to be downloaded and played within seconds at the push of a button. I’m always saying it – we may not live with flying cars, hover boards, or holographic telephones.. But we are certainly living in one amazing future where our kids will have thousands and thousands more cooler things than we ever had. And hopefully, it will only get better.
  • Finally, Seb is going to have to find a way to harness all his hyperness for good because we signed him up for tee ball! He’s been absolutely ecstatic to start and his first practice was yesterday evening. It started off a little rough because of Seb just wanting to do his own thing, but he did better the second half. On top of that, my wife went ahead and volunteered me as an assistant coach! I was fairly hesitant at first with just the thought of it, but after a little bit I’m sure I’ll get used to it. Plus it gives me an excuse to buy a glove, which I was pretty embarrassed not to have since all the other coaches had theirs. I guess I didn’t get the memo.

14 - 1 (2)

Nonetheless, it was a great and busy week that ended splendidly and I’m sure Seb cannot wait to practice again. There’s a lot of stuff he needs to work on and hopefully by next practice he’ll be more versed in baseball etiquette. Speaking of which, I’d be lying if I told you I wasn’t thinking about my younger days when I was growing up. My friends and I were huge baseball players and we loved every second of it. I never did tee ball or little league so Seb is lucky in that department. It should be a fun time.

I’m going to be posting something food related soon so hang tight! This weekend is a holiday so it might be yet another obstacle in trying to get something out there. But I’ll try. Till then, adios.

Click here if you want to buy Radioactive by Imagine Dragons

The 4th Birthday Cake – Lego Heist

The 4th Birthday Cake – Lego Heist

Reading Time: 13 minutesI cannot believe it’s been 4 years since our lives changed. In a way it feels like it should be decades longer, but at the same time it feels like only yesterday Seb came strolling in. This kid is growing up insanely fast and it’s …Read More….

3 + 1 = 4

3 + 1 = 4

Reading Time: 5 minutesShinedown – simple man Oh, hello there! It’s been a while, hasn’t it? Wow, about 2 months since my last post. And don’t go acting like you noticed because I know you didn’t! It’s been so long, this post is a couple of days in …Read More….

The 3rd Birthday Cake – Foreign Contaminant

The 3rd Birthday Cake – Foreign Contaminant

Reading Time: 6 minutes


Today, on my son’s Nameday, I’m reminded that 3 years ago I became a Dad.

You’d think after 3 years I’d get used to the title, but no, it still makes me step back and reflect. Makes me not only feel blessed, but it also makes me think, “holy crap, I’m someone’s Old Man.” It stings at first because I’m not short on things that make me feel old, but with his current admiration for Star Wars and Ninja Turtles, I think I can happily give myself a pat on the back for doing a good job so far. He may drive me nuts sometimes, but I couldn’t live without my young Padawan.

Speaking of Star Wars and Ninja Turtles, I wanted to do something with his cake. About 4 days ago I decided this and it kicked my “Eh, how hard can this be?” attitude into high gear. Why? Because my first thought was to make an R2-D2 cake. By now I hope you would know me as someone who doesn’t like to do things half ass, so I started thinking of elaborate ways to make a cake of everyone’s favorite astromech droid. And what better way to research than Pinterest?

Boy, that was a confidence killer.

After realizing there ain’t no way in hell I was going to have the time to put together the type of cake I wanted, I moved on, thinking maybe next year.

“What next… Ninja Turtles! What kind of Ninja Turtles cake can I make…?” To Pinterest I go!

The results weren’t too bad. Looking passed complicated ideas, I started to see basic shapes that I could have done. So after narrowing it down, I found one cake that I was going to go for…


I had nothing but a picture from flickr. No tutorial, no details, nothing. I broke it down from looks alone and I knew from the beginning the fondant was going to be my problem. Looking at the cake itself, it was a simple round cake as the bottom with another round cake on top cut in the shape of the Turtle’s head. Looks like everything was wrapped in fondant as well as the bandanna being made of it. I was going to go with a piece of cardboard wrapped in fondant for the manhole cover. This was my first elaborate cake decorating so screw that “everything must be edible” rule.

I’ve said it before, I’m no cake decorator. I know if I practiced I could probably rock it, but I don’t have time to practice. My mom tells me all the time to get into it and is even going to send me some course books she has since she’s a cake decorating instructor for Wilton.

But those little facts don’t stop me from thinking I could make a freaking 3D Ninja Turtle cake with the only experience I have being those cake shows on TV.

So I give myself 3 days. I was going to start on Monday and maybe I won’t feel rushed. I could put time into it while Seb eats his meals and I’ll be alright.

Nope, Monday didn’t work out. Family came into town so I didn’t even think about starting this monster. Ok, 2 days, I can do this. No experience.. yeah, so? Never made fondant before? Pfft, details, shmetails. I got this.

EH! Wrong again. I choked under the pressure. I let the clock stress me out. I got as far as making a surprisingly good marshmallow fondant for my first time, but when the food coloring wasn’t turning it the color I wanted after a half hour of kneading the crap out of it, I knew I wasn’t going to 1) finish this without confining the kid to his highchair for hours and 2) have enough fondant for what I wanted to do. Psyching myself out gave me no ambition for making more fondant, I just wanted to quit and buy him a cake.

But, I had to do something. I couldn’t quit altogether. So I thought and thought and it hit me. I don’t know why it didn’t hit me before since he was already in his 3rd back-to-back replay of watching the damn movie. It’s obvious he likes it, so why not make it his cake?

So WALL-E it was. An simple idea and design instantly came to mind where I would use leftover brownies from when my family visited and next thing I knew I was already making the cake.

I decided to go with Smitten Kitchen’s Best Birthday Cake because I wanted something other than a chocolate cake which I always seem to make for everything. I did keep chocolate buttercream though, which I got from Savory Sweet Life. It was the first time I made SK’s cake, which I resourcefully adapted since I had no cake flour or buttermilk. The result was pretty good and almost exactly what I was expecting. And I must say, I’ve made SSL’s chocolate buttercream more than once. Good stuff there.

I said I resourcefully adapted the cake flour and buttermilk. If you didn’t know:

Thanks to Joy the Baker, I found out to make cake flour out of all-purpose flour, all you had to do was add 2 tablespoons of corn starch to every 1 cup of all-purpose flour. Sift together and incorporate well. If you are putting it straight into the recipe, remove 2 tablespoons of all-purpose flour from the cup before you add the 2 tablespoons of corn starch. That way, things aren’t thrown off. Don’t blame me, blame science. If you’re making cake flour to just make cake flour, don’t worry about that. Just worry about the issues you obviously have since you’re making cake flour just for fun.

If you don’t have buttermilk, take a cup of milk, preferably room temperature, and add 1 tablespoon of lemon juice to it. Vinegar works too, but I prefer lemon juice. Let it stand for about 5 minutes and you’ll have yourself some ghetto buttermilk. If the milk is cold it takes longer for the process to work. In case you’ve already made yourself a supply of cake flour and want to dip your hands into another hobby.

Cake was done, buttercream creamed, I saw my vision and I went for it. A few cuts here and some brownie shaping there and boom! I had one trashy looking cake!

sebs cake 2

I was going for trashy so it was good. The cake is supposed to be one of his trash mountains that he put up, which explains the squares in the buttercream and the ramp leading to the top. The cocoa powder spilled everywhere was the dirt, random trash and debris was chopped chocolate and random cake/brownie crumbs, and the cubes of trash were also cake and brownies shaped so.

sebs cake

The only reason why I went for a WALL-E cake was because a few months ago I ordered that WALL-E toy from ebay for the purpose of being his birthday gift. I love helping him build his little toy collection, and I knew this would instantly be one of his favorites. I thought it would be awesome to see WALL-E sitting on top of a cake as if he helped put it together. And Seb’s look when he saw the cake was great. I know it was only because he wanted that toy and he couldn’t care less about the cake itself, but still it was great. My wife would’ve came home with a supermarket cake if I didn’t have that WALL-E toy.

The toy itself, I must say, is exactly what you would think a discontinued toy shipped from China would be. It came new in a box but the tape that held the box shut led me to believe something was fishy. Then the wheels not turning and the loose parts coupled with Seb breaking poor WALL-E’s arm off after 5 minutes of use all added up to a simple conclusion: If it is discontinued, costs $10, and ships from China, don’t have high hopes for it.

Still a great toy though. And even though his arm that I put back will never be the same, I know Seb loves it and that’s what counts.

sebs cake 3

Happy Birthday, son.