Reading Time: < 1minuteBeardy joins Los again to discuss their current gaming habits! Mass Effect was brought up briefly, to match how long we’ve both played it. But most of all, E3 was discussed which is always fun! And of course, the best thing Nintendo ever released. What was it? I’m sure you know!
Reading Time: < 1minuteLos is joined once again by Beardy McWhiskey. They give their update on the pandemic 1 year after their last update. They discuss what it’s like being vaccinated and all the superpowers that come with it, as well as whatever else has been going on.
After a needed mini mental break, I’m finally mustering the strength to get this show posted. Ridiculously huge apologies to Elaine! I feel horrible, I do. But trying to move forward, let’s keep going.
Episode 11, if you never heard it, was probably one of my favorite shows I’ve ever recorded. I’m so happy to have had Elaine on these back to back shows. If you can recall, we discussed a few very real topics. It felt as if it took a toll after the conversation, so episode 12 was great to chase it with as it’s much more laid back.
We talked about fun stuff. I tried to not discuss gaming as that’s our go-to hobby that many already know about. I wanted to focus instead on other things we enjoy doing. We talked about books, what we’ enjoy reading, what we’re reading now, all that jazz. Also got into our favorite T.V. shows and discussed what we love so much about them. Then we got into snacks! The most important subject as far as Elaine goes, and for good reason. Tune in to find out why!
Reading Time: < 1minuteToday’s Positive: An awesome show Hear ye, hear ye, hear ye! On this, the 3rd day of February. Elaine, etdragon, OG, pioneer of pioneers, originator of originators, was awakened at sunset from her trash panda haven, and spoke to me in Elainese and said: I …Read More….
Reading Time: 2minutesWho You Gonna Call? Not the Turtles! TEN EPISODES! Isn’t that amazing! At double digits now! It’s probably ok to retire now, right? Call it quits after hitting this milestone. Well, for this episode it’s a nostalgic trip to our childhood, as Al and myself …Read More….
Two shows in a row! One more, and it’ll probably be some sort of record for me. Also a record, is the amount of shows done by two guys who quit their last show because they could never get together to record. (That’s us!)
Yup, Beardy and I are here another week and we’re back to our old gaming antics. But we’re not discussing current trends and the new hotness. No, we’re going back over the past 7 years and talking about the best games and experiences of the last generation. PS4 and Xbox One gave us some of the most memorable games of all time. So it’s only right to go over them.
And, apparently, I was bored enough one day to put together a census on the last gen of games. It was extensive, it was detailed, and it was probably looked at for 5 seconds and closed by many. But a few kind souls spread out through a couple of different communities took the time to fill it out! So what stood out? Let’s see.
Links and Info Discussed
Here is the survey – If you’re curious, want to contribute, or see the grandness for yourself. It won’t be discussed/looked at anymore so it’s just for fun for you.
Reading Time: < 1minuteAni-mani, and Totally Insaney Beardy and I are back and we’re tackling the heavy hitting issues of today. Like when is the best time to take down your holiday decorations. How you should decorate for Valentine’s Day. And much more! We get into the excitement …Read More….
Reading Time: 2minutesEpisode 006 | LEGO Loving Fools It’s been over a year in post-production but I’m finally getting this episode out! Once again, apologies to Mr. Ve6a5 for slacking so much. But hey, if you’re a fan of LEGO, this one’s for you! Matt has been …Read More….
WELCOME to episode 5! FIVE! That’s so exciting and so sad at the same time. It’s ok though, because as long as we got each other, we got the world spinnin’ right in our hands. Yeah, that does sound familiar, doesn’t it? Guess you’ll have to listen to figure it out.
Speaking of listening, it wouldn’t be a podcast in 2020 without talking about the pandemic and quarantine living! Beardy McWhiskey, the man who broke up with me and ended our previous podcast is back for another episode of The Talking Place. We discuss a few things, but we focused on what’s new with us as we live the quarantine life. We talk about why you’re an asshat if you don’t wear a mask, Beardy walked us through making an Old Fashioned, and to liven up the mood we talked games! A few were mentioned, along with our thoughts on next gen, but Animal Crossing stood out, of course.
A few things were mentioned but no details were given during this episode:
I’m starting to stream games more! I’ve put Animal Crossing and Pokemon down for a bit and figured I needed to get my survival instincts up. So I’ve been playing Fortnite and Destiny 2 and streaming it when I do. Nothing crazy, I just hit broadcast and go from there. So check me out on Twitch and subscribe if you’d like.
Lastly, there’s a new voicemail number! I talked about it and how it’s new but I never gave it out. So if you want to give the show a call to say hi or whatever, it’s (407)906-TALK!