Reading Time: 7minutesA few weeks ago for the wife’s birthday we decided to take a trip. We wanted to go somewhere the kids would enjoy, but more importantly, somewhere that wouldn’t make us have to rearrange our spending habits for the next few months like Disney is …Read More….
Reading Time: 17minutesHaaaaaaaaaaaaapppppyyy Neeeeeeeeeew Yeeeeeeeeeear! Hey, we’re more than a week into it, but so what?! It’s still exciting! Wow, I’ve gone a whole year without posting something! (Haha, I love that joke. Never gets old.) Seriously, I keep going these long stints without updating this bad …Read More….
Alright, so If you’re doing Halloween remotely right, there are very good odds you have already, or will be carving up a pumpkin very soon. And when you’re in there, getting elbow deep in pumpkin guts, you may or may not know about the treasure hidden inside these orange globes of fall goodness. So allow me to shed some light.
It was 2 whole years ago (yikes) when we not only carved our first pumpkin, but I roasted seeds for the first time. If you go back and read that post by clicking here – which you should since it’s a great recipe and has more info on roasting – you’ll see I attempted and failed miserably (I’ll never forget that heartache) to make the seeds I’m sharing with you today. So it was good to read that again and feel like I won a battle I’ve lost in the past. Show me a mountain now and I shall climb it!
Ok, that’s pushing it. But still! Show me pumpkin seeds and I will roast them!
But… Before we get into the roasting, allow me to dump some pumpkin patch pictures on you.
For the first time, despite my wife not being crazy about Halloween, we ventured out an hour and a half to a farm where you can pick pumpkins, get lost in a corn maze, and take a hayride.
We only did the patch because we weren’t planning on making it a day long event. And it’s a good thing too because if everything else was anything like the pumpkin patch, we would’ve been even more disappointed than we already were.
There were 7 acres I think of pumpkins to pick, but there were only about 4 or 5 good clusters of pumpkins to choose from. And even those had all dented backs or cracks in the bottom.
I know, the back is the back. But I get all Clark Griswold when I choose a pumpkin so I wasn’t having any imperfections. The Perez Family Pumpkin should be the greatest pumpkin you’ve ever seen!
This is Lucas claiming his pumpkin and pushing his brother away, not wanting him to touch it.
Ha, no, unfortunately, we did not buy a pumpkin so big we needed to strap it to the roof of the van.
In fact, after combing the patch and not being happy with anything, we chalked it up as a loss and headed back home.
We stopped at one of those roadside pumpkin places by the wife’s job similar to the Christmas Tree corner emporiums. Turns out they had a bunch of great pumpkins and they were priced so well we got 2!
Brought them home, cracked one open, and here we are! Seeds!
Pumpkin Spiced Pumpkin Seeds
2 cups – Pumpkin Seeds, cleaned and dry
2 tablespoons – Butter, melted
3/4 teaspoon – Pumpkin Pie Spice
1/4 teaspoon – Cinnamon
1 tablespoon – Brown Sugar
pinch – Salt
1 tablespoon – Sugar
1/2 teaspoon – Pumpkin Pie Spice
little less than 1/4 teaspoon – Nutmeg, freshly grated
Woooooo, looks complicated, huh? Looks like a lot? Well, it’s a hell of a lot more than the last seed recipe which was only olive oil and salt (simple is the freaking best). But even though it doesn’t look it, this is fairly simple and just a little time consuming.
I have 3 separate batches of sugar and spices there, each one should be added at the designated time. Think those logs Doc threw into the train’s firebox to get the fire hot enough to get the train up to 88mph.
Go ahead, ask me what I’m talking about and see how fast I unfriend you.
Judging by my overall success with this recipe, I wonder what happened the first time I failed at it. I think it was just throwing everything in there and baking at a high temp. Roasting pumpkin seeds is like driving a ’59 Impala: Low n’ slow.
If you’re not a fan of Pumpkin Pie Spice, first off, who the hell are you?! And second, you can replace it with more cinnamon which I’m sure will be great.
If you’re not a fan cinnamon, then what the heck are you even doing here?!
Alright, let’s roast some seeds!
Set the oven to 325. Assuming you already extracted the seeds from the pumpkin, and separated them from the guts, it’s time to clean them. So put them in a big bowl of water and stir them up and swoosh them around. You’ll see the seeds float to the top and the stuff you don’t want sink to the bottom.
Next, get a baking sheet and line it with parchment and give it a spray with non-stick. Put the seeds on an even layer and put them in the oven for 10 minutes, while taking them out halfway to stir them up. While they’re in there, melt your butter.
You’re drying them out here and making it easier for whatever you’re going to put on them to stay on them.
Once they’re out put them in a bowl, and on top, pour the melted butter, and sprinkle the first round of seasonings. Give it a good stir.
Spray the parchment with non-stick again (I wasn’t playing this time, I took no chances), and put the seeds in a single layer.
In the oven they go for 7 minutes.
Take them out and put them in the same bowl you used before. Give them round 2 of the butter, sugar and spice. Stir it up. Spray the parchment again (yeah, again!) and put the seeds back in a single layer and pop them in for another 7 minutes.
Notice the change in color!
When they come out this time, you’ll probably have to give the parchment a wipe down thanks to the insane amount of non-stick I’m telling you to dose it with. Sorry, I’m traumatized, give me a break. Get the seeds back in the bowl and give them the last round of spices and sugar. Stir them up and back on the parchment they go. Same routine, but this time go for 12-14 minutes while stirring them halfway.
Use your instincts though. If you need to take them out sooner, you gotta do what you gotta do. But this awesome color is what you’re looking for.
And that’s it. You should have some nicely spiced up pumpkin seeds! Don’t get me wrong, there’s still something about the salt and oil ones that make them just perfect, but these liven up the party just as good.
Here’s to hoping your pumpkin carving ends with a nice pile of these babies in your hands! Hope everyone stays safe! Happy Halloween!
Reading Time: 18minutesHappy Alright, I guess it’s about time I get to blogging again. We’ve been back now for around 2 weeks.. or 3? Who the heck knows, I’m still on vacation time so everything has been out of whack. I’ve even tried to prolong the vacation …Read More….
Reading Time: 8minutesWoo hoo! Humpday Updates separated by a food post! It’s almost as if this is a food blog.. Biggest news this week? We booked a cruise! And not just any cruise… A cruise to Alaska! Land of the Midnight Sun! The final frontier! (wait, isn’t …Read More….
Wow, about 2 months since my last post. And don’t go acting like you noticed because I know you didn’t!
It’s been so long, this post is a couple of days in the making because I honestly forgot how to write. When you don’t even pick up your laptop for 2 months, you’ll find yourself staring at a screen for a while before you get your stride back.
Why was I gone so long? Well, if you can put one and one together, I’m sure by now you’ve figured it out. If not, it’s ok, I was going to spell it out for you anyway 😀
On June 8th, my amazing superhero of a wife gave birth to our second son, an 8lb 7oz blue eyed stud, Lucas Alykxander!
Like the spelling? No? Too bad, we love it!
Added bonus: If you rearrange the letters of his middle name, it spells out Skywalker! Go ahead, try it!
…Ok, stop trying, I was just kidding. But it’s close! Kinda.
Anyway, it’s been a crazy time trying to get back into routines and schedules. Patience is being stretched but we know it’s only like this in the beginning.
Having a new baby around is reminding me how awesome of a mom my wife is and she’s proving it everyday. If I tried to give it my all, my 110%, all day, everyday, for a week straight, it would only add up to about 1/4 of what my wife does in one day. I’m telling ya, freaking superhero.
So much happened in the past 2 months I started wondering how the best way to post about it would be. Instead of writing everything out and glorifying unnecessary details, I’ll just do bullet points and rapid fire most of the highlights.
Ready? No? Ok, here we go:
I installed 2 ceiling fans and I did not die.
Besides that, I’ve been doing almost nothing productive.
My wife’s doctor who delivered Lucas looks like Aaron Eckhart:
Apparently, I only produce boys who look exactly alike. So from this day on, I have no problem referring to them as my little Clone Troopers and to myself as Jango Fett.
Sebastian, our 3 year old, is still getting used to not being the only one. And that is proving to be quite the journey.
But, he still loves his little brother, so that’s good.
We took a toddler and an infant to watch Monster’s University. Yeah, we were those people.
We went to Florida for what felt like a month. It was hard to do it with a then 3 week old, but we wanted Lucas to meet his great-grandmother who isn’t doing too great.
You know that scenario everyone gives you? That if you were stuck on an island and can only bring 3 things what would they be? Well Florida has taught me that one of my things will always be air conditioning.
If you sat your naked ass in a pot of coffee and let it steep for a few hours, that coffee would taste like this:
We took Seb to the Magic Kingdom and SeaWorld. He had a blast! The only thing I miss about Florida are the theme parks.
We had tickets to the Magic Kingdom, and we got cheap tickets to SeaWorld by doing a timeshare presentation. You know, where you sit and listen and pretend like you’re there because you’re interested but you really just want cheap theme park tickets.
Yeeeeeeah, so much for that strategy. We were crazy interested and were insanely close to buying a timeshare. We want to do it, but not yet. Maybe next time.
No matter how great the hotel room or resort you’re staying in is, nothing compares to your own bed.
In his first month, Lucas gained 3 pounds. At this rate, he can go looking for a job on his first birthday.
I haven’t cooked anything significant in what feels like forever. I had a bunch of things lined up for the blog but if I can’t find the recipes I wrote down then everyone is screwed because the world is going to explode.
I did make these the other night. Pizza balls made with biscuit dough. A friend of mine on Google+ made them and my wife was intrigued so I went for it. Found a recipe on in case you’re interested. Which you totally should be because they were freaking awesome.
Do not try McDonald’s Dulce de Leche milkshake unless you want to hate caramel for the rest of your life.
After 7 months I finally finished reading A Storm of Swords. Great book and I’m trying my best to not get into the next one, A Feast for Crows, just yet. Got some stuff to do before I jump into another 1000 page endeavor. Next on my shelf is The Lost Symbol and Inferno by Dan Brown.
Speaking of books, I really really want to get back into trying to write one. It’s going to be about the restaurant industry from the point of view of someone who hates it. Would you read it?
Also, speaking of Game of Thrones, with all the traveling and wanting to read the book before the show, I still haven’t watched the entire season. What the heck is up with that?!
My boss (wife) made it so that my job (domestic engineer) now provides me with health insurance. Sorry, that’s not really important, I’m just excited that I can go to the doctor for this pain I have in my foot.
As of this posting, there are only 56 days left until fall. Tickle me freaking giddy.
And that’s about it I think. I’m sure I missed a few things but eh, you’ll live.
I hope I could get back on track and update regularly again. With my wife’s maternity leave ending in a few short weeks, it’s going to be mighty fun trying to care for a toddler and an infant by myself. And by mighty fun I mean the nearest mental institution should get a room ready for me. I’m hoping it won’t be so crazy that I can’t find time to update or keep up, but one thing’s for sure…