Reading Time: 2minutesEpisode 006 | LEGO Loving Fools It’s been over a year in post-production but I’m finally getting this episode out! Once again, apologies to Mr. Ve6a5 for slacking so much. But hey, if you’re a fan of LEGO, this one’s for you! Matt has been …Read More….
Reading Time: 6minutesBeen forever since I’ve done one a Humpday Update for here! Let’s see if I remember how this goes. Life’s been crazy like always so I guess these would be great to keep things organized for the blog’s sake. Ok, let’s see if we can …Read More….
It’s only fitting this is my first official LEGO set review. See, way back in 2016, I… whoa, whoa, whoa, seriously?! That was 3 years ago?!? Time don’t care about anything, does it! Ok, sorry. So way back in 2016, I wrote a love letter to Ghostbusters. Growing up in the 80’s-90’s in a retired Jewish community nestled between, but secluded enough away from the mean streets of The Bronx, it was almost guaranteed that I have a strong love for two things: the Ghostbusters, and the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
They were basically my superheroes and role models, and probably why I have the sense of humor that I have today. I was never into traditional comic book superheroes, I only recently in my adult life got addicted to all things Marvel, so back then, these two NYC native foursomes were it for me. I think fondly of the Turtles from time to time, but the Ghostbusters still have a strong presence in my life.
Queue 2014, when LEGO and their Ideas line put out the Ecto-1! It is set 21108, but unfortunately retired. It was purchased as a Father’s Day gift by my superstar wife and I was head over heels. But, I remember not wanting to rush through building it and being done, so I tried to let it age like a fine wine. I put together the minifigures, and then put the rest away (that’s why you see some pictures were taken in our old-old house and others in our newer old house, remember, all the pics are from years ago). I was waiting for a rainy day to sit and enjoy putting it together. At the time, the kids got a lot of LEGO sets to build and play with, but I never got too many of my own, so I wanted to savor it.
And I did… for a few years. Haha. I put the set together in 2016 when the latest Ghostbusters movie came out that everyone hated but I still stand by as being a good popcorn flick but this is not the post for that argument so I’ll just leave it at that! Speaking of which, I missed out on that Ecto-1 & 2 from the newer film. I really wanted to grab it but I never got the chance and it was off shelves by the time I got the urge again. Boo! Anyway, let’s get into the set!
Personally, I feel like minifigures are just as important to a set than the build itself. And these are just freaking adorable. The jumpsuits, proton packs, everything is so spot on and LEGO-ized, I love it.
The details on the roof of the car with the sirens and sensors was probably my favorite part of the build. As the vehicle the Ghostbusters use to ride around on, I always loved the look of it. And the roof was integral to that love because it just looked so awesome with all the gadgets and gizmos up there.
Tubing going around everywhere, lights, antennas, I’m sure somewhere somebody wrote up what everything does. Me, it just gives me warm fuzzies looking at it. And putting it together was the best, how all the studs and tubing fit to make it look perfect.
Lots of detail is to be enjoyed here and it was great to sit and put it all together piece by piece. Like I just talked about for an entire post, it’s a huge reason why I love LEGO sets and building them, especially with the kids.
The way it all comes together and you see it forming into this awesome build satisfies me in the simplest ways. And having it be something so near and dear to my heart like Ghostbusters, it’s just great. Looking back, it was the perfect Father’s Day gift.
And if there’s anything more iconic than Ecto-1, it’s the Ghostbusters Firehouse Headquarters! Myyyyyyyy goodness, this beast was one of those things I wish I had so bad but knew I never would. At $350, it was never going to happen at the time. I say that now, as I’m constantly trying to find out how I can scheme my way into getting the LEGO Hogwarts Castle. And that want for it comes not only from it being so amazing, but because of the Firehouse I never got and always regret when I see it in collections. So one day! Hopefully.
Reading Time: 8minutesI’m a man of many interests. I’m like an onion, ya know? Layers upon layers that you have to peel away in order to get to know me. Well here’s another layer for you: I like to play with LEGO. It really shouldn’t be a …Read More….
Reading Time: 7minutesWe got a chance to see The LEGO Movie 2: The Second Part on opening night! First of all, that’s a feat in itself, ok. I mean, getting us to a theater to watch anything is worth congratulations, but on opening night?! It was shocking. …Read More….