Tag: Holiday

(Podcast) Talking Favorite Christmas Movies!

(Podcast) Talking Favorite Christmas Movies!

Reading Time: 3 minutes  I’m full of that Christmas mornin’ feelin’! MAN! End of the year is no joke! Not only is it typically packed with things to do, stuff to clean, things to bake, gifts to wrap, and about a hundred bajillion other things—  it’s also just …Read More….

Jamberry Santa Suit Cookies

Jamberry Santa Suit Cookies

Reading Time: 13 minutesJacks Obsession The day has finally come! I feel like I’ve been holding this secret in forever. A few weeks ago, the Wilton Treat Team was asked if we’d like to do a Secret Santa cookie swap amongst each other. With me never taking part …Read More….

Candy Cane and Pretzel Holiday Bark

Candy Cane and Pretzel Holiday Bark

Reading Time: 7 minutesWhat’s This It’s Christmas time!! Kris my Kringles, where the heck has the year gone?! I know, I’m pretty bad with this blog thing during the holidays. So many great blogs out there with so many holiday posts coming out of their yule logs. Christmas …Read More….