Tag: Elaine

012 | Everything But Games w/ Elaine

012 | Everything But Games w/ Elaine

After a short break, episode 12 of The Talking Place has Los (@the1llusiveman) joined by Elaine (@etdragon) for the second show in a row! We discuss books we’re reading, shows we’re watching, and our favorite snacks. Come check it out!

The Talking Place Ep 011 | Today’s Positive w/ Elaine

The Talking Place Ep 011 | Today’s Positive w/ Elaine

Today’s Positive: An awesome show Hear ye, hear ye, hear ye! On this, the 3rd day of February. Elaine, etdragon, OG,  pioneer of pioneers, originator of originators, was awakened at sunset from her trash panda haven, and spoke to me in Elainese and said: I …Read More….