Tag: Destiny

Speaking of Destiny…: Where the Wizard Came From

Speaking of Destiny…: Where the Wizard Came From

Reading Time: 7 minutesOk, I’m resurrecting this little topic. “Speaking of Destiny…” was a little joke I started on Future Monkeys (my old podcast), because for a long… long… time, all I ever talked about was Destiny. Why? Because it was all I played! And trust me, I …Read More….

UNBOXING | Destiny 2 Limited Edition

UNBOXING | Destiny 2 Limited Edition

Reading Time: 2 minutesHi, I’m Los. And I’m a Limited Edition-aholic. For some reason, no matter what sense enters my head, I seem to gravitate towards these boxes of junk you don’t really need. But this one is totally justified though, I swear! See, the expansion pass is …Read More….

UNBOXING | Destiny: The Taken King Collector’s Edition

UNBOXING | Destiny: The Taken King Collector’s Edition

Reading Time: 7 minutesIt’s a glorious time to be a Guardian, my friends! The Taken King is here and he is a little upset. He brought a ton of his friends, the massive Dreadnaught, and this sweet, sweet Collector’s Edition that we’re looking at today. Yes, we all …Read More….

Speaking of Destiny…: The Cost of Entry

Speaking of Destiny…: The Cost of Entry

Reading Time: 6 minutesThis post has been a long time coming! With so much time I’ve put into Destiny, I can’t believe I’ve slacked around so much to the point where I haven’t written anything about it. Sure, with more than 100 hours total since the game released …Read More….

Humpday Gaming Update – 7/30/14

Humpday Gaming Update – 7/30/14

Reading Time: 8 minutesNot Gonna Die FINALLY putting my Gaming category to use! Ever since E3, I’ve had this insane urge to start writing about games again. Something about the hype and excitement of what’s coming down line reminded me of the good ol’ days. Times when I …Read More….