Tag: birthday

Family Travels: Carnival Victory 2017

Family Travels: Carnival Victory 2017

Reading Time: 9 minutesBefore I get into the Carnival cruise, let me tell you how we’ve been doing here. We’re a little more than half way through the summer and it’s been a busy one. And no, I don’t mean with the kids driving us to the point …Read More….

The 5th Birthday Cake: Loki’s Tower (Hard Candy recipe)

The 5th Birthday Cake: Loki’s Tower (Hard Candy recipe)

Reading Time: 11 minutes  October is basically over! Isn’t that just plain ol nuts?! I mean, we’re a whole two months from the end of the year! It’s madness! Even more madness? This is a post about something that happened waaaaaaaaaaaay back in March! Hahaha, yeah, I know! …Read More….

Humpday Update – 4/30/14

Humpday Update – 4/30/14

Reading Time: 5 minutesSing Woo hoo! Another week with no food posts! Hey, look at it this way: if it wasn’t for the Humpday Update, you’d have absolutely no idea why there aren’t any food posts. I swear, it’s not my fault. I’ve had no time whatsoever to …Read More….