Tag: amiibo

UNBOXING | Diablo III Loot Goblin amiibo

UNBOXING | Diablo III Loot Goblin amiibo

Reading Time: 3 minutes IT’S AN AMIIBO UNBOXING! It’s been so long, I almost forgot how to do this! I almost didn’t do it, but I figured with this whole trying to revamp the blog thing, a new, proper amiibo unboxing was needed. And the Diablo III Loot …Read More….

UNBOXING | The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild amiibo Cards

UNBOXING | The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild amiibo Cards

Reading Time: 3 minutes Ahh, The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Seems like only yesterday I was pulling out all of the nearly two dozen amiibo from my cabinet to scan them on a daily basis. Seriously, who wasn’t? If you had the amiibo, it’s what …Read More….

UNBOXING | Metroid Samus Returns amiibo

UNBOXING | Metroid Samus Returns amiibo

Reading Time: 2 minutesI heard people complaining about the Samus amiibo when it was first announced. Something about it not being a very exciting pose or something. Plain and boring might have been used? I dunno, I don’t see it! It’s such a great looking figure. If you’re …Read More….