Humpday Update 3/19: Guess Who’s Back

Humpday Update 3/19: Guess Who’s Back

Reading Time: 6 minutesIT’S THE HUMPDAY UPDATE!  Guess who’s back!? If you’re not familiar, many many years ago, I used to have a weekly, rapid fire update post. I ran through all sorts of topics every on select Wednesdays. Sometimes they were themed. Gaming updates happened a few …Read More….

Humpday Update: 11.17.22 – The Food Post Update

Humpday Update: 11.17.22 – The Food Post Update

Reading Time: 4 minutesHello there, my friends! As I developed severe asthma from blowing the dust off this blog, I couldn’t help but reminisce about yesteryear. The days when I would look forward to posting about regular ol’ happenings here. When I was but a wee lad, taking …Read More….

Humpday Update 09.18.19: The Return of the Hump/dates

Humpday Update 09.18.19: The Return of the Hump/dates

Reading Time: 6 minutesBeen forever since I’ve done one a Humpday Update for here! Let’s see if I remember how this goes. Life’s been crazy like always so I guess these would be great to keep things organized for the blog’s sake.  Ok, let’s see if we can …Read More….

Humpday Update 9.12.18: A Little Free Time

Humpday Update 9.12.18: A Little Free Time

Reading Time: 4 minutes  TWO HD UPDATES?! I know, this is madness!   I’ve been wanting to get back into doing these. It seems my podcast replaced these updates in my mind, as I tended to talk a lot about what was going on on a weekly basis. …Read More….

Humpday Update 1.10.18 – The New Year’s Resolution

Humpday Update 1.10.18 – The New Year’s Resolution

Reading Time: 4 minutesHaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaappy New Year! Ok, it was more than a week ago, but it still counts! It’s been a while, I know. Yes, I said I was going to update regularly again, I’m aware. You can’t blame me though, life has been cray! We’ve been livin’ …Read More….

Humpday Update 11.8.17 – This Was Halloween

Humpday Update 11.8.17 – This Was Halloween

Reading Time: 4 minutesHumpdate time! How goes it? What’s good in the hood? Oh! Me? I’m fine, thank you so much for asking! Matter of fact, yes, there ARE a few things on my mind. Aww, of course, I’d love to tell you about them. You’re so sweet. …Read More….

Humpday Update 10.11 – Back from the Storm

Humpday Update 10.11 – Back from the Storm

Reading Time: 4 minutesHey! Been a few weeks, I know. I have all these ways of communicating but I haven’t tweeted or insta’d (is that how the kids are saying it today?) or anything about what’s been up. Buuuuuuuuuuuuut at the same time… I ain’t exactly swimmin’ in …Read More….

Humpday Update 8.23 – That’s No Moon 2017

Humpday Update 8.23 – That’s No Moon 2017

Reading Time: 6 minutesHuuuuuuuumpday update! WOW, remember this?! A weekly update into the little details that are going on in life?? It’s been fooooooorever since I did one of these! Looks like May 27, 2015 was my last HDU. That’s a loooooooong time without meaningless nonsense! I was …Read More….

Humpday Update – New Logo, New Links, New Parks!

Humpday Update – New Logo, New Links, New Parks!

Reading Time: 9 minutesWoo hoo! A humpday update! It’s been a long time, huh? I know you missed it. So what’s going on?! The main reason why I wanted to put this together was to announce the following, which I didn’t want to make a specific post for, …Read More….

Humpday Update – 7/30/14

Humpday Update – 7/30/14

Reading Time: 7 minutesAlright, it’s been a while! I know you missed me, so let me get to it. First off let me get some old news out that I haven’t had the time to share with you. My 4 year old is allergic to peanuts 🙁 He’s …Read More….