Limp Bizkit – Almost Over Welcome! By now I would hope that you’ve noticed a few new things around here. Let me start by acknowledging the elephant in the room: This is my new home! Thanks to a birthday gift from my mom (thanks mom!) …Read More….
It’s Cinco de Mayo time in the food blogosphere so I figured why not throw my contribution in the hat too? I am Hispanic after all, and it would give me a good opportunity to show off my latin flare. …. Haha, Ok, that …Read More….
If you’ve never made caramelized onions before then you’ve been missing out. It has to be the best way to have onions.
…If you don’t count deep frying them.
I can understand if you were intimidated and didn’t want to venture into the deep, dark, scary road that is caramelizing onions. But at the same time, I don’t understand at all!
Like all things that are worth making in the kitchen, the secret behind caramelizing onions is not what kind of onion you use; it’s not about the inclusion of a super secret ingredient or what color your underware is that day. It’s simply… Wait for it… Patience.
A lot of people, including myself, have instructed to “cook your onions for 5 to 10 minutes on med-high heat until they’re brown in color”. While it’s possible to change the color of an onion in that time, you’re not getting a true caramelization. At least, not like you would if you cooked them slow. The temperature is a big factor as well. So big, in fact, it should be listed as an ingredient. “Med-high” is definitely not the way to make caramelized onions. The cooking temp – in this casea steady medium, is crucial in letting the natural sugars in the onion break down and become caramelized.
It’s a simple technique I learned many, many years ago; and when you do it once, you’ll realize setting the time aside is worth it. The flavor is deep and concentrated and you’ll give a whole new appreciation for the onion.
As far as what you can do with caramelized onions is up to you and is only limited to your likes. While possibilities are numerous, a few options you have are putting them in or on baked potatoes, sauces, soups (Mmm, French Onion soup), pizzas, burgers, grilled cheeses, breads like focaccia, or my favorite – a nice layer of them on a medium cooked steak. Damn the drool on my keyboard…
Caramelized Onions
4-6 each ~ Onions, medium or large, sliced medium 1-2 tablespoons ~ Butter (depending on amount of onions) 1 tablespoon ~ Oil good pinches ~ Salt and Pepper ¼ cup ~ Brown Sugar, lightly packed ¼ cup ~ Red Wine Vinegar pinch ~ Thyme (optional)
You can do one or two onions, sure. But why waste your time? Plan ahead and make a batch that you could use for various things over the course of 10 days or so. As long as they’re in a container and in your fridge they’ll be fine.
I’ve never tried it but I heard they even freeze well. So pop some in an ice cube tray and freeze them then pop the onion cubes in a bag to use as you’d like.
The salt is going to help you by speeding up the process of extracting the moisture from the onions.
Alright let’s talk onions
First thing’s first, you gotta slice your onions. If you’ve never sliced onions then I can’t do anything for you. Well, I guess I could show you a picture and just hope you’re not completely lost.
Get a nice sized pan or pot – don’t be afraid to use a pot – one big enough to hold the amount of onions you’re doing, and melt the butter with a little bit of oil on medium heat. Medium. So if your stove is normal and goes up to 10 (if it’s awesome and rocks it goes to 11), then put it on 5.
Why oil and butter? I’m glad you asked.
It’s simple really. Butter has a low smoke point meaning that it doesn’t take too much heat to get it to break down and begin to burn. Oil on the other hand has a higher smoke point so if you add a little bit of oil to your butter before sautéing or pan frying anything, the butter will go a lot longer before it burns on you.
Once your butter and oil are hot and bubbling, add the sliced onions along with the salt and pepper. Toss them a bit to get everything coated and then let them sit there getting its sizzle on for about 10-15 minutes.
Other than peeking underneath an edge to check the color after the 10 minute mark, do not touch them.
When you see the top is all sweated and the bottom is beginning the transformation, give it another few minutes before you start to toss it around. After tossing, continue cooking for another 5-10 minutes until you get a nice caramel color.
You can keep on going from here and continue cooking till you get a darker color, but this is good enough for me and it’s where I add the brown sugar and the red wine vinegar. Once added, cook for about 4 or 5 minutes until the vinegar is reduced and you’re left with nice, syrupy caramelized onions.
And that be that. You can now add caramelized onions to your repertoire. Like I said they store easily can be used in tons of dishes so go nuts with them!
3 Doors Down – Citizen Soldiers It happened again… I made a post with garlic bread and before I knew it, I started getting urges… I thought it would pass but after a few days my hands started shaking and I couldn’t control it… …You’re …Read More….
Like A Stone So we had spaghetti last night. One thing I love about spaghetti night is I get to make garlic bread. I freaking love me some garlic bread. With 2 different variations already on here, I figured why not help you put one to more …Read More….
Music is a powerful force. It can heal emotional scars or create them. I’ve always had a deep love and appreciation for music. Well, I used to. I was heavy into it with my finger on the pulse of all the newest albums and tracks. Not to mention the love I had for Choir singing and performing in Musical Theater, but that’s a different street on Memory Lane. Nowadays, it’s a completely different story. While I may follow a small handful of artists, for the most part, I have absolutely no clue on what’s going on out there in the music world.
And that’s sad on a bunch of levels, but mostly because my world used to revolve around what was pumping in my ears. Not even counting the countless times in my youth where a certain song would instantly pull me out of whatever funk I was in – those songs and times are littered throughout my memories. No, I’m going to briefly talk about music in the kitchen and why it was important to me.
Besides my wife, no one in my life now was around, but when I first started working in the kitchen of a hotel so many years ago, I hated everything. I hated life, the choices I had made, my job, everything. But since I worked in a secluded kitchen away from big wigs and suits, I carried a radio in my knife bag as if it was a necessary tool. I used to burn so many CD’s before work, you couldn’t see the floor of my car (that’s where I stored them). During the easy parts of the day I played the calmer tunes – Incubus, Red Hot Chili Peppers, No Doubt, and so on. But once tickets started pouring in like lava out of a volcano, the mood of the kitchen changed and the radio would be blasting the likes of KoRn, Disturbed, Slipknot, Rage Against the Machine – I was not everyone’s favorite person when I was playing “Los’ psycho music”. I didn’t care though, because the music helped me cope. Helped me concentrate and get me through the day without throwing my chef knife through a wall.
Point I’m making is that music was always there. It was always a part of me – an extension of my mind. Whatever I was listening to gave you an insight as to how I was feeling at the time. Music defined me.
But when I left that job my mood changed. I always knew it was killing me from the inside; and being able to not depend on a song to help me get through a working day proved that fact. After the hotel, I grew distant from the angry, adverse cook I used to be. I didn’t even listened to music. At all. It was around this time that I started getting heavy into gaming podcasts. I fell into a deep rabbit hole of following weekly shows – sometimes 10-15 different ones a week. At an hour or more a show, I had no ambition to listen to music. And I was in that rut for years.
Fast forward a few years after marriage and a kid and I find myself in a different situation. Due to not gaming anywhere near like I used to, I don’t listen to dozens of hours of gaming podcasts a week anymore (save one – EZ-Mode Unlocked.. duh). But, because of the kid keeping me on my toes and watching non-stop Disney Channel, there are times I feel like I don’t even have time to listen to music either. I would play a song here or there, maybe I’d check out a new album from an artist I used to like, but overall I wasn’t anywhere near the way I used to be.
It wasn’t until late last year though that I changed. When I got my Galaxy Note II along with a 32GB memory card, I filled it up with all the songs I had in my archaic MP3 collection, bought a music player app (if you’re wondering which app, it’s Poweramp – and it is awesome) and basically forced myself to start listening to music again. It wasn’t too long before something clicked and I started getting excited again. I started making different playlists for different moods, hitting shuffle whenever I was about to start cooking or cleaning in the kitchen. It’s like I opened a door again.
Yeah, for the most part I’m listening to older stuff. Songs that are tried and true in my collection, with a peppering of newer tracks. But being able to say “hey, listen to this song” again feels good. I may not share the same tastes as everyone, but I’m glad it’s a taste that I learned to like again.
Like I said, music in the kitchen is important. And now that I regularly plug in a pair of headphones to listen to something at night or hit shuffle, as I said, while cooking and cleaning… I wanted to try a little somethin’ somethin’…
I want to bring music into my blog. Nothing crazy like a music player on the side, although that would be pretty freaking cool now that I think about it. No, I was thinking about posting a video of a song at the bottom of every post.
The song may have relevance to the post – like my Chili post that I obviously wrote while listening to Tenacious D.
Back to the song… I’m going to try to do it so that the song I share is one that I was listening to while either cooking what the post is dedicated to, or writing up the actual post. Heck, it might even be a song I was listening to while cooking and cleaning the day the post was written, or something that is just stuck in my head. Who knows!? Possibilities are endless.
Main thing about this experiment is to give me some depth. You read my words and may or may not get my geeky references, but aside from my snarky comments and love for simple food, you’re not really getting who I am. I feel like if I give you a video to push play on and a little description on how I feel about the song or artist, then you’ll have another puzzle piece describing who I am and what I’m doing here.
Like I mentioned, music was there for me through a lot in my life and the one band that I always seemed to connect most with was Linkin Park. Say what you will about them but I was a huge fan. When they evolved their sound I admit, I wasn’t on board with it. When I used to listen to an entire album it turned into only listening to a song or two. But lately, giving their last few albums another chance, I’m finding that I like a lot more than what I thought I did.
This song is off Living Things and it’s one of the most powerful songs I’ve heard in a long, long time. I found myself listening to it on repeat for the last 3 days, and honestly, wanting to share this song gave me the inspiration to do this little experiment on the blog. The music, the lyrics, the message – it’s an amazing 3 minutes and 49 seconds that can give you goose bumps if you let it. While the message it delivers isn’t really something that I can connect with, I’m sure it’s inspirational and touching for someone out there.
Happy Game of Thrones Day! What? Surprised? A food blog with no Easter recipe on Easter? The horror! I figured, every other food blog you probably check out will be doing something for Easter, so why add to the pile? Against the stream, I say! …Read More….
Today, on my son’s Nameday, I’m reminded that 3 years ago I became a Dad. You’d think after 3 years I’d get used to the title, but no, it still makes me step back and reflect. Makes me not only feel blessed, but it also …Read More….
Alright, let me make this clear and get it out in the open before anything gets misconstrued.
I’m no smoothie maker.
I was never really big on the smoothie scene. I don’t have a huge, $300 blender that has its own infomercial. I’m just a dude that likes fruit. That’s it. No, I’m not converting my food blog to a smoothie blog. Until my $20 blender that I don’t even remember buying burns out and dies, don’t expect me to get too invested in this game. I don’t even know if it was $20. I said that because it just looks like it costs that much. And don’t come to me for any sort of guidance unless it has to do with this post. Baby steps, people. Let me get there.
Why am I even bothering then? Well, because I liked the way it came out. Nothing fancy about it, nothing crazy in the ingredients. And it probably won’t blow your mind; it’s just good.
And it’s the first day of spring!! So what better way to welcome it than a nice, fruity smoothie? ¡Salud!
Puréed Cheshire Cat (Yes, I’m calling it that)
3/4 cup ~ Frozen Mixed Berries 1 each ~ Fresh Banana 1/2 cup ~ Plain Yogurt 1/4 cup ~ Old Fashioned Oats 1/4 cup ~ Milk 1/4 cup ~ Fruit Juice 3/4 teaspoon ~ Cinnamon a pinch ~ Nutmeg, freshly grated 1 teaspoon ~ Sugar or Honey A few ice cubes
Look, I’m not going to sit here and tell you how to blend a smoothie. If you really don’t know how to make one, there is absolutely nothing I can do to help you in life.
I will tell you that I used Juicy Juice Fruit Punch as the Fruit Juice. But I’ve used Orange Juice in the past and it came out good too. Also, the mixed berries contain Strawberries, Blueberries, Blackberries and Raspberries. It’s a pack I picked up in Target. I’m using frozen because they’re easier to keep in this house than fresh fruit.
And by easier, I mean cheaper.
Also, in my smoothie research (yes, I researched how to make smoothies, it’s a bad habit I have), I found that frozen fruits are in fact better than fresh fruit when it comes to nutrients. Reason being is when fresh fruit is picked, in order for it to last from the grower, to the shelf, to us, it has to be picked before it’s ripe. And not letting it fully ripen doesn’t allow whatever it is to become fully enriched the way nature intended.
Frozen fruit on the other hand, is picked when it is fully ripened. Then it’s frozen, shipped and used whenever you decide to use them. And whenever you do, they’ll have all the nutrients they had just like the day they were picked. Think Sylvester Stallone and how he was cryogenically frozen in Demolition Man, then he defrosted and it was like he never aged. Like freaking magic. But more science-y.
Look at me! Not knowing anything about smoothies and still teaching you stuff!
Wanna learn more? Here’s a nifty little chart I found on Pinterest that breaks down what you need for a smoothie:
Freaking Pinterest. So handy if you can navigate around all the nail polish pins.
Let me know if you like this smoothie post thing. I really do want to get into making more of them and more often. I’m in it for the good stuff. I want to start eating more balanced and when I have a smoothie it usually accompanies a slice of peanut butter toast and it replaces a meal.
Mmmm… Melted peanut butter..
And when I get comfortable I’ll start going all mad scientist and use all sorts of ingredients like vanilla extract, iced coffee or cocoa powder (hey, chocolate is good for you, you know). It should be fun. I look forward to it!
Hope everyone enjoys spring! Go say hi to a butterfly or something..