Reading Time: 2minutesI’m fairly new to all this Poké madness. I didn’t get into the series until Sun & Moon, which in case you didn’t know, came out only one year ago. So in the grand scope of things, I’m still a baby to everything Pokémon. Still though, that …Read More….
Reading Time: 4minutesHumpdate time! How goes it? What’s good in the hood? Oh! Me? I’m fine, thank you so much for asking! Matter of fact, yes, there ARE a few things on my mind. Aww, of course, I’d love to tell you about them. You’re so sweet. …Read More….
This post is sponsored by on behalf of Alexia
Alright, I’m going to let you in on a little secret. It’s something I don’t go blabbering to just anyone, either. So I hope you walk away from this with your newly found cosmic wisdom and have a better appreciation for the finer things in life….
The truth is…. I’m the biggest cheater of a food blogger you’ll ever meet. What do I mean? I mean, you’d probably expect me to do things like make mashed potatoes from scratch every time we have them. Or make a homemade vinaigrette for an impromptu salad before dinner. Or make pasta dough, roll it out, cut it, dry it, and cook it for family spaghetti nights.
Seriously, if you think I do any of those things, you’re straight kookie-dukes and haven’t been paying attention to anything I say! Yes, mashed potatoes are the easiest thing to whip up. And if you have the ingredients, a homemade vinaigrette is one of the simplest pleasures. And pasta! Homemade pasta is… well, it’s always a pain in the rear and you’d probably never catch me ever saying I made homemade pasta for anything. Like, my mom could ask me for her birthday (which is also Valentine’s Day, mind you) to make her homemade pasta for dinner and it would be hard for me to not laugh in her face.
Why? Why, if things are simple (except pasta), why not take the time to make dinner a little extra special for my family? Here’s the reason, flat out, cut n’ dry, nice and clear:
I’m a family man, and with that comes a packed daily schedule that revolves around the kids. Being a stay-at-home dad, I have a lot more responsibilities than you might think. On top of keeping the kids from going all Tom and Jerry on each other, and keeping the house semi-presentable, making sure dinner is ready is one of the bigger tasks of my day. And I’d be lying if I told you it wasn’t stressful sometimes. Maybe it’s my experience in the kitchen and always having that strict ticket time I had to adhere to, I dunno. But knowing the clock is ticking and the wife gets off work at a certain time, I can’t help but feel the pressure of making sure her night starts off right.
When I’m cooking, a lot of things are being juggled around. It makes dinner worlds easier if I had something that was no fuss, and quick to make. Super ultra bonus points if I can just empty a bag into a dish to cook it. And that’s exactly what I got with Alexia’s sides! Usually, if I’m making a frozen side, I feel like I have to doll it up with extra spices and whatnot so it doesn’t feel so meh. But these seriously didn’t need anything! Matter of fact, it’s kind of weird referring to them as a frozen side. These are complete side dishes, where in less than 10 minutes for each bag, I was able to plate two awesome tasting premium vegetables. They not only showed me how great they were as starch alternatives, that I don’t need to bother with regular mashed potatoes or french fries anymore. They also gave me more time to focus on the main event of dinner.
Speaking of the main event! You can’t go wrong with a grilled steak. Or, however you choose to cook it. Personally, it’s been hard to not grill anything since we moved back to Florida. Heck, I can’t remember the last time I used the oven or stove to prepare a protein. I can’t help it, it’s too nice out to not grill.
Anyway, I made this sauce a few weeks ago because I had some extra mushrooms in the fridge. I used to work in a restaurant where we had a peppercorn sauce for the filet so it all sounded so right for this post. The sauce is insanely simple and can be easily prepared and finished by the time the sides are done cooking. There are a ton more things you can add to the sauce to make it have more depth, but we’re aiming for simple, quick, and delicious. And that’s what the mushroom peppercorn sauce will give you.
A quick and easy cream sauce that will take your grilled steak from a good meal to a memorable dinner. Earthy mushrooms, whole peppercorns, and a creamy sauce will be your steak's new BFF.
Prep Time15 minutesmins
Cook Time20 minutesmins
Course: Main Course, Side Dish
Cuisine: American
Keyword: Alexia, dinner recipe, Sauce, Steak
Servings: 2
Author: Los
The Steak
1each, per personYour Favorite Cutgrilled
totaste -Sea Salt and fresh pepper
Mushroom Peppercorn Cream Sauce
1.5tablespoon -Olive Oil
1carton -Mushroomssliced
1 1/4cups -Milk
1teaspoon -Cornstarch
2tablespoons -Peppercornswhole
1teaspoon -Garlicchopped
totaste -Salt and Ground Pepper
Alexia Premium Sides
1bag -White Cheddar Riced Cauliflower
1bag -Butternut Squash Risotto
Sauté the mushrooms in the olive oil for about 5 - 6 minutes, until they're browned and your kitchen smells amazingly earthy and rustic.
Put the corn starch in the milk and stir until it's dissolved. Then add the milk to the mushrooms.
Add the peppercorns, garlic, some salt, and ground pepper to the sauce. Let it cook for about 7 - 8 minutes, while stirring regularly.
Taste and make sure to add salt and pepper if needed. Spoon over prepared steak and enjoy!
Alexia Sides
Follow the directions on the bags.
Phew! It's a lot to take in, I know!
As far as the steak goes, we are HUGE fans of Flank. Grilled right, I am extremely partial to it. Though, this cut in particular that I used was a N.Y. Strip.
And no, you don't need to go all crazy. Sea salt, and pepper, and olive oil to coat is all you really need for a steak. If you're feeling frisky, throw some rosemary or thyme on there, but that's all.
I used Crimini Mushrooms. I feel like the earthy flavor is more rich than Buttons. But if you're partial to Buttons or Shiitake then go for it.
Technically, the sauce should be made with cream. It'll be a lot.. uhh... creamier. But we don't usually buy cream in this house and I wanted to try and keep the recipe simple, without things someone wouldn't normally buy. Almost everyone should have milk in their fridge and cornstarch in their pantry.
Cornstarch! I know, I told you I'm a cheater! If you'd rather make a roux, go for it.
Equal parts butter and flour, about 1 1/2 tablespoons each. Add it to the mushrooms after they've cooked for 5 minutes. Incorporate the milk and make sure the roux is completely dissolved.
If you decide to go the cream route, don't add any roux or cornstarch. Instead, just simply reduce the cream until it thickens.
Add as many peppercorns as you feel you can handle. They're not as intense as you would expect when you bite into them.
For the Alexia Sides, I decided to microwave them to see how easy they could really be. And they came out amazingly good. If you want to go the stovetop route, that's on you. But microwaving and following the directions on the bags give you a great tasting side!
Now, I know what you’re probably thinking. This is a sponsored post, so sure these things are “great”. But seriously, I’m going to be buying these on the regular now. The wife and I were both thoroughly impressed with how it all came out.
We’re not the type to have butternut squash risotto or riced cauliflower as sides for dinner. But Alexia made it so incredibly easy to have such things on a regular basis. On top of the ease of preparing, the flavors were great as well. Fresh tasting, creamy, and I just wanted more when I was done. They use organic dairy ingredients (as you can see in the pictures above of the chunks of cream out of the bag), it’s Non-GMO Project verified, and it’s all gluten-free! Like, I’ll go as far as saying these are going to be my default sides from now on!
And the sauce should speak for itself. It takes roughly 15 minutes start to finish, so you have no excuse. If you’ve never had such a sauce touch your steak, then please, do yourself a favor and step outside your comfort zone, Sally. I’m a sucker for caramelized onions on my steak, but this is a nice change of pace and makes dinner feel a lot more fancy than it should. And like I said before, the peppercorns are not as intense as you might think. The slight bite you get from a peppercorn is perfect with the cream, so don’t be afraid, because trust me, I am ultra sensitive to big chunks of pepper and I should be terrified of this sauce. But it’s good!
Here’s to hoping you can give all of this a try! I’d love to hear about it if you do. Let me know what you think!
Reading Time: 4minutesSo here’s a more recent recipe. Something that I had made a few times already and decided to take pics of because I thought to myself, “hey, self. This would make a good blog post whenever you decided to blog again.” And look! Here we …Read More….
Reading Time: 5minutesWinter is coming… But first is fall, baby! Best season ever! Don’t sit there and start trying to think of reasons why it’s not, you’ll just be wasting your time. You could think about winter and the pretty snowfall and cozy nights by a fire, …Read More….
Hey! Been a few weeks, I know. I have all these ways of communicating but I haven’t tweeted or insta’d (is that how the kids are saying it today?) or anything about what’s been up. Buuuuuuuuuuuuut at the same time… I ain’t exactly swimmin’ in messages asking where I am..
Anywho. Remember a few weeks ago when I was all like “I got posts all lined up, and I’m blogging again!” Well that train got derailed, as you may have guessed. But it’s not my fault! I… well, here. Let’s get into the humpdate and see what’s up.
Humpdate. Like that? I do! Humpday Update, humpdate. It’s evolution.
So the big reason for the derailment was Hurricane Irma. It could’ve been soooooooooooo much worse than what it was over here. But it was still pretty bad in spots. If you weren’t following me on my personal Instagram, then you missed out on the play-by-play. I got about 2 hours of sleep that night because the storm couldn’t decide which coast to pass on, so it just went right up the state and what was left of the eye went right over us. Thankfully it fell apart but it caused enough damage even when it wasn’t held together. The kids were off from school the whole week after. Trees and debris everywhere and STILL cluttering side streets. It was a mess.
But not as big a mess as Puerto Rico. My poor island. I’ve been relatively quiet about what’s happening over there, and prayers are about all I could contribute. But if I know my people, it’s that we’re resilient AF and they’ll overcome their battles and be even stronger.
To cap off the hurricane talk, here’s a slideshow of the pics and such from the storm. I was going to dedicate a blog post to it but that ship has sailed. Also in the slideshow, enjoy the countless memes that were comedy gold when Irma was coming through. Even with what was the most powerful storm in history setting a course for us, Floridians were ready with hilarious internet pictures.
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On a lighter note, we are currently semi-actively and somewhat officially on the market for a house? Confused? Good, because we are too. Well, more conflicted than confused. We are debating renting an apartment for a year vs. buying a house. School zone is top priority so we’re left with little options in our price range. I’m leaning towards buying, so we shall see how it all plays out!
Also, IT’S FREAKING OCTOBER! Holy pumpkin guts, where does the time go?! Halloween is upon us. Bring on the candy! Pumpkin Spice all the things!
Speaking of pumpkin. This stuff is pretty darn tasty.
Also also, IT’S ALMOST FREAKING CHRISTMAS!! Holy fruit cakes, where does the time go?! We may or may not have already stocked up on peppermint flavored coffee and started our Christmas shopping. Don’t you dare judge us.
Lastly, we’ve been trying to figure out this whole parenting thing. It’s hard sometimes, as you may or may not know. So we’re trying new things here and there. Our current new thing is at night, just before bed time, we all sit on the couch and watch T.V. together. I know, it sounds so… simple. But it’s something we honestly never do anymore. Life has been a roller coaster for a while in our house. It seems like there’s never time for anything once the ball gets rolling mid-day. So it was my glorious idea that we sit down and make family time before bed. I remember sitting with my parents to watch America’s Funniest Home Videos and The Simpsons when I was a kid. I remember making time for it and sitting on the couch and having it be a ritual. Because you know, back then we didn’t have fancy DVR’s so we didn’t have a choice. I actually remember taking a shower and remembering The Simpsons was supposed to be on and we were missing it. So I jumped out of the shower and went running down the hall naked and slipped and busted my head on the corner of the wall. My mom was freaking out and she was like WHAT’S WRONG WHAT HAPPENED?!? And I was like WE’RE MISSING THE SIMPSONS!! Ahhhhh, good times.
I feel like it has stopped a lot of the anarchy that reigned at night time. Because you know…
And that’ll be that for this week. I know, this was posted on Thursday and it’s supposed to be Wednesday. But you know what? Life happens, and sometimes, when you suffer from extreme laziness and a faulty motivator, things run a day behind. I’m going to start getting stuff out again soon, so until then, adios!
Reading Time: 2minutesI heard people complaining about the Samus amiibo when it was first announced. Something about it not being a very exciting pose or something. Plain and boring might have been used? I dunno, I don’t see it! It’s such a great looking figure. If you’re …Read More….
Reading Time: 2minutesIf you were lucky enough to get a pre-order in for this bad boy, then I’m sure you’re enjoying it. I’m a sucker for game soundtracks and that was the main appeal of the Special Edition for me. That was, until I saw the reversible …Read More….
Hi, I’m Los. And I’m a Limited Edition-aholic. For some reason, no matter what sense enters my head, I seem to gravitate towards these boxes of junk you don’t really need.
But this one is totally justified though, I swear! See, the expansion pass is worth $35 by itself. If you’re buying the expansion pass (which, I KNEW I would be eventually if I didn’t get it at launch) then this $99 edition was worth the purchase. I mean, look at that steelbook!
Honestly, I’m glad for that steelbook because the actual Cabal themed box was pretty disappointing. You can tell in the video it’s very.. uh.. boxy and not worth a second look. Previous Destiny LE’s had awesome books that felt worn and weathered.
The book inside the box, however, is a good read and worth having in your collection if you’re a Destiny fan. Despite it not having the presentation of other LE books from the game.
When it comes to Destiny, it’s a very love-hate relationship with me. I absolutely adore the game. I bought the Ghost Edition when Destiny first released, and the Limited Edition for Taken King. I’m no stranger to plopping down money for Destiny and do it happily. But when I’m burnt out from it like I was for a long time, I don’t care to hear anything about it.
Still though, I managed to pre-order the Limited Edition, despite not really wanting to. That meh feeling turned out to be pretty strong because I cancelled that pre-order a few weeks before launch! ….. only to go on a mad hunt for it on launch day because the hype got me hard. And I’m glad it did because so far I’m feeling the hook in me. I can’t wait to continue playing and getting into it like I did before.