Reading Time: 5minutesIt’s Pi Day! My favorite food holiday, by far! I actually started this post talking about Pi Day 2025 and my favorite pies, and I got carried away, going on about a the significance of Pi Day. Next thing I knew, I had a whole …Read More….
Reading Time: 4minutesIt’s Pi Day in 2025 and I’m here talking about it! Do you know how huge that is for me?? 13 freaking years on this site and I always looked forward to talking about pie on Pi Day! Yeah, yeah, I’ve taken plenty of years …Read More….
Updating the blog is something I always look forward to! You know, despite my mind and laziness telling me I don’t need to. When I update the blog and make things fresh and clean in here and it’s time to make the post about it? Oooooo, I feel like Kendrick Lamar walking up to the camera in the Super Bowl.
Ugh, I’ve been on such a Kendrick trip too. I’m so mad at me for missing out on that beef when it was happening. That’s what I get for living under a rock I guess.
Side note, these posts are mostly a guilty pleasure for me. It’s not the first time I flaunt changes around here, and I hope it’s not going to be the last. I’m a sucker for seeing how I’ve progressed over the years so these posts about updating the blog are a nice way of showcasing that. Overall, this may seem boring to you. But if you’re interested about blogging yourself (which you should be!), or you already have a blog and you want to peak behind the curtain of a fellow blogger, then this is the post for you!
Why I’m updating the blog
If there’s one thing I learned from these 13 years of blogging, it’s that I can be insanely stubborn when it comes to change. I’ll get into themes later, but I am notorious for finding something that I like, and sticking with it for years. Not because it’s amazing and the best available, but because I get so used to the options and customizations I have in place, that in my head, I feel like there is nothing that could be better for what I need.
And that is such a easy way to get stuck, believe you me. So many different ways I could’ve updated and spiced things up throughout the years, but I always defaulted to what I had. “Nope! I love my set up, I can’t change this thing that I’m not fond of because that would disrupt the flow of things.” One thing leads to another and you eventually grow bored of things. After that, it is a very quick transition to indifference, and before you know it, your blog is dormant and you just don’t care anymore.
Yeesh! That got dark really quick, didn’t it. I didn’t realize this was going to be a self-reflecting therapy session. Never know what you’re going to get coming here!
Anyway, let’s get to it and see what’s going on in here that’s different! Don’t even know where to start. How about from the top.
The Bruce
Let’s start with the banner! (Get it? Bruce… Bann.. oh, nevermind) The banner, or, header, as we refer to it in the industry*, is… well, it’s semi-new. I really wanted to update it and do something fresh and different. Changing the banner is equivalent to fresh paint in a room – it changes the whole feel on the site! So naturally, it’s the first thing you want to do when updating a blog. This isn’t the first time I make a post like this updating what’s new. And if you go to any one if them I’ve done in the past, I’m showcasing new banners vs the old ones.
This time though, it’s not as drastic. It almost was! It was almost huge and gaudy. I guess if you want to check it out you caaaan….
I had a small test group and they agreed with my gut feeling about it – MEH. This was the result of many YouTube videos researching about what’s trending in designs and fonts and such. Turns out medieval is in? Kind of an old timey, Englishy, blocky lettering. But nope, after trying numerous fonts and designs, this is what turned into the best of the best for me. Which is funny because it’s actually the best of the worst. I just did not dig it when compared to what I already had. Strangely enough, it reminds me of an older banner I had when I was going through my pirate phase. But we won’t talk about that………………… Ok, fine, here it is.
Listen, we all go through pirate phases, ok?? Don’t judge me, matey.
Trends come and go, minimalist is forever
Ultimately, I ditched medieval me rather quickly. I tried to force myself to like it for the sake of having something different and new. But deep down, I just really liked my old one still. So I kept it! I did want to have it narrower though. So I made it a straight line going across, instead of the words stacked up on each other. I think it looks good! Go ahead, scroll up and see for yourself! The tagline was something the blog did automatically. It was rather small so I just turned it off and included it in the actual header image. Here’s what it looked like before I straightened it out.
I am still attached to the colors as they remind me of coffee. What can I say, I’m a simple, cozy man. The font is minimal but still distinct. BUT! I do want to come up with new icons. I could have sat there still trying to figure out something different for those but I wanted to move on with my life. So it’s a task for another day!
Sadly, I didn’t think about taking screenshots of everything before I started cleaning house. I usually do, but when I jumped in here it was the equivalent of rage cleaning so before I even knew what was happening my theme was changed and everything. Typically with blogs, updating and editing of the blog takes place behind the scenes. I’m lucky I knew no one has cared about this place in a long time so I didn’t have to worry about any of that hahahaha. One of the positives of being lazy when you’re updating your blog.
New theme, who dis?
Speaking of themes, that’s new! For the past 2 or 3 iterations I’ve updated the blog, I used themes made by the same company, Cryout Creations. Seriously, those peeps know what they’re doin’! I liked them because they had a ton of options for customizing that were not paid, which is what made me stay with them for so long.
If you don’t know, themes are like… uhhh… themes? Ok, ok. Themes are like cars. They all look different, drive different, have different stock and premium options. You’ll have tons of choices if you’re looking for a theme somewhere, especially if you’re ok with spending money on one.
Which I’m not, LOL. Sorry, I’m both cheap and broke, so I have loads of patience to get me through sifting out dozens of free themes instead of coughing up $50+ for a premium one. They’re nice! And maybe one day I’ll invest in something like that. But for now, I have way too much fun in searching for something and making it work.
If you remember the last theme, this one isn’t too far off from it. It’s still very minimal feeling, which I was still trying to aim towards. And it has enough customization options to satisfy what I’m looking to get out of it right now, so I’m happy I found it. And it’s designed to be for a food blog! So it fits?
This is my front page. This is my new rage.
The front page is hugely different! Like I mentioned earlier with getting stuck in a rut if you got comfortable. The front page for me was my biggest rut. As you may know or could tell, my blog is essentially split up into 3 sections. On my front page, I always try to maintain that separation between these sections. Because you know, the front page is, well, the front page. So you’re making an impression, you’re trying to show people this is what your place is all about. So I tried to make it sectioned off, with a cool carousel featured banner in the front.
But of course, I never wanted to change it. It functioned for what I wanted and I was comfortable with it. Dumb, stupid comfort, the silent killer of progression. So when it came time to jump in here and clean off the dust and get serious again, my first order of business was to get the front page changed. And that I did! I decided to make it all just recent posts. Maybe in the future I’ll introduce a carousel of featured posts and such, but for now I’m happy with the basic structure of it with nothing fancy or crazy.
CSS’ing the QoL
I wanted to add some minor stuff that helps the overall QoL feel. I’m always looking out for cool things to implement in here, but so far, I only have a few to help with reading. There’s now a progress bar on the top of the window. It scrolls over to the right as you’re scrolling through the post. So it gives you a general indication of how far along you are and how close you are to finishing your read. Something else to help you get an understanding of how long it takes to read something, is right at the beginning of each post, and even on the front page, associated with each post, is an estimated reading time.
Look, I know how it is. Clicking on something and seeing it’s long to get through is pretty daunting. Or even worse, you start reading and you get invested, only to figure out it’s an entire life story that you really should have planned half the day to just be sitting there reading it. The progress bar and the estimated reading time should help somewhat.
I’m far from a web developer. But thanks to this blog and my constant OCD need to have things exactly a specific way, I can now get by. It was fun learning super basic CSS and that sense of discovery of figuring out what I need and how I could fix it is pretty addicting. Things like colors of links, fonts, titles of posts, and the size of certain aspects of the layout have all been customized thanks to CSS. Sometimes it could get a bit wonky, but for the most part, it works out ok.
Ordering a Side from the Menu
Ok, these sections are getting harder to name. The top menu has changed as well. Where Links and Who I Am were their own thing before, they’re now nestled under About Me, along with my Contact Page. I figure that works better there and it makes room for more important things like My Podcast and My Etsy Shop. Funny enough, my shop has been going for over a year now. But outside of show notes for podcast episodes, this is the first official mention of it here on the blog. I suck so much lol. But I’m working on it!
You’ll notice the side bar when you first load up the front page. This was a huge back and forth for me as I’m huge on not having a side bar. I love the look of a full width page and how much more engaging it is as a reader, versus having a narrow reading area surrounded by other information and images. Ultimately, I decided to keep it. I figured if someone was to only check out one page for one specific post or recipe, it’s better to have the sidebar there to try and catch their eye with something that might intrigue them. That said, it’s been severely cleaned up compared to what was in there before.
Like right now, you’ll find the latest episode of my podcast, The Talking Place. I love how I set up a player there as well so you don’t have to go searching for it to find out how it sounds. Like a try before you sub kinda thing. Underneath, you’ll find my latest reviews and such from Goodreads. I went super hard on books in 2023. 2024, not so much, but now this year I’m going to try and get back on my grind. I’m not as relentless as 2023, but I feel like I have a lot more ambition to read than I did last year. That said, you could find my latest reviews on the side bar, as well as what I’m currently reading below that.
Eventually, once I get it set up again, I’m going to have a quick sign up for an email list there on the side bar. Maybe even something to see recent posts. There used to be one there but I got tired of the clutter. Much as with life, I’m trying to be more minimal these days. It’s been a huge influence on the revamping of this place so might as well commit all the way. I used to have three different recent post widgets there!! You know, one for each personality of mine. AND a top favorite posts on top of that. Together with social media updates and such, it was a lot. So this is a nice change, I feel.
Anti-Social Butterfly
Speaking of social media, let’s address the elephant in the room. Or the lack thereof.
I don’t have any social media links anywhere!
To be honest, the current state of social media is what pushed me to get back on this blog horse of mine. But that’s a completely other post for another day. For now, just know I am trying to maintain a blog and all of its social aspects without the utilization of social media. I know, wish me luck, right? Honestly, I’m happy with this decision and I’m looking forward to not having to worry about sharing posts every which way. Keeping up with socials and SEO were huge deterrents for me when I was blogging before. I’m having to suck it up and deal with SEO so I’m happy to cut out something haha.
That’s not to say I don’t have socials somewhere. If you go over to my links page, you’ll see my accounts and where I have the possibility to be engaging. But I will not ask you to follow me because I know I won’t be on there lol. Once upon a time, I was all about the socials and chatting on wherever and posting pictures. But as I got older, I found less and less excitement keeping up with things. Again, current state of the world may contribute to that. There are way too many things out there that I’d rather not poison my eyes with. So I found myself on networks less and less.
Ok, I’m getting carried away here with stuff that is going to be another post. I’ll leave the social stuff at that for now.
Now, I will say that I’m not going to stop completely from sharing to stuff. When a post is done, if I feel like it, I’ll go and throw it on a network I’m on. But it will be far from my list of things I have to do on here. There will be one place though that I will try to maintain on a regular basis. Once I get going, I’m going to double down on Pinterest as my primary network of choice.
Ok, I think that’s that for the updates! I feel like I’m missing something but I’ll figure it out later. I’m looking to go back to doing my Humpday Updates, so once I get in the flow of things I’ll update blog stuff on there.
Until next time!
*I can’t believe you scrolled all the way down here to see what I meant by “industry.” There is no “industry,” duh. I was said something stupid and tried to cover it up with something even stupider. No, I don’t have a punch line, I’m just rambling at this point. So go on, get outta here. The movie is over, go home.
Reading Time: 8minutesThis is my return to blogging. Hello, hi! It’s me. I’m Los. I know, I know. The name, the site, it all rings a distant, faded bell in your head. I feel like this should be one of those commercials where the celebrity …Read More….
Reading Time: 3minutes I’m full of that Christmas mornin’ feelin’! MAN! End of the year is no joke! Not only is it typically packed with things to do, stuff to clean, things to bake, gifts to wrap, and about a hundred bajillion other things— it’s also just …Read More….
The Halloween show! I always love a good holiday centric show. Unfortunately, this time of year always proves to be crazy busy and I find it rather difficult focus on pumping them out. This year though, I’m really trying to put in the effort to do my little thing here and I managed to do something! Even took an extra day to add in sound bites, which I can’t wait to consciously implement next time, rather than surprise it on myself in post-production.
I was going to leave everything a surprise here so you can go in blind, not knowing what to expect. But… nah, you know what, I will leave it a surprise! I will say though that there is no order to these so it’s not necessarily a top whatever ranked list. I had fun with talking about them and finding which scenes to use to the sounds (my favorite has to be the second one).
This list is primarily family friendly movies. We don’t have a lot of time to sit and watch movies, so when we do, we are all doing it together as a fam. This year though, I was trying to incorporate more mature movies, and even watch some separate with the teen.
To give an update since this is my movie post/show! Here’s some movies we’ve watched between recording the show and actually publishing it. Together the teen and I watched Pitch Black, and Scream. My goodness, I forgot how amazingly campy Scream was lol. As a kid I took it way too seriously, but now? OMG, it’s so dumb. Together as a family (with the princess falling asleep) we watched Signs! Of course, the boys thought it was meh and broke my heart. But I’m glad we were able to watch it. Oh! And we finally watched Ghostbusters Frozen Empire! I thought it was super well done! It was a great follow up to Afterlife. As a Ghostbusters fan, I cannot wait for more movies for our current generation. As of this writing, we managed to get through half of A House with a Clock in its Walls. So far it is recommended! Super cool, so far family friendly, haunted house vibe.
Alright! Hope everyone enjoyed!
Until next time!
Links and Info Discussed
Here is my past Halloween show, as mentioned: Talking with Ken about Living in Salem. And I know I said last year, but yeesh, it’s from 2022!! 🤦🏽♂️Download/listen with these links or search for the October 2022 show of The Talking Place wherever you listen to podcasts.
Be sure to check out my Amazon Store Front!You’ll find the Movie List I have curated right here! In there, you’ll be able to check out most of the movies I talked about on the show, and if you purchase them using this link, I’ll get a small kick back from it! So thank you!
Head over to where you’ll find a bunch of different ways to help me out via affiliate links and referrals. Remember, all you have to do is get to Amazon via one of my links for it to register to me.
I opened up an Etsy Shop! There are some new fall stickers up along with 5 new sticker sheets that I just started doing. Looking forward to keep adding to the stock!
Contact The Talking Place
If you’d like to contact the show, say hi, all that jazz, you can do so below!
Reading Time: 2minutesStill gaming! Gaming update! Here’s an entire show dedicated to what I’ve been playing. I don’t think I play enough to be able to put out a weekly gaming show. But one of these episodes every so often giving updates on whatever it is I’ve …Read More….
Reading Time: 2minutesEverything changes with time. I feel like I could’ve gone on with “primer” episodes for a while. But I wanted to get into nitty gritty of things! Wanted to talk about what I’m playing and what I’m doing and my thoughts about the current state …Read More….
Maybe eventually I’ll get into actual fun gaming talk lol. Not this week though! I wanted to talk about what I’m playing and doing, but instead it turned into a 20 minute derailment on the mental roadblocks of being a stay at home dad and trying to carve out personal time.
It all needed to come off the chest though. And it’s laying down the foundation for future talks, so it’s not like I’m rambling for no reason.
The need to feel productive, to feel like you’re doing something has always been embedded in me. It’s just that lately – as in the past like 5 or 6 years hahaha – it’s been really hard to completely give into just enjoying myself. I’ll get into playing something and setting time aside for a week or two, but I’ll always have this silent alarm in my mind that goes off reminding me that I need to get off my ass and actually do something with myself.
I don’t know what it is. But I do know that I talked about it for 20 minutes! At least I managed to do one thing. In this episode I said I had a bunch of Instagram posts I wanted to publish. In between recording the episode and getting it out, I managed to do that! So if for some reason you’re listening to this but don’t know about my instagram account, go check it out! It’s family stuff but also nerdy things like movies and gaming. I also got listings up for new sticker sheets on my Etsy shop!So be sure to check those out too, especially with the sale I have going on.
That be that for this week. I have one more episode ready to go so look forward to another one next week! Been crazy with the storm so hopefully I’ll be able to record more after the weekend. I would love to tell you what to expect for the one already recorded but heck if I remember!
Until next time!
Links and Info Discussed
Head over to where you’ll find a bunch of different ways to help me out via affiliate links and referrals. Remember, all you have to do is get to Amazon via one of my links for it to register to me.
I opened up an Etsy Shop! There are some new fall stickers up along with 5 new sticker sheets that I just started doing. Looking forward to keep adding to the stock!
Contact The Talking Place
If you’d like to contact the show, say hi, all that jazz, you can do so below!