(Podcast) Talking about Changed Gaming Habits

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Everything changes with time.

I feel like I could’ve gone on with “primer” episodes for a while. But I wanted to get into nitty gritty of things! Wanted to talk about what I’m playing and what I’m doing and my thoughts about the current state of gaming. 

And I barely get into it LOL.

I got distracted, like I do, talking about how my gaming tendencies and habits changed over the years. I went into tangents on Destiny because wooooooooooo boy, Destiny. I could probably write a book about my love/hate relationship with that cursed game, because my goodness do I love it, but bloody hell do I hate it. 

ANYWAY, before I get too worked up with that mess, I also talked about gaming subscriptions and basically how I just don’t care about them anymore hahaha.

I felt like I could’ve gone on for longer, but I’m trying really hard to stick to the 30 minute time limit I gave myself. Let me tell you how difficult that is. If you know me, you should reeeeeeally be appreciating my efforts because my mental cutting room floor is FULL! 

It’s halloween time, so I’m not entirely sure what I’m going to be talking about in my next shows. I’m more than likely going to jump into more gaming talk, but would love to get into spooky movie season. Maybe top 5 horror and top 5 family movies for halloween? We’ll see!

If you’re reading this and you want to send me your favorite movies to watch this time of year, go ahead and give me a call! 

Until next time!

Links and Info Discussed

  • Head over to https://themanthechefthedad.com/links/ where you’ll find a bunch of different ways to help me out via affiliate links and referrals. Remember, all you have to do is get to Amazon via one of my links for it to register to me.
  • I opened up an Etsy Shop! https://designingbyknight.etsy.com There are some new fall stickers up along with 5 new sticker sheets that I just started doing. Looking forward to keep adding to the stock!


Contact The Talking Place

If you’d like to contact the show, say hi, all that jazz, you can do so below! 

If you’re looking to join me for an episode, don’t be shy and get at me at the above links and we’ll chat! 

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