Talking to Myself About Books, Games, and Life

Reading Time: 2 minutes


Welcome to the unofficial beginning of season 2 lolol. I mean, it’s dumb, but I feel like that’s where I’m at here. New intro music, updated and ridiculously awesome art, it’s like a breath of fresh air being blown in to get the *checks watch* nine months worth of dust off everything.

NINE MONTHS! Nine freaking months since my last show. Almost to the day. I mean, technically, yeah, this CAN be considered the 31st of June if that were a thing. But it’s not a thing. It’s JULY 1st OMG it’s almost Christmas!! Ok ok ok, I know, I know. Halloween is first, but whatever! ANYWAY. What’s up, how ya been? That’s good, that’s good. Look, I know it’s been a while so I got you a little somethin’.

It’s a NEW SHOW! YESSSSSsssSSsSss everyone so happy happy! No, I haven’t lost it. I’ve been busy and going on little sleep for the past week so I think I’m feeling it now. But anyway, let’s get to the actual show notes. Geeze, I hope you weren’t really reading all of this mess. I’m sorry. 

Look, here’s what I talked about in this episode. I went on about how much I absolutely adored Hogwarts Legacy. How it was enough to remind me why I loved gaming since I had taken another break from it. Then I got into The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom for the first time of many I’m sure. And peppered throughout all of that was life talk. What I’ve been doing and not doing. How I pretty much gave up social media, and some other stuff. 

There you go! You probably don’t even have to listen to the show now, huh! Hahahahaha no that was a joke, please listen.

Oh yeah! Coming down the line, you will definitely hear Al from the Retro Rents returning for an episode or two, so look forward to that! And I have a few others penciled in after so here’s to trying to do this thing again! 

Until next time!

Links and Info Discussed

    • Look, I’m going to be completely honest, I totally forgot if there was anything worth linking. But hey! If you want to help support me, You could do a few things now:
    • Head over to where you’ll find a bunch of different ways to help me out via affiliate links and referrals. Remember, all you have to do is get to Amazon via one of my links for it to register to me. 
    • Also, I opened up an Etsy Shop! is it. There’s nothing crazy on there yet, but hopefully I’ll keep it updated with some cool stuff. 


Contact The Talking Place

If you’d like to contact the show, say hi, all that jazz, you can do so below! 

If you’re looking to join me for an episode, don’t be shy and get at me at the above links and we’ll chat! 

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