012 | Everything But Games w/ Elaine
Other Stuff to Do
After a needed mini mental break, I’m finally mustering the strength to get this show posted. Ridiculously huge apologies to Elaine! I feel horrible, I do. But trying to move forward, let’s keep going.
Episode 11, if you never heard it, was probably one of my favorite shows I’ve ever recorded. I’m so happy to have had Elaine on these back to back shows. If you can recall, we discussed a few very real topics. It felt as if it took a toll after the conversation, so episode 12 was great to chase it with as it’s much more laid back.
We talked about fun stuff. I tried to not discuss gaming as that’s our go-to hobby that many already know about. I wanted to focus instead on other things we enjoy doing. We talked about books, what we’ enjoy reading, what we’re reading now, all that jazz. Also got into our favorite T.V. shows and discussed what we love so much about them. Then we got into snacks! The most important subject as far as Elaine goes, and for good reason. Tune in to find out why!
Links and Info Discussed
- Norse Mythology review on my blog – Book Review | Norse Mythology by Neil Gaiman
- Buy Norse Mythology by Neil Gaiman on Amazon (affiliate link)
- Buy The Power by Naomi Alderman on Amazon (affiliate link) – The book Elaine discussed on the show.
- Kate Siegel’s post regarding The Power – Reason why Elaine started reading it.
- @K8lovesbooks on Instagram – Kate Siegel’s Instagram for book recommendations.
- Elaine’s Twitter – @etdragon(listen to episode 11 to hear the origin story behind it!)
- Twitter of the podcast she co-hosts – @TheXboxEmpireand its website – Xbox Empire Podcast
- Twitter of the network of the podcast – @PSVGthe main website – PSVG Blog
Contact The Talking Place
If you’d like to contact the show, say hi, all that jazz, you can do so below!
- Voicemail – 407.906.TALK
- Twitter – @TheTalkingPlace, @The1llusiveMan
- Email – TalkingPlacePod@gmail.com
If you’re looking to join me for an episode, don’t be shy and get at me at the above links and we’ll chat!