The Talking Place | Ep 2 – Smoking Meats with Matt and Beardy
Episode 002 – Get the Meat Sweats
Welcome to episode 2 of The Talking Place! Joining me today is my former partner in crime, Beardy McWhiskey, along with one third of the Bad Fodder Figures Podcast, Matt Helmer. By day – or.. night, whenever – they’re video gaming fools, but when it comes time to feed their families, they know how to cook their meats.
This show was recorded back in August, when I was still debating the name of the show. I’m sorry, The Lingering Table. I hardly knew thee.
It was a blast talking to these two gentlemen about their meat smoking techniques. We went over a lot of info like the differences between smokers, what flavor chips to use with what, their go to meal they prepare when they’re looking to impress, tips for beginners, and even a few recipes were discussed! Both shared their favorite Smoked Mac and Cheese recipe and Beardy walked us through his Smoked Chili Cheese Dip.
Overall, it was a great time and I feel like I’m severely lacking in not having a smoker at my disposal. Can’t wait to have these two on again! Something tells me they’ll be great conversation closer to Thanksgiving 😉
I hope you enjoy the second episode of The Talking Place!
Links and Info Discussed
Amazon Links are affiliated, so purchasing through the link will help out the show. Thanks!
- Beardy’s smoker is this Masterbuilt Digital Electric Smoker
- Matt and Beardy discussed this Pellet Smoker that can be used in gas grills
- Beardy adapted his Smoked Mac and Cheese recipe from Mr. Food’s recipe right here
- Beardy’s Twitter – @BeardyMcWhiskey
- Matt’s Twitter – @DeviousMrMatt
- Twitter for Matt’s podcast – @BadFodderFigure
- Here are the Bad Fodder Figures on Podbean
- They can also be found anywhere else you may download podcasts!
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