What’s goin’ on?
This blog is all over the place, I know. As of right now I am getting an influx of visitors for all of my Game of Thrones content, which btw, FINAL SEASON, OMG! (Edit: this was written after episode 2 but before episode 3 and being published between episodes 4 and 5. So at this point, “FINAL SEASON, OMG!” is less excitement, and more judgemental blank staring) But anyway, my Game of Thrones recipes always come through with lots of visits to the site when the show is airing. And it always makes me reflect on times when I was pumping out food posts on the regular. And here we are today, I’m barely cooking dinner, as the wife likes to point out. I’ve gotten lazy, cutting corners, not really pushing new and exciting ideas to cook, and sticking to simple meals with little hassle.
As far as food posts themselves go, I feel like I put that side of me in a box and hid him in the closet behind the leather trench coat I used to wear during my goth phase. And I hate to hide him because that’s where this all started, it’s what I enjoyed doing and evolved on over the years. My writing got somewhat more interesting, I like to think. And my photography, fuhgettaboudit. Look, I know I’m far from great. I wouldn’t even call myself mediocre. But compared to when I first started I’m a freaking professional now. But I think the lack of an inspiring place to cook and create content in is a huge hurdle my mind just can’t get over. Don’t get me wrong, I love my kitchen and my home now. But the kitchen is not the most photogenic, and the natural light sucks. One day we’ll remodel and it’ll be glorious and maybe my mind will click back into food blogger mode and I’ll start cooking stuff up again. I’m sure I’ll post a recipe from time to time, but not like I used to. Until I get back on the horse, I’ll just continue doing what I’m doing now.
Or not doing. Because let’s be real, that’s how it’s been, haha. Life’s been crazy and there’s too much to do and too little time to do it. I’m not lying when I say I have a list of things to blog about. Only problem is getting that push to jump on the computer and open Word, or Evernote, or photoshop, and get the ball rolling on said projects. Free time usually consists of watching something with the wife, or trying to figure out what I’m going to be doing with the spare time. Which, as you probably already know, the actual deciding takes up most of the spare time. And I wind up just sitting on my phone doing whatever. Curse you, internet and your vastness.
This is not me apologizing for anything. Or giving you false promises that I’m going to update soon. This is me trying to spin my propeller to get it started again. Once it cha-cha-cha-chachachachacha’s and smoke pours out because it’s been so long since these rotors have turned, maybe I’ll get back into a groove. Until then, it’ll be the random stuff I’ve been doing. Book and movie reviews, showing off LEGO sets which is my new hotness right now, don’t get me started. I’ve also been doing more unboxing videos. Maybe I’ll get a YouTube channel set up for the blog. I’m also in the process of migrating a bunch of older gaming related posts I’ve done from an old blog to this one, so I’ll be sure to update when that is finished.
See! So much time and so little to do.
Alright, random stuff, that’s what I’m leaning on here. I guess that would be a good reason why I’m not updating like I used to since I don’t have a clear vision of what I’m doing. Still though, I’m hoping to one day get back into a writing groove. Just sitting down and writing my thoughts and feels and sending it out for the world to see. Kind of like dancing like no one is watching. Only.. I’ll be writing. And everyone is kinda-sorta watching.
Nice to see you back (so of) in the saddle.
Haha, thanks Elizabeth!