UNBOXING | SteelSeries Arctis 3 Bluetooth Gaming Headset

Reading Time: 3 minutes

It’s been a looooooooong time since I got me a new pair of headphones. I remember when I was a wee lad, writing for EZ-Mode Unlocked like I was running out of time. There, I reviewed the Sony Pulse Elite headset, which looked like it was tricked out with aftermarket subs, and it felt like it too. You didn’t want to have constant explosions going on if you were playing with that thing on your head. I also reviewed the Turtle Beach P-something-or-other’s which made me almost guarantee to never buy another Turtle Beach headset again.

Fast forward to now, I had the PlayStation Gold’s for a while and well… You know, I’ll get into all that in the review coming in a few weeks. For now, check out these bad boys.

SteelSeries came highly recommended from EZFM community member, Maffia-Thug. He talked up a good game, telling me how much he swore by them. But honestly, I just needed that little nudge to go over the edge because I was already sold and ready to buy them.

As you can see, they are pretty freaking sexy. I took it out of the box for the unboxing but thought nah, they have to go back in so I can take some pics. See? Always thinking about the blog now! Anyway, they look and feel absolutely amazing. But again, more of that in the review.

I picked these up because Anthem made me realize how bad I needed a headset that would perform well across all systems. I bought a $15 headset from Amazon and quickly realized you get what you pay for. This pair, the Arctis 3 Bluetooth Gaming Headset, retails at $99. Honestly, with the feel and what they are capable of (from my testing so far), they are pretty worth it at that price. I managed to snag them on sale at Gamestop for $80 though (sale runs till 3/5/19). There is also the Arctis 3 Console Edition Headset which retails for $70, on sale at Gamestop for $50. It seems to be the exact same headset, minus the bluetooth functionality, which I’ll get into in the review.

Notice how I keep teasing the review. Trying to dangle that carrot, ya know? Anywho, if the headset looks nice to you and you’re in the market, go ahead and jump on that Gamestop sale. I’m not complaining at all so far and I can’t wait to put it through its paces with Anthem and The Division 2 coming up.

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