UNBOXING | Horizon Zero Dawn Collector’s Edition

Reading Time: 4 minutes

That’s right! I’m posting on the blog! Better play lotto or somethin’, because hot damn, this isn’t normal! I used to do this sort of thing a lot, you know? Unboxing collector’s editions, taking pictures, talking about art books and mandolls like a nerd. But life, as you know, finds a way. And with barely enough time to play the games, I have no idea where to find time to write about them too. But I digress! We’re not talking about my poor time management skills, we’re talking about the Collector’s Edition for Horizon Zero Dawn!

I’ve done little unboxings here and there with the kids, but I can’t remember the last time I unboxed a collector’s edition…. No, I lied, it was No Man’s Sky, and I’m pretty sure I was trying to forget. (Too soon? Haha, sorry, jk! I actually dug NMS.)

But getting into the nitty gritty, let’s see what’s going on in this box:

First and foremost, the game itself in a snazzy steelbook. And next to it, the standard sized art book that you usually find in these CE’s. Lemme tell ya, I’m a simple man. A steelbook and an art book is all I need to be happy in a Limited Edition. I guess I’m just low maintenance, I don’t know. I mean, if you’re loving a game, and appreciating the art and how amazing it all looks, an art book is perfect to compliment it, right? Yeah, that’s what I thought. I’m hoping to one day get The Art of Horizon Zero Dawn because I feel like I’ll be able to sit with that for a few hours. And with how much the kid is into watching the game, I’m sure he’ll love it too.

In the steelbook is the code for all of the CE digital goodies, which about 10 hours into the game I can see they’re not terribly exciting. Better than nothing to start off with but I’m already wanting something more. Details on the DLC are pasted below from Amazon:

    Fashioned by the proud, ceremonial Carja tribe, this special armor has been crafted with an eye for showy appearance.
    The Carja defend their great Sundom with stone fortifications and military might. This finely-made bow, fit for a captain’s hand, puts additional stopping power behind every arrow fired.
    Rare and precious Machine parts are always in demand on the metal markets of the Carja Sundom.
    A sturdy outfit made by the nomadic Banuk tribe, hunters and shamans from the harsh northern territories.
    The Banuk claim a spiritual understanding of the Machines, and put their harvests of Machine parts to many uses.
    Though rarely encountered, Banuk explorers have left their intricate tribal marks across the breadth of the known world.
    The Nora are extraordinarily skilled and inventive at using machine components in their own devices.
    Even the most experienced Nora hunter never goes into the wild unprepared.

Also, is a Collector’s Edition exclusive dynamic theme for the PS4. I’m a complete sucker for dynamic themes, love a good one like Uncharted 4’s, Firewatch’s, or everyone’s favorite, Transistor. I was expecting a lot from this one but was pretty disappointed with the background. I feel like they could’ve gone a better route with the thousands of choices of backgrounds they had. The game is a freaking wallpaper generator. I dig the one that was free at launch on PSN a lot better, and that one is static! But whatevs, not a dealbreaker, moving on!

Aside from the game, art book, and digtals, there’s only one thing left to look at… And I think it’s safe to say we could happily do so for a while.

The mandoll statue is gorgeous. Bravo to Gentle Giant for creating this amazing work of art that brings a beautiful game to life. (Like that?! I could’ve said gorgeous again but I DIDN’T!)

The base where the Watcher is laying there like “WTF just happened” is especially impressive. The details throughout the statue are amazing, but it’s especially true in the Watcher itself.

All the wiring and electrical parts that you see (and HEAR!) in the game are clearly seen and it’s… it’s freaking GORGEOUS dammit.

I have a few other mandolls statues from previous collector’s editions and they’re cool and all, but none of them are as detailed or colorful. NONE. Pair it with this amazing world that Guerrilla Games created for us to play in and explore, and you have a collector’s edition that you will have no buyers remorse after purchasing. And that’s saying something! Because usually these things are like instant regret. But no, the amount I’m enjoying the game, and how beautifully detailed the statue is, I am thrilled to have this sitting on my shelf.

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