UNBOXING | Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End Special Edition

Reading Time: 3 minutes

The day is finally here! Uncharted 4 is now roaming free in the world and everyone is going insane! I haven’t even gotten to the second chapter yet but I’m right there with the hype.

I know, I know. Everyone is busy playing it so I’ll try to keep this brief. I just wanted to show off the contents of the Special Edition that I was lucky enough to pick up thanks to a birthday gift from the wife. And that’s the regular Special Edition, not to be confused with the Librarian Edition with the mandoll. I’m totally happy with my purchase, too. It helps I already have a Nathan Drake mandoll on my shelf, but that’s besides the point.

The Special Edition is simple. But for a game like this with the praise it’s getting, you’ll be happy with simple. The art book is half of the excitement in the package, as it should be.

I’m a huge fan of art books. I love combing through them and admiring the process of how the game came to be. Especially when it’s a game that I admire and look forward to experiencing.

The steelbook is the other half of the awesomeness. I have quite a few steelbooks in my collection but this is easily the most gorgeous.

The art is by freelance illustrator Alexander “That Kid Who Draws” Iaccarino who illustrates for NBC, Marvel, Sony and numerous other clients. The art style on the steelbook is his unique style you can find on his website there, and I’m super happy Naughty Dog got him to design it.

I was let down from the Uncharted 3 steelbook but this one blows basically every other steelbook I’ve seen or have out of the water.

Also included were stickers of the Naughty Dog logo and various pirate sigils, as well as a code for 300 Uncharted Points which I do not know anything about but know they have to do with multiplayer. Lastly, a bonus for pre-ordering from Best Buy got you a replica pirate coin!

I love little things like this even though they’re hard to display. There’s not as much weight to it as I was hoping, but there is a tad. I love how it looks so worn, and how it’s slightly fading on the back. It’s a nice little trinket to add to the contents of the Special Edition.

Overall, I’m happy with everything. Granted, of course, I didn’t pay full price for it. Discounts, certs, gift cards, they all softened the blow. But if I was paying full price for it I feel like it would’ve been justified because it’s Uncharted 4.

This has been on the wish list of many for a long long time. And finally being able to play it and hear about how amazing it is not only makes me happy I got this Special Edition, but also makes me feel bad for not getting the one with the statue.

Either way though, as long as you’re playing the game and experiencing the story, it doesn’t really matter what’s sitting on your shelf.

…..No, that’s a lie, this steelbook, man! It’s somethin’ else!

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