UNBOXING | Disney Infinity 3.0 Saga Bundle

Reading Time: 6 minutes

So we picked up the Saga Bundle! And seriously, it’s the best option. There’s no deal, no special value for the bundle, you’re not saving anything, it’s just a bundle. Here, it’s all about timed exclusives for PlayStation consoles. So if you’re a PS3 or PS4 owner, consider yourself lucky because they’re the only consoles you could find this Saga Bundle on.

What’s in the Saga Bundle? Well, you’re getting the regular starter pack which you’ll see below, as well as the Rise Against the Empire Play Set with the Luke and Leia figures, and the Boba Fett figure (all will be separate posts). The play set won’t be available till September 29th, while Boba won’t be available until January. So if you’re a fan and can pay a little extra than the starter pack, it’s a must get!

Luckily, Gamers Club Unlocked helped out a lot. It knocked 20% off the price of the Saga Bundle, dropping it from $115 to $91, and on top of that we’re getting a $10 certificate in a few weeks because we pre-ordered. So a little more than $80 for the starter pack (which is $65), and early access to a play set (which goes for $35) and possibly the coolest looking figure in the game?! C’mon!! On top of that, we got the free Toy Box Takeover expansion that’s worth $20, just for pre-ordering! Seriously, it’s like we stole stuff. Dammit, Best Buy.

Ok, enough talking, let’s get into it.

3.0 Starter Pack

The starter pack is what you’ll need if you’re new to the game. It comes with the disc, the portal, the Twilight of the Republic play set piece, Anakin, and Ahsoka.

If you’re not aware, the play set is based off The Clone Wars animated show. Which seriously, if you haven’t watched it, you NEED to! The complete series is streaming on Netflix so you really have no excuse. It’s a great animated show and well worth the time if you’re a Star Wars fan.

If there’s one thing you have to admit with 3.0, it’s that the figures are amazing! With every release of Disney Infinity it seems as if they’re getting better and better with the figures. The details, the colors, the poses, everything is just amazing. Heck, I wouldn’t be surprised if people just buy them to sit on their shelf!

At its core, I always enjoyed the gameplay of Disney Infinity. It’s just fun, nothing else really to say. Plain and simple fun. But really though, as fun as it is, half the experience are the figures. I think you need to have an appreciation for them to really understand it, but I don’t think Disney Infinity would have taken off if the figures were lacking. But even with 1.0 and how stylized they all were, you never felt like you were getting jipped.

And 3.0 is no exception. All of these figures that we have so far look phenomenal! The details are amazing and they really bring the whole experience to life.

If you have any admiration for Star Wars, I’m telling you right now, your will is going to be tested when you walk by the Disney Infinity displays. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.

So that’s all for the starter pack. Since the timed exclusive playset and figure came retail packaged in the Saga Bundle, I’m going to do separate posts for them. So if you’re looking for more Disney Infinity goodness, check out all the content I’m putting up here on the site!

Are you a fan of Disney Infinity and/or Star Wars? What do you think about the release of 3.0? The figures? The play sets? EVERYTHING, OMG, I’M EXCITED!


Toy Box Takeover Expansion

This is retailed at $20, but we got it free for pre-ordering. It’s an expansion for the toy box, and if you’re not familiar, the Toy Box is basically where half of the game’s fun lies. You have play sets which are the different levels you can play, and then the Toy Box where you can create and explore user created levels.

When I unboxed it, I had no idea what it was about. I knew it was a thing but I just never looked into it. But I looked into it now and it sounds AWESOME! It’s a dungeon crawler type experience and the story to it is Syndrome, the villain from The Incredibles, has stolen the magic wand used to create in the Toy Box. He wasn’t happy with the lack of villains in the game and wants to change that. So it’s up to you to stop him! As an Incredible? Sure, if you have those figures from 1.0 (which you should). But no, you don’t need them. Here’s the kicker… You could actually be anyone you want!!

Disney Infinity has always been hindered by the licenses of their properties. Yes, everything about it all is great. A game where you could put your favorite characters from different movies together. But that magic only happened in the Toy Box. The play sets, which are the levels you buy and that come with starter packs, can only be played using the characters from that universe. So you couldn’t take the figure for Jack Sparrow and play in the Guardians of the Galaxy play set.

But with this Toy Box Takeover expansion, which is essentially a level in itself, you totally can use anyone you want! Want Yoda to team up with Wreck-It Ralph to take down Syndrome? Sure! Want to get Tinkerbell and the Hulk together to fight off the threat? Heck yeah!! It’s looking like this expansion is what everyone has wanted for Disney Infinity for a long time, and that’s awesome!

There’s another expansion set to come out in the fall called Toy Box Speedway and it’ll be based around racing. Maybe because the only figures that aren’t compatible with Takeover are the Cars figures? From what I hear, it’s going to be another awesome expansion so I cannot wait to get into either one.

Twilight of the Republic Power Discs

This was another thing not included in the Saga Bundle, but I’m putting it here because it goes with the play set bundled in the starter pack, and I didn’t want to make a separate post for it. All power disc packs are sold for $10 and will contain 4 different discs with specific ones playable in the play sets and toy box.

If you’re familiar with Disney Infinity, you know about the infamous blind packs power discs came in. You got 2, completely random discs in a package and this led to very good possibility of you looking for 1 specific disc for years, and acquiring 50 of the same disc in the process.

Gone are those days! While it doesn’t seem like we’ll be getting as many power discs this time around, they’ll be sold just like this. In a clear, see through package, where you know what you’re getting. Isn’t that amazing?! Yes, the collector inside is weeping a bit, because that “gotta catch them all” mentality set in with the original power discs. It was a collecting game and one that I really enjoyed playing and torturing myself with. But at the end of the day, this will remove a lot of headaches from people who just want to have everything for the game without working for it.

I still say the original 1.0 power discs are still the most useful of all the discs ever released for the franchise, so seeing them packaged this way might be more beneficial for even those who loved the blind packs. Here’s to hoping I complete my original power disc collection soon!

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